Mister Spy Say ="Hello Kids ... :D"
___ ____ _ _____
| \/ (_) | | / ___|
| . . |_ ___| |_ ___ _ __ \ `--. _ __ _ _
| |\/| | / __| __/ _ \ '__| `--. \ '_ \| | | |
| | | | \__ \ || __/ | /\__/ / |_) | |_| |
\_| |_/_|___/\__\___|_| \____/| .__/ \__, |
| | __/ |
|_| |___/
Bot Mister Spy V3
Mister Spy
Mister Spy
function getPostVariables(&$params)
this function are setting globals variables using the POST variables
of the HTML form. This HTML variables are created using the "parameters"
array. This function not only set the HTML elements as PHP global variables,
it change the "default" value of each defined-element in the current structure
is used (array) with the POST value returned.
function newMenu(){
function getLanguages() {
$gestor = opendir('../texts/');
if ($gestor ){
while (FALSE !== ($lang = readdir($gestor))) {
if (strlen($lang) > 3 && !preg_match("/~/",str_replace(".inc","",$lang))) {
$res[] = $lang."~".str_replace(".inc","",$lang);
else {
$res[] = "english.inc~english";
return $res;
function writeConfigFile($file){
global $parameters;
$fp = @fopen($file,"w");
if (!$fp) return false;
fwrite($fp, "<?php");
foreach($parameters as $group){
fwrite($fp, $group["file_description"]);
$group_p = $group["parameters"];
foreach($group_p as $variable){
if (isset($_SESSION["installType"]) && $_SESSION["installType"] == "BASIC"){
if ($variable["installation"] == "BASIC")
$variable["default"] = (isset($_SESSION[$variable["name"]]))?$_SESSION[$variable["name"]]:$variable["default"];
else $variable["default"] = (isset($_SESSION[$variable["name"]]))?$_SESSION[$variable["name"]]:$variable["default"];
fwrite($fp, $variable["file_description"]); // escribo descripcion del parametro
if ($variable["commented"]){
$linevar = "#"; // agrego "#" al principio si es que debe estar comentada por default
else $linevar = "";
case "variable":
" = ".
case "constant":
", ".
case "included":
case "required":
case "call":
"$".$variable["name"]." = ".$variable["default"].";";
case "array":
$arrval = explode("|",$variable["default"]);
for($i=0; $i<sizeof($arrval); $i++){
$arrval[$i] = (is_numeric($arrval[$i]))?$arrval[$i]:"'".$arrval[$i]."'";
"$".$variable["name"]." = array(".implode(",",$arrval).");";
if (!isset($variable["file_description_after"])){
$linevar.= "\n";
$txtafter= "";
$linevar.= "";
$txtafter= $variable["file_description_after"];
fwrite($fp, $linevar); // escribo declaracion del parametro
fwrite($fp, $txtafter); // escribo descripcion posterior del parametro
fwrite($fp, "\n\n");
fwrite($fp, "?>");
return true;
function delSessionData(){
global $_SESSION;
global $parameters;
foreach($parameters as $group){
$group_p = $group["parameters"];
foreach($group_p as $variable){
if (isset($_SESSION[$variable["name"]])){
function getSessionData(&$params){
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($params); $i++){
$varname = $params[$i]["name"];
if (isset($_SESSION[$varname])){
global $$varname;
$$varname = $_SESSION[$varname];
$params[$i]["default"] = $_SESSION[$varname];
function setSessionData($params){
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($params); $i++){
$varname = $params[$i]["name"];
global $$varname;
if (isset($$varname)){
$_SESSION[$varname] = $$varname;
function getPostVariables(&$params){
global $_POST;
for($i=0; $i<sizeof($params); $i++){
$varname = $params[$i]["name"];
if (isset($_POST[$varname])){
global $$varname;
$$varname = $_POST[$varname];
$params[$i]["default"] = $_POST[$varname];
function genPHPVariables($params, $installation = "BASIC"){
for($i=0; $i<sizeof($params); $i++){
if ($params[$i]["installation"] == $installation){
$varname = $params[$i]["name"];
$varvalue= $params[$i]["default"];
global $$varname;
$$varname = $varvalue;
function getJSValidations($params, $installation = "BASIC"){
for($i=0; $i<sizeof($params); $i++){
if ($params[$i]["installation"] == $installation){
$name = $params[$i]["name"];
if (isset($params[$i]["js_description"]))
$desc = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($params[$i]["js_description"]);
else $desc = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($params[$i]["appl_description"]);
$arr_entity = explode("|", $params[$i]["html-entity"]);
if (sizeof($arr_entity) > 1){
$status = $arr_entity[0];
$entity = $arr_entity[1];
$status = "required";
$entity = $arr_entity[0];
$type = (isset($entity))?$entity:false;
$value= $params[$i]["default"];
$jsVal[] = genJSValidation($name, $desc, $type, $status);
$func = implode("\n\n", $jsVal);
return "<script type='text/javascript'>\n".
"function validar(){\n".
" frm = document.forms[1];\n\n".
" return true;\n".
function genJSValidation($name, $des="", $type="textfield-alfa", $stat="required"){
$desc_arr = explode("|", $des);
$arr_type = explode("-",$type);
$func = '';
case "textfield":
case "pass":
case "alfa":
if ($stat == "required"){
$func = "if (frm.".$name.".value == ''){\n".
" alert('{$desc_arr[0]} must not be blank');\n".
" frm.$name.focus();\n".
" return false;\n".
case "int":
if ($stat == "required"){
$func = "if (frm.".$name.".value == ''){\n".
" alert('{$desc_arr[0]} must not be blank');\n".
" frm.$name.focus();\n".
" return false;\n".
"if (isNaN(frm.".$name.".value)){\n".
" alert('{$desc_arr[0]} must be a numeric value');\n".
" frm.$name.focus();\n".
" return false;\n".
$func = "if (frm.".$name.".value != ''){\n".
" if (isNaN(frm.".$name.".value)){\n".
" alert('{$desc_arr[0]} must not be blank');\n".
" frm.$name.focus();\n".
" return false;\n".
" }\n".
return $func;
function getHTMLElements($params, $installation = "BASIC"){
$curr_group = "";
for($i=0; $i<sizeof($params); $i++){
// If there become a group, we must do something with it
if (isset($params[$i]["html-group"]) && $params[$i]["html-group"] != ""){
// This IF check if the current group change (maybe because there are a new group in parameters array,
// or there are no group after the current one, or is the first group to build, any way.
if ($curr_group != $params[$i]["html-group"]){
// If there was a group open (because curr_group have any value, of course), we must close it...
if ($curr_group != ""){
$htmlList[] = "</table>\n".
$curr_group = "";
// Then, open the new group and mark it as the current one.
$htmlList[] = "<tr>\n".
"<td colspan=2>\n".
"<legend style='font-weight:bold'>".$params[$i]["html-group"]."</legend>\n".
"<table border=0>\n";
$curr_group = $params[$i]["html-group"];
if ($curr_group != ""){
$htmlList[] = "</table>\n".
$curr_group = "";
if ($params[$i]["installation"] == $installation){
$name = $params[$i]["name"];
$arr_entity = explode("|", $params[$i]["html-entity"]);
if (sizeof($arr_entity) > 1)
$entity = $arr_entity[1];
else $entity = $arr_entity[0];
$desc = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($params[$i]["appl_description"]);
$type = (isset($entity))?$entity:false;
$value= $params[$i]["default"];
$htmlList[] = genHTMLElement($name, $desc, $value, $type);
// Close the last group (if there are one)
if ($curr_group != ""){
$htmlList[] = "</table>\n".
$curr_group = "";
if (is_array($htmlList) && sizeof($htmlList) > 0)
return implode("\n", $htmlList);
else return false;
function isInteger($n) {
$x1 = (string)(int)$n;
$x2 = (string)$n;
if (is_bool($n)) return false;
return (string)(int)$n === (string)$n;
function genHTMLElement($name, $des="", $default="", $type="textfield-alfa"){
$des = (!$des)?$name:$des;
$desc_arr = explode("|", $des);
$arr_type = explode("-",$type);
case "textfield":
$elem = (isset($arr_type[1]) && $arr_type[1]== "pass")?"password":"text";
$size = (isset($arr_type[2]) && isInteger($arr_type[2]))?"size='$arr_type[2]'":"";
$element = " <input type='$elem' name='$name' value='$default' $size>\n";
case "list":
if (isset($arr_type[2]) && function_exists($arr_type[2]))
$arr = call_user_func($arr_type[2]);
else $arr = explode("|", $arr_type[2]);
if ($arr_type[1] == "single"){
$element = " <select name='$name'>\n";
elseif($arr_type[1] == "multi"){
$element = " <select name='$name' multiple size=5>\n";
$element = " <select name='$name' $arr_type[1]>\n";
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($arr); $i++){
if (strpos($arr[$i],"~")){
$arr_aux = explode("~", $arr[$i]);
$value = $arr_aux[0];
$descr = $arr_aux[1];
$value = $arr[$i];
$descr = $arr[$i];
if ($value == $default)
$sel = " selected";
else $sel = "";
$element.= " <option value='$value'$sel>$descr\n";
$element.= " </select>\n";
case "boolean":
$element = " <input type='radio' name='$name' value=1 ".(($default)?" checked":"").">Yes";
$element.= " <input type='radio' name='$name' value=0 ".((!$default)?" checked":"").">No\n";
$element = "";
$element = "<tr>\n".
" <td valign=top>$desc_arr[0]</td>\n".
" <td align=left valign=top width=50%>\n".
$element.((isset($desc_arr[1]) && $desc_arr[1] != '')?$desc_arr[1]:'').
" </td>\n".
return $element;
function breadcrumb($page=0){
$bread[] = "<a href='?page='>Home</a>";
for ($i=0; $i<$page; $i++){
switch ($i){
case 0: $step = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($GLOBALS["strStep0"]); break;
case 1: $step = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($GLOBALS["strStep1"]); break;
case 2: $step = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($GLOBALS["strStep2"]); break;
case 3: $step = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($GLOBALS["strStep3"]); break;
if ($_SESSION["installType"] == "BASIC"){
if ($i != 2)
$bread[] = "<a href='?page=$i'>$step</a>";
else continue; //$bread[] = "<strike>$step</strike>";
else $bread[] = "<a href='?page=$i'>$step</a>";
$bread[] = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($GLOBALS["strStep$page"]);
return implode(" » ", $bread);
getVarForConfig function to get the kind of variable to write in the config file, of the type $type
@param $type
type of the variable
@param $name
name of the constant or variable
@param $val
value of the constant or variable
@param $extra
extra attributes (not in use right now)
the correct syntax to write php format of constants and variables in the config file
function getVarForConfig($type, $name, $val, $extra = "") {
$res = "";
switch ($type) {
case "constant":
case "hidden_constant":
$res .= sprintf("define(\"%s\", %s);", $name, $val);
case "hidden_array":
$res .= sprintf('$%s = array(', $name);
if (is_array($val)) {
for ($i=0;$i < count($val);$i++) {
$res .= sprintf('"%s"', $val[$i]);
if ($i == count($val)-1) {
break 1;
$res .= ',';
$res .= ");\n";
break 1;
$res .= sprintf('"%s");', $val);
case 'commented':
case 'scalar_int':
case "hidden_scalar_int":
$res .= sprintf('$%s = "%s";', $name, $val);
return $res;
writeToConfig function to write the contents of the $_SESSION variable if it is inside the $requiredVars array
@param $session_vars
array $_SESSION containing all the configuration variables
@param $req_vars
array of all the configuration taken from the requiredVars.php file, with all the default content
TRUE if it could write the config file succesfully or else FALSE
function writeToConfig($session_vars, $req_vars) {
if (!empty($session_vars)) {
if (isset($_SERVER["ConfigFile"]) && is_file($_SERVER["ConfigFile"])) {
$nameConfigFile = $_SERVER['ConfigFile'];
} elseif (is_file("../config/config.php")) {
$nameConfigFile = "../config/config.php";
$myConfigFile = fopen($nameConfigFile, 'a');
if (!isset($myConfigFile) || $myConfigFile == FALSE) {
$myConfigFile = fopen($nameConfigFile, 'w'); // Try to open
if (!isset($myConfigFile)) {
print $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get(sprintf('<div class="wrong">%s (%s)</div>',$GLOBALS['noConfigAndChmod'], $nameConfigFile));
if ($myConfigFile) {
print $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get(sprintf('<p>%s</p>',$GLOBALS['creatingConfig']));
$configInfoToWrite = '';
$configInfoToWrite .= '<?php';
foreach ($session_vars as $key_name => $val) {
if (empty($val)) $val=0;
if (isset($req_vars[$key_name])) {
$configInfoToWrite .= "\n";
$configInfoToWrite .= sprintf('# %s',$GLOBALS["str".$req_vars[$key_name]["name"]."_desc"]);
$configInfoToWrite .= "\n";
$configInfoToWrite .= "\n";
switch ($req_vars[$key_name]["type"]) {
case 'hidden_constant' :
case 'hidden_array' :
case 'commented' :
$var_name = $key_name;
$var_value = $req_vars[$key_name]['values'];
case 'constant':
case 'scalar_int' :
case 'hidden_scalar_int' :
$var_name = $key_name;
$var_value = $val;
$configInfoToWrite .= getVarForConfig($req_vars[$key_name]["type"], $var_name, $var_value);
$configInfoToWrite .= "\n";
if ($key_name == 'error_level') {
break 1;
$configInfoToWrite .= "\n\n?>\n";
$configText = sprintf('%s',$configInfoToWrite);
$myConfigFileOpen = fwrite($myConfigFile, $configText);
$configCreatedValue = 0;
if (!$myConfigFileOpen) {
print $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get(sprintf('%s', $GLOBALS['cantWriteToConfig']));
else {
if (file_exists($nameConfigFile) && filesize($nameConfigFile) > 2) {
print $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get(sprintf("<br /><strong>%s</strong>", $GLOBALS['configCreatedOk']));
$configCreatedValue = 1;
$configPerms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($nameConfigFile)), -4);
if ($configPerms !== '0644') {
print $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get(printf('<p class="wrong">%s %s%s</p>', $GLOBALS['strConfigPerms'], $configPerms, $GLOBALS['strChangeChmod']));
else {
print $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get(printf("%s", $GLOBALS['configDoesntExist']));
$close = fclose($myConfigFile);
return TRUE;
else { // We dont want an empty config file
return FALSE; # write something instead an empty config // This is ok, cant be an empty config, fixed
processPopTest implementation of the processPop function of phplist for the installer
@param $server
server for the pop account
@param $user
user for the account
@param $password
password for the given user in $user
TRUE if the connection was successfull; else FALSE
function processPopTest ($envelope,$server,$user,$password) {
$port = (isset($_REQUEST["bounce_mailbox_port"]))?$_REQUEST["bounce_mailbox_port"]:false;
if (!$port) {
$port = '110/pop3/notls';
$current = error_reporting(0);
$link = @imap_open("{".$server.":".$port."}INBOX",$user,$password,CL_EXPUNGE+OP_SILENT);
if (!$link){
$link = @imap_open("{".$server.":".$port."}INBOX",$user,$password);
if (!$link){
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
languagePack function to show select html input with all the available languages in the "texts" directory
@param $value
the name of the select attribute
@param $onChange
extra attributes for the select input, of the type onClick="doSomething"
html of the language files user can use; else the english.inc default one
function languagePack($value = "", $onChange = "") {
$res = '';
$valueChange = '';
if (!empty($onChange)) {
$valueChange = 'onChange="'.$onChange.'"';
if (empty($value)) {
$name = 'language_module';
} else {
$name = $value;
if (!isset($_SESSION[$name])) $_SESSION[$name] = 'english.inc';
$gestor = opendir('../texts/');
if ($gestor ){ /*&& $language = readdir($gestor) <== this takes out the english file... */
$res .= '<select name="'.$name.'" '.$valueChange.'>';
while (FALSE !== ($lang = readdir($gestor))) {
if (strlen($lang) > 3 && !preg_match("/~/",str_replace(".inc","",$lang))) {
$res .= '<option value="'.$lang.'"';
if ($lang == $_SESSION[$name]) {
$res .= ' selected="selected"';
$res .= '>';
$res .= str_replace(".inc","",$lang);
$res .= '</option>';
$res .= '</select>';
else {
$res .= '<select name="'.$name.'" type=text>';
$res .= '<option value="english.inc">english.inc</option>';
$res .= '</select>';
return $res;
function check_connection($host, $user, $pass, $dbname){
$errno = 0;
$msg = "";
$created= "";
if ($host && $user && $pass){
$conn = @mysql_connect($host, $user ,$pass);
if (!$conn){
$errno = mysql_errno();
//echo "$errno - ACA<br>";
if ($dbname){
$res = @mysql_select_db($dbname, $conn);
if (!$res){
$creating = 1;
$errno = mysql_errno($conn);
//echo "axa - $errno<br>";
$res = mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE $dbname", $conn);
if (!$res){
$errno = mysql_errno($conn);
//echo "axa2 - $errno".mysql_error()."<br>";
$created = 0;
$errno = 0;
$created = 1;
if (!$host)
$errno = 6661;
else if (!$user)
$errno = 6662;
else if (!$pass)
$errno = 6663;
$txtDbOK = $GLOBALS['strDbConnOK'];
$txtDbConnRef = $GLOBALS['strDbConnRef'];
$txtDbServerBusy = $GLOBALS['strDbServerBusy'];
$txtDbWrongData = $GLOBALS['strDbWrongUserData'];
$txtDbDeniedC = $GLOBALS['strDbDeniedCr'];
$txtDbHostNeeded = $GLOBALS['strDbHostNeeded'];
$txtDbUserNeeded = $GLOBALS['strDbUserNeeded'];
$txtDbPassNeeded = $GLOBALS['strDbPassNeeded'];
$txtDbNotExist = $GLOBALS['strDbNotExist'];
$txtDbNotCreate = $GLOBALS['strDbNotCreate'];
$txtDbExists = $GLOBALS['strDbExists'];
$txtDbCreated = $GLOBALS['strDbCreated'];
//echo "ERRNO: $errno";
switch ($errno){
case 2003:
case 2004:
case 2005: $msg = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($txtDbConnRef); break;
case 1040: $msg = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($txtDbServerBusy); break;
case 1044: $msg = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get(sprintf($txtDbDeniedC, $user, $dbname)); break;
case 1045: $msg = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($txtDbWrongData); break;
case 1049: $msg = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get(sprintf($txtDbNotExist, $dbname).(($creating)?" and can't be created, check permission for the user":"")); break;
case 1006: $msg = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get(sprintf($txtDbNotCreate, $dbname)); break;
case 1007: $msg = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get(sprintf($txtDbExists, $dbname)); break;
case 6661: $msg = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($txtDbHostNeeded); break;
case 6662: $msg = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($txtDbUserNeeded); break;
case 6663: $msg = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($txtDbPassNeeded); break;
case 0 : $msg = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($txtDbOK.(($creating)?" - ".sprintf($txtDbCreated, $dbname):"")); break;
return "$errno|$msg|$created";
Mr. DellatioNx196 GaLers xh3LL Backd00r 1.0, Coded By Mr. DellatioNx196 - Bogor BlackHat