In this section, we'll show you how to use FusionCharts and ASP to plot charts from data contained in ASP arrays. We'll cover the following examples here:

  • Creating a single series chart from data contained in arrays
  • Creating a multi-series chart from data contained in arrays

Before you go further with this page, we recommend you to please see the previous section "Basic Examples" as we start off from concepts explained in that page.

The code examples contained in this page are present in Download Package > Code > ASP > ArrayExample folder.

Creating a single series chart from data contained in arrays
The code to create a single series chart is contained in SingleSeries.asp and can be listed as under:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
      <TITLE> FusionCharts Free - Array Example using Single Series Column 3D Chart</TITLE>
      <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>
   <!-- #INCLUDE FILE="../Includes/FusionCharts.asp" -->
   'File having a list of colors to be applied to each column (using getFCColor() function)
   <!-- #INCLUDE FILE="../Includes/FC_Colors.asp" -->
   'In this example, we plot a single series chart from data contained
   'in an array. The array will have two columns - first one for data label
   'and the next one for data values.
   'Let's store the sales data for 6 products in our array. We also store
   'the name of products.

   Dim arrData(6,2)
   'Store Name of Products
   arrData(0,1) = "Product A"
   arrData(1,1) = "Product B"
   arrData(2,1) = "Product C"
   arrData(3,1) = "Product D"
   arrData(4,1) = "Product E"
   arrData(5,1) = "Product F"

   'Store sales data
   arrData(0,2) = 567500
   arrData(1,2) = 815300
   arrData(2,2) = 556800
   arrData(3,2) = 734500
   arrData(4,2) = 676800
   arrData(5,2) = 648500

   'Now, we need to convert this data into XML. We convert using string concatenation.
   Dim strXML, i
   'Initialize <graph> element
   strXML = "<graph caption='Sales by Product' numberPrefix='$' formatNumberScale='0' decimalPrecision='0'>"
   'Convert data to XML and append
   For i=0 to UBound(arrData)-1
      strXML = strXML & "<set name='" & arrData(i,1) & "' value='" & arrData(i,2) & "' color='" & getFCColor() & "' />"
   'Close <graph> element
   strXML = strXML & "</graph>"

'Create the chart - Column 3D Chart with data contained in strXML
Call renderChart("../../FusionCharts/FCF_Column3D.swf", "", strXML, "productSales", 600, 300)

In the above example, we first include FusionCharts.js file to enable us embed the chart using JavaScript. We also include FusionCharts.asp to help us easily embed the charts.

Thereafter, we define an ASP array arrData to store sales data for 6 different products. The array has two columns - first one for data label and the next one for data values.

We define a variable strXML to store the entire XML data. To build the XML, we iterate through the array and using string concatenation. Finally, we render the chart using renderChart() function and pass strXML as dataXML.

We include FC_Colors.asp, which contains the default color set for the FusionCharts. These colors in Hex code are optimized to give a snazzy look to the charts.The getFCColor() function in cyclic iteration returns these color values.

When you view the chart, you'll see a chart as under:

Creating a multi-series chart from data contained in arrays
Let us now create a multi-series chart from data contained in arrays. We create a file MultiSeries.asp with the following code:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
      <TITLE> FusionCharts Free - Array Example using Multi Series Column 3D Chart </TITLE>
      <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>
   <!-- #INCLUDE FILE="../Includes/FusionCharts.asp" -->

   'In this example, we plot a multi series chart from data contained
   'in an array. The array will have three columns - first one for data label (product)
   'and the next two for data values. The first data value column would store sales information
   'for current year and the second one for previous year.

   'Let's store the sales data for 6 products in our array. We also store
   'the name of products.

   Dim arrData(6,3)
   'Store Name of Products
   arrData(0,1) = "Product A"
   arrData(1,1) = "Product B"
   arrData(2,1) = "Product C"
   arrData(3,1) = "Product D"
   arrData(4,1) = "Product E"
   arrData(5,1) = "Product F"
   'Store sales data for current year
   arrData(0,2) = 567500
   arrData(1,2) = 815300
   arrData(2,2) = 556800
   arrData(3,2) = 734500
   arrData(4,2) = 676800
   arrData(5,2) = 648500
   'Store sales data for previous year
   arrData(0,3) = 547300
   arrData(1,3) = 584500
   arrData(2,3) = 754000
   arrData(3,3) = 456300
   arrData(4,3) = 754500
   arrData(5,3) = 437600

   'Now, we need to convert this data into multi-series XML.
   'We convert using string concatenation.
   'strXML - Stores the entire XML
   'strCategories - Stores XML for the <categories> and child <category> elements
   'strDataCurr - Stores XML for current year's sales
   'strDataPrev - Stores XML for previous year's sales

   Dim strXML, strCategories, strDataCurr, strDataPrev, i

   'Initialize <graph> element
   strXML = "<graph caption='Sales by Product' numberPrefix='$' decimalPrecision='0' >"

   'Initialize <categories> element - necessary to generate a multi-series chart
   strCategories = "<categories>"

   'Initiate <dataset> elements
   strDataCurr = "<dataset seriesName='Current Year' color='AFD8F8' >"
   strDataPrev = "<dataset seriesName='Previous Year' color='F6BD0F' >"

   'Iterate through the data
   For i=0 to UBound(arrData)-1
      'Append <category name='...' /> to strCategories
      strCategories = strCategories & "<category name='" & arrData(i,1) & "' />"
      'Add <set value='...' /> to both the datasets
      strDataCurr = strDataCurr & "<set value='" & arrData(i,2) & "' />"
      strDataPrev = strDataPrev & "<set value='" & arrData(i,3) & "' />"

   'Close <categories> element
   strCategories = strCategories & "</categories>"

   'Close <dataset> elements
   strDataCurr = strDataCurr & "</dataset>"
   strDataPrev = strDataPrev & "</dataset>"

   'Assemble the entire XML now
   strXML = strXML & strCategories & strDataCurr & strDataPrev & "</graph>"

   'Create the chart - MS Column 3D Chart with data contained in strXML
   Call renderChart("../../FusionCharts/FCF_MSColumn3D.swf", "", strXML, "productSales", 600, 300)

In the above example, we first include FusionCharts.js file to enable us embed the chart using JavaScript. We also include FusionCharts.asp to help us easily embed the charts.

Thereafter, we define an ASP array arrData to store sales data for 6 different products. The array has three columns - first one for data label (product) and the next two for data values. The first data value column would store sales information for current year and the second one for previous year.

We define a variable strXML to store the entire XML data. We also define strCategories, strDataCurr and strDataPrev variables to store XML data for categories elements, current year's dataset and previous year's dataset respectively. To build the XML, we iterate through the array and using string concatenation. We concatenate the entire XML finally in strXML.

Finally, we render the chart using renderChart() function and pass strXML as dataXML.

When you view the chart, you'll see a chart as under:

In Download Package > Code > ASP > ArrayExample, we've more example codes to create Stacked and Combination Charts too, which we have not explained here, as they're similar in concept. You can directly see the code if you want to.