Mister Spy Say ="Hello Kids ... :D" ___ ____ _ _____ | \/ (_) | | / ___| | . . |_ ___| |_ ___ _ __ \ `--. _ __ _ _ | |\/| | / __| __/ _ \ '__| `--. \ '_ \| | | | | | | | \__ \ || __/ | /\__/ / |_) | |_| | \_| |_/_|___/\__\___|_| \____/| .__/ \__, | | | __/ | |_| |___/ Bot Mister Spy V3
Mister Spy

Mister Spy

Current Path : /home/caballoscriollos/www/web/library/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/caballoscriollos/www/web/library/class.misc.php



function GetRequestParam($index) {
	$value			= null;
	if (array_key_exists($index, $_REQUEST))
		$value		= $_REQUEST[$index];
	return $value;

function ParseDate($date)
	if (($ret = _parseDate($date, '%d-%m-%Y')) != false)
			return $ret;

	if (($ret = _parseDate($date, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%s')) != false)
			return $ret;

	if (($ret = _parseDate($date, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M')) != false)
			return $ret;

	if (($ret = _parseDate($date, '%d/%m/%Y %H')) != false)
			return $ret;

	if (($ret = _parseDate($date, '%d/%m/%Y')) != false)
			return $ret;

	if (($ret = _parseDate($date, '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%s')) != false)
			return $ret;

	if (($ret = _parseDate($date, '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M')) != false)
			return $ret;

	if (($ret = _parseDate($date, '%d-%m-%Y %H')) != false)
			return $ret;

	if (($ret = _parseDate($date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%s')) != false)
			return $ret;

	if (($ret = _parseDate($date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%s')) != false)
			return $ret;

	if (($ret = _parseDate($date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')) != false)
			return $ret;

	if (($ret = _parseDate($date, '%Y-%m-%d %H')) != false)
			return $ret;

	if (($ret = _parseDate($date, '%Y-%m-%d')) != false)
			return $ret;

	return false;

function _parseDate($date, $format) 
	// Builds up date pattern from the given $format, keeping delimiters in place.
  	if( !preg_match_all( "/%([YmdHMsu])([^%])*/", $format, $formatTokens, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) 
   		return false;

  	foreach( $formatTokens as $formatToken ) 
   		$delimiter = preg_quote( $formatToken[2], "/" );
   		if($formatToken[1] == 'Y') 
	 		$datePattern .= '(.{1,4})'.$delimiter;
		elseif($formatToken[1] == 'u') 
	 		$datePattern .= '(.{1,5})'.$delimiter;
	 		$datePattern .= '(.{1,2})'.$delimiter;
  	// Splits up the given $date
  	if( !preg_match( "/^".$datePattern."/", $date, $dateTokens) ) 
   		return false;
  	$dateSegments = array();
  	for($i = 0; $i < count($formatTokens); $i++) 
   		$dateSegments[$formatTokens[$i][1]] = $dateTokens[$i+1];

  	// Reformats the given $date into rfc3339
  	if( $dateSegments["Y"] && $dateSegments["m"] && $dateSegments["d"] ) 
   		if( ! checkdate ( $dateSegments["m"], $dateSegments["d"], $dateSegments["Y"] )) 
			return false; 
   		$dateReformated =
	 	str_pad($dateSegments["Y"], 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)
	 	."-".str_pad($dateSegments["m"], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)
	 	."-".str_pad($dateSegments["d"], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
   		return false;
  	if( $dateSegments["H"] && $dateSegments["M"] ) 
   		$dateReformated .=
	 	" ".str_pad($dateSegments["H"], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)
	 	.':'.str_pad($dateSegments["M"], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

   		if( $dateSegments["s"] ) 
	 		$dateReformated .=
	   		":".str_pad($dateSegments["s"], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
	 		if( $dateSegments["u"] ) 
	   			$dateReformated .=
	   			'.'.str_pad($dateSegments["u"], 5, '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT);

  	return $dateReformated;

function IsDni($Dni)
	$Dni = trim($Dni);
	if (!is_numeric($Dni) || $Dni < 1 || $Dni != round($Dni))
		return false;
	if (strlen($Dni) < 5 || strlen($Dni) > 8)
		return false;
	return true;

function IsTelephone($Tel)
	$Tel = trim($Tel);
	return preg_match('(^\(?\+?[0-9]{2,7}\)?\-?\s?[0-9]{3,4}\-?\s?[0-9]{4})', $Tel);

function IsEmail($Email)
	$Email = trim($Email);
	if (strlen($Email) <= 6)
		return false;
	if (substr_count($Email, "@") != 1)
		return false;
	if (substr($Email, 0, 1) == "@")
		return false;

	if (substr($Email, strlen($Email) - 1, 1) == "@")
		return false;
	if (strstr($Email, "'"))
		return false;
	if (strstr($Email, "\""))
		return false;
	if (strstr($Email, "\\"))
		return false;
	if (strstr($Email, "\$"))
		return false;

	if (strstr($Email, " "))
		return false;

	if (strstr($Email, "?"))
		return false;
	if (strstr($Email, "�"))
		return false;
	if (strstr($Email, "�"))
		return false;
	if (strstr($Email, "&"))
		return false;
	if (strstr($Email, "!"))
		return false;

	if (strstr($Email, "�"))
		return false;
	if (substr_count($Email, ".") < 1)
		return false;

	/* verifica el dominio */
	$Dominio = substr(strrchr($Email, "."), 1);
	if (strlen($Dominio) < 1 || strlen($Dominio) > 5 || strstr($Dominio, "@"))
		return false;	
	/* verifica el cuerpo */
   	$Cuerpo = substr($Email, 0, strlen($Email) - strlen($Dominio) - 1);
   	$UltimoCaracter = substr($Cuerpo, strlen($Cuerpo)-1, 1);
	if ($UltimoCaracter == "@" || $UltimoCaracter == ".")
		return false;
 	return true;;

function FormatMoney($Money, $Number, $Cotizacion)
	$Value = '';

	switch ($Money)
		case MonedaTipos::Pesos:
			$Value.= '$ ';
			if ($Number != 0) 	$Value.= number_format($Number, 2);
			else				$Value.= '0.00';
		case MonedaTipos::Dolar:
			$Value.= 'u$s ';
			if ($Number != 0) 	$Value.= number_format($Number / $Cotizacion, 2);
			else				$Value.= '0.00';
		case MonedaTipos::Euro:
			$Value.= '&euro; ';
			if ($Number != 0) 	$Value.= number_format($Number / $Cotizacion, 2);		
			else				$Value.= '0.00';
	return $Value;

function ConstructGallery($arr)
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/lightbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
	<script src="js/prototype.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script src="js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script src="js/lightbox.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script languaje="javascript">

		function ShowImage(id)
			var img_principal 		= Get('ImagenPrincipal');
			var EpigrafePrincipal 	= Get('EpigrafePrincipal');
			img_principal.style.display 	= 'none';
			EpigrafePrincipal.style.display = 'none';
			for (var i=0; i<100; i++)
				var img_ocultar 	= Get(i + '_G');
				var EpigrafeOcultar = Get(i + '_Epigrafe');
				if (img_ocultar != undefined)
					img_ocultar.style.display = 'none';
				if (EpigrafeOcultar != undefined)
					EpigrafeOcultar.style.display = 'none';

			if (id == 'ImagenPrincipal')
				var img = Get('ImagenPrincipal');			
				img.style.display = '';
				EpigrafePrincipal.style.display = '';
				var img 		= Get(id + '_G');			
				var Epigrafe 	= Get(id + '_Epigrafe');			
				img.style.display = '';
				Epigrafe.style.display = '';

	<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
			<td width="200" valign="top">
				<div align="left">

	$Count = 1;					
	$Create = false;

	if ($arr)
		foreach ($arr as $oImagen)
			if (file_exists($oImagen->Imagen))
				$Create = true;
	$Create = true;

	if ($Create)	
		foreach ($arr as $oImagen)
			if ($Count == 1)
				$ImagenPrincipal = $oImagen->Imagen;
				$EpigrafePrincipal = $oImagen->Epigrafe;
					<a href="<?=$oImagen->Imagen?>" title="<?=$oImagen->Epigrafe?>" rel="lightbox[gallery]"><img src="<?=($oImagen->Imagen != '') ? $oImagen->Imagen : 'images/no_foto.jpg'?>" id="<?=$Count?>_G" name="<?=$Count?>_G" width="165" height="165" border="0" style="display:none;" /></a>
					<span id="<?=$Count?>_Epigrafe" style="display:none;"><br /><?=$oImagen->Epigrafe?></span>
					<a href="<?=$ImagenPrincipal?>" title="<?=$EpigrafePrincipal?>" rel="lightbox[gallery]"><img src="<?=($oImagen->Imagen != '') ? $oImagen->Imagen : 'images/no_foto.jpg'?>" id="ImagenPrincipal" name="ImagenPrincipal" width="165" height="165" border="0" /></a>
					<span id="EpigrafePrincipal"><br /><?=$EpigrafePrincipal?></span>
					<br /><br />
		$i = 1;
		$Count = 1;
		foreach ($arr as $oImagen)
			if ($i == 1)
							<td valign="top">
								<img src="<?=($oImagen->Imagen != '') ? $oImagen->Imagen : 'images/no_foto.jpg'?>" id="<?=$Count?>_C" name="<?=$Count?>_C" width="50" height="50" border="0" align="top" onclick="ShowImage('<?=$Count?>');" />
			if ($i == 3)
				$i = 0;
                                <img src="<?=Config::ImagenDefault?>" name="ImagenPrincipal" width="165" border="0" id="ImagenPrincipal" />
                                <br /><br />

	//return $Gallery;

function PrintImageExtension($FileName)
	$Extension = explode(".", $FileName);
	$Extension = $Extension[sizeof($Extension)-1];
	switch ($Extension)
		case 'pdf':
				echo "<img src='images/iconos/pdf.png' alt='PDF' />";
		case 'doc':
		case 'docx':
				echo "<img src='images/iconos/doc.png' alt='DOC'/>";
		case 'xls':
		case 'xlsx':
				echo "<img src='images/iconos/excel.png' alt='XLS' />";
		case 'txt':
				echo "<img src='images/iconos/txt.png' alt='TXT' />";
		case 'ppt':
		case 'pptx':
				echo "<img src='images/iconos/ppt.png' alt='PPT' />";
		case 'csv':
				echo "<img src='images/iconos/csv.png' alt='CSV' />";
		case 'jpg':
		case 'jpeg':
				echo "<img src='images/iconos/jpg.png' alt='JPG' />";
		case 'gif':
				echo "<img src='images/iconos/gif.png' alt='GIF' />";			
		case 'png':
				echo "<img src='images/iconos/png.png' alt='PNG' />";

function GetUrlImagenVideoYouTube($EmbedCode)
	for ($i=0; $i<strlen($EmbedCode); $i++)
		if (substr($EmbedCode, $i, 25) == "http://www.youtube.com/v/")
			return "<img src='http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/" . substr($EmbedCode, $i+25, 11) . "/default.jpg' border='0' />";

	$str = 'src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/';
	$pos = strpos($EmbedCode, $str);
	$video = substr($EmbedCode, $pos + strlen($str), 11);
	if (!(empty($video)))
		return "http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/" . $video . "/default.jpg";
	return false;

function GetIdVideoYouTube($EmbedCode)

	$str = 'www.youtube.com/embed/';
	$pos = strpos($EmbedCode, $str);
	return substr($EmbedCode, $pos + strlen($str), 11);


function ChangeSizeVideoYouTube($EmbedCode, $Width = 240, $Height = 195)
	$new_width = 'width=' . $Width;
	$str_width = 'width="';
	$pos_width = strpos($EmbedCode, $str_width);
	$width = substr($EmbedCode, $pos_width + strlen($str_width), 3);
	$replace_width = $str_width . $width . '"';

	$EmbedCode = str_replace($replace_width, $new_width, $EmbedCode);

	$new_height = 'height=' . $Height;
	$str_height = 'height="';
	$pos_height = strpos($EmbedCode, $str_height);
	$height = substr($EmbedCode, $pos_height + strlen($str_height), 3);
	$replace_height = $str_height . $height . '"';

	$EmbedCode = str_replace($replace_height, $new_height, $EmbedCode);
	return $EmbedCode;

function CortarCadena($String, $CantidadCaracteres)
	if (strlen($String) > $CantidadCaracteres)
		return substr($String, 0, $CantidadCaracteres) . '...';

	return $String;

function UrlFriendly($url) 
	// Tranformamos todo a minusculas
	$url = strtolower($url);
	// Rememplazamos caracteres especiales latinos
	$find 	= array('�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�');
	$repl 	= array('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'n');
	$url 	= str_replace($find, $repl, $url);
	// A�aadimos los guiones
	$find 	= array(' ', '&', '\r\n', '\n', '+');
	$url 	= str_replace($find, '-', $url);
	// Eliminamos y Reemplazamos dem�s caracteres especiales
	$find 	= array('/[^a-z0-9\-<>]/', '/[\-]+/', '/<[^>]*>/');
	$repl 	= array('', '-', '');
	$url 	= preg_replace($find, $repl, $url);

	if (sizeof($url) == 0)
		$url = 'producto';
	return $url;

function ParseNumber($str)
	$str = number_format($str, 2, ',', '.');
	$str = str_replace(',00', '', $str);
	return $str;

function ConstructGalleryProductoBJ($arr)
	$Gallery = '';
	$Count = 1;					

	$Create = 0;

	if ($arr)
		foreach ($arr as $oImagen)
			if (file_exists($oImagen->Imagen))
				$Create = 1;
	if ($Create == 1)	

		foreach ($arr as $oImagen)
			$display = "style=\"display:none;\"";
			if ($Count == 1)
				/*$ImagenPrincipal = $oImagen->Imagen;
				$EpigrafePrincipal = $oImagen->Epigrafe;
				$Gallery.= "<a href=\"" . $ImagenPrincipal . "\" title=\"" . $EpigrafePrincipal . "\" class=\"popup\">\n";
				$Gallery.= "<img src=\"" . $ImagenPrincipal . "\" name=\"ImagenPrincipal\" border=\"0\" id=\"ImagenPrincipal\" /></a>\n";		
				$display = "";
			$Gallery.= "<a href=\"" . $oImagen->Imagen . "\" title=\"" . $oImagen->Epigrafe . "\" class=\"popup\">\n";
			$Gallery.= "<img src=\"" . $oImagen->Imagen . "\" id=\"" . $Count . "_G\" border=\"0\" " . $display . " /></a>\n";
		$i = 1;
		$Count = 1;

		$Gallery.= "<div class=\"thumb-list\">\n";
		$Gallery.= "<h3>Imagenes</h3>\n";
		$Gallery.= "<ul>\n";
		foreach ($arr as $oImagen)

			$Gallery.= "<li>\n";
			$Gallery.= "<img src=\"" . $oImagen->Imagen . "\" name=\"" . $Count . "_C\" border=\"0\" id=\"" . $Count . "_C\" onclick=\"ShowImage('" . $Count . "')\" />\n";
			$Gallery.= "</li>\n";

		$Gallery.= "</ul>\n";
		$Gallery.= "</div>\n";
	return $Gallery;

function CambiarFecha($Fecha)
	if (sizeof($Fecha) == 0)
		return $Fecha;

	if (strpos($Fecha, '-') === false && strpos($Fecha, '/') === false)
		$Anio 	= substr($Fecha, 0, 4);
		$Mes 	= substr($Fecha, 4, 2);
		$Dia 	= substr($Fecha, 6, 2);
		$Fecha = $Dia . '/' . $Mes . '/' . $Anio;
	elseif (strpos($Fecha, '-'))
		$Fecha = implode('-', array_reverse(explode('-', substr($Fecha, 0, 10))));
	elseif (strpos($Fecha, '/'))
		$Fecha = implode('/', array_reverse(explode('/', substr($Fecha, 0, 10))));
	return $Fecha;

function CambiarFechaHora($String)
	$Fecha = implode('-', array_reverse(explode('-', substr($String, 0, 10))));
	$Hora = substr($String, 11, strlen($String));
	$FechaHora = $Fecha . " | " . $Hora;
	return $FechaHora;

function CambiarFechaHoraDelta($String, $delta)
	$Fecha = implode('-', array_reverse(explode('-', substr($String, 0, 10))));
	$Hora = substr($String, 11, strlen($String));

	$h = intval(substr($Hora, 0, 2));
	$h+= $delta;
	$Hora = str_pad($h, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . substr($Hora, 2, 3);
	$FechaHora = $Fecha . " | " . $Hora;
	return $FechaHora;

function RestaFechas($FechaInicio, $FechaFin)
    $FechaInicio 	= str_replace("-", "", $FechaInicio);
    $FechaInicio 	= str_replace("/", "", $FechaInicio);
	$FechaFin 		= str_replace("-", "", $FechaFin);
    $FechaFin 		= str_replace("/", "", $FechaFin);

    ereg("([0-9]{1,2})([0-9]{1,2})([0-9]{2,4})", $FechaInicio, $FechaInicio);
    ereg("([0-9]{1,2})([0-9]{1,2})([0-9]{2,4})", $FechaFin, $FechaFin);

    $date1 = mktime(0, 0, 0, $FechaInicio[2], $FechaInicio[1], $FechaInicio[3]);
    $date2 = mktime(0, 0, 0, $FechaFin[2], $FechaFin[1], $FechaFin[3]);

    return round(($date2 - $date1) / (60 * 60 * 24));

function RestaHoras($HoraInicio, $HoraFin)
	$horai 	= substr($HoraInicio, 0, 2);
	$mini 	= substr($HoraInicio, 3, 2);
	$segi 	= substr($HoraInicio, 6, 2);

	$horaf 	= substr($HoraFin, 0, 2);
	$minf 	= substr($HoraFin, 3, 2);
	$segf 	= substr($HoraFin, 6, 2);

	$ini = ((($horai * 60) * 60) + ($mini * 60) + $segi);
	$fin = ((($horaf * 60) * 60) + ($minf * 60) + $segf);

	$dif = $fin - $ini;

	$difh = floor($dif / 3600);
	$difm = floor(($dif - ($difh * 3600)) / 60);
	$difs = $dif - ($difm * 60) - ($difh * 3600);
	return date("H-i-s", mktime($difh, $difm, $difs));

function EliminarTildes($str)
	$str = ereg_replace("�", "a", $str);
	$str = ereg_replace("�", "e", $str);
	$str = ereg_replace("�", "i", $str);
	$str = ereg_replace("�", "o", $str);
	$str = ereg_replace("�", "u", $str);
	$str = ereg_replace("�", "a", $str);
	$str = ereg_replace("�", "e", $str);
	$str = ereg_replace("�", "i", $str);
	$str = ereg_replace("�", "o", $str);
	$str = ereg_replace("�", "u", $str);
	$str = ereg_replace("�", "n", $str);
	$str = ereg_replace("�", "N", $str);
	return $str;

function ParseCssAsArray ($FileName)
	$arr 		= array();
	$Class 		= false;
	$ClassName	= '';
	$File = fopen($FileName, 'r');
	$String = str_replace("\n", "", fread($File, filesize($FileName)));
	$String = str_replace("\r", "", $String);
	$String = str_replace("\t", "", $String);
	$String = str_replace(".", "", $String);
	$String = str_replace(" ", "", $String);
	for ($i=0; $i<=strlen($String)-1; $i++)
		if (!$Class)
			if ($String[$i] != '{')
				$ClassName.= $String[$i];
				$ClassName 			= str_replace("\n", "", $ClassName);
				$arr[$ClassName] 	= 'style="';
				$Class 				= true;
			if ($String[$i] != '}')
				$arr[$ClassName].= $String[$i];
				//$arr[$ClassName].= '}"';
				$arr[$ClassName].= '"';
				$Class 			 = false;
				$ClassName		 = '';
	return $arr;

function FindElement($arr, $id)
	if (!is_array($arr))
		return false;

	if ($arr == false || $arr == '')
		return false;

	for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($arr); $i++)
		if ($arr[$i] == $id)
			return true;
	return false;

function IsEmptyArray($arr)
	if (!is_array($arr))
		return true;

	foreach ($arr as $index=>$value)
		if (trim($value) != '')
			return false;
	return true;

function SendArray(array $arr) 
	if (!is_array($arr))
		return '';

    $tmp = serialize($arr);
    $tmp = urlencode($tmp);

    return $tmp;

function ReceiveArray($urlArray) 
    $tmp = stripslashes($urlArray);
    $tmp = urldecode($tmp);
    $tmp = unserialize($tmp);

   return $tmp;

function ParseUrlFacebook()
	$str = str_replace('/','%2F',$str);
	$str = str_replace(':','%3A',$str);
	return $str;

function FechaLetras($date) {

	if (!$date) {
		return '';

	$arrFecha = explode('-', $date);

	$d = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d', $date);

	$arrDias = array(
		'1' => 'Lunes',
		'2' => 'Martes',
		'3' => 'Mi&eacute;rcoles',
		'4' => 'Jueves',
		'5' => 'Viernes',
		'6' => 'S&aacute;bado',
		'7' => 'Domingo',

	return $arrFecha[2] . ' de ' . FechaMesShort($date) . ' ' . $arrFecha[0];


function FechaLetrasLong($date) {

	if (!$date) {
		return '';

	$arrFecha = explode('-', $date);

	$d = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d', $date);

	$arrDias = array(
		'1' => 'Lunes',
		'2' => 'Martes',
		'3' => 'Mi&eacute;rcoles',
		'4' => 'Jueves',
		'5' => 'Viernes',
		'6' => 'S&aacute;bado',
		'7' => 'Domingo',

	return $arrFecha[2] . ' de ' . FechaMesLong($date) . ' ' . $arrFecha[0];


function FechaMesShort($date) {

	$arrFecha = explode('-', $date);

	$arrMeses = array(
		'01' => 'Ene',
		'02' => 'Feb',
		'03' => 'Mar',
		'04' => 'Abr',
		'05' => 'May',
		'06' => 'Jun',
		'07' => 'Jul',
		'08' => 'Ago',
		'09' => 'Sep',
		'10' => 'Oct',
		'11' => 'Nov',
		'12' => 'Dic'

	$d = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d', $date);

	return $arrMeses[$arrFecha[1]];


function FechaMesLong($date) {

	$arrFecha = explode('-', $date);

	$arrMeses = array(
		'01' => 'Enero',
		'02' => 'Febrero',
		'03' => 'Marzo',
		'04' => 'Abril',
		'05' => 'Mayo',
		'06' => 'Junio',
		'07' => 'Julio',
		'08' => 'Agosto',
		'09' => 'Septiembre',
		'10' => 'Octubre',
		'11' => 'Noviembre',
		'12' => 'Diciembre'

	$d = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d', $date);

	return $arrMeses[$arrFecha[1]];



Mr. DellatioNx196 GaLers xh3LL Backd00r 1.0, Coded By Mr. DellatioNx196 - Bogor BlackHat