FusionCharts DOM Overview

FusionCharts DOM provides an elegant way to include charts in your web pages. Instead of writing standard JavaScript code or OBJECT/EMBED tags to embed charts, FusionCharts DOM lets you create a chart by just including <fusioncharts> ... </fusioncharts> tags in your HTML code. Configuration of the charts is as simple as providing attributes to this HTML element.

Essentially, FusionCharts DOM is a JavaScript file that you include in your HTML page. For the time being forget everything about JavaScript. Whenever you need to create a chart, you just use the tag in your HTML code. As such, even your designers can create and manage charts in your web applications.


The advantages of using FusionCharts DOM

The advantages of using FusionCharts DOM over the standard chart embedding code are multi-fold, as listed below:

  • Provides an easy and consistent way to include charts in your web pages.
  • Helps you do away with complex JavaScript snippets and OBJECT/EMBED tags.
  • Easy to understand codes make it more maintainable.
  • Runs seamlessly on all major browsers like IE, FF, Opera and Safari. It also runs on older FF2 and IE6.
  • Still provides native integration with JavaScript, retaining all the features provided by FusionCharts.
  • Does not require any server-side script and can run on pure HTML documents.
  • Easily integrates with other JavaScript libraries and frameworks.

FusionCharts DOM JavaScript code is highly efficient, compact, object-oriented and localized. The only drawback is: it will not pass W3C validation. But failing W3C validation does not impact your web pages in any other way. We choose to call it a trade-off between ease of use and standards.