FusionCharts Free v2 http://www.fusioncharts.com/free Copyright (c) 2009 InfoSoft Global (P) Ltd. Dual licensed under the MIT (X11) and GNU GPL licenses. http://www.fusioncharts.com/free/license MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php GPL License: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ========================**====**====**============================= Structure of source code --------------------------- In FusionCharts Free, each chart type is a .fla file that accepts an XML data in the required format. To look for .fla file for a chart, search for the folder resembling the name of chart. How to compile the charts? --------------------------- You'll need Flash MX IDE or Flash 8 IDE to compile the charts. The charts are to be compiled as ActionScript 1 (Flash 6) SWF files. This is the default setting in Flash MX IDE. In Flash 8, you'll need to configure the same under File > Publish Settings > Flash. Can I get support on this source code? --------------------------------------- At this point in time, we do not provide personalized support for FusionCharts Free. However, you may visit our forums at www.fusioncharts.com/forum to get support from our vibrant community. Contents of Codebase folder --------------------------- The Codebase folder contains the central objects and helper objects for chart. Here, 2 file naming conventions have been followed. For charts that belonged to FusionCharts v2.3, the file name looks like FC____.as. For charts that belonged to FusionCharts Instrumentation suite (like Gantt, Funnel etc.), the file name looks like FI____.as. Can I modify the source code for my purpose? -------------------------------------------- Yes - you may modify and then use/distribute the same, as per the terms of MIT/GPL license. Please make sure to retain our copyright information. How can I contribute to the development of FusionCharts Free, its API and other products from FusionCharts stable? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please contact us at team@fusioncharts.com and we'll be glad to assist you in doing the same. How to get source code of FusionCharts v3 and FusionWidgets v3? ---------------------------------------------------------------- FusionCharts v3 and FusionWidgets v3 (previously FusionCharts Instrumentation Suite) are commercially open-source. That is, you get access to full source code of these products upon purchasing the apt license. Please visit www.fusioncharts.com/buy for details.