Current File : /home/caballoscriollos/www/espanol/encuesta/graphs/code/dom/js/fusionchartsdom.debug.js
* @author: FusionCharts Team
* @description: FusionCharts DOM Manipulation script
* @publish: August 28, 2009
* @version: 1.1.0 (build: 48)
* ChangeLog:
* ==========
* 1.1.0 - 30/04/2009:
* Made changes in architecture to fix unique id
* Made changes in the way XML Islands are created
* Fixed bug and escaped dataURL to support multiple parameters
* Refactoring of some parameters.
* Default container class name change
* Addition of 'version' property
* Added support for addition having FusionChartsDOM.min.js as filename
* Sending FusionChartsDOM Invoker version to chart (internal)
* QA1 Fixes
* 21: Added ClassName forcibly for IE compatibility.
* 27: Deprecated alertOnErrors and allowed accepting 0 or 1 from settings.
* 31: Used the true attribute 'lang'.
* 43: Added PBarLoading text that was missed out last time.
* 52: Fixed double-dash issue of XML parsing for IE.
* QA47 Fixes
* 89-95: Chart Messages now works from parameters
* 1.0.2 - 05/02/2009:
* Added advanced RegEx parsing of CDATA
* Support for ExportComponent Alias
* 1.0.1 - 05/02/2009:
* Added support for non-chart objects such as 'components'
* 0.6.1 - 30/12/2008:
* Bug Fix
* 0.6 - 15/12/2008:
* Added FileName Friendly lookup Table 'Alias'
* 0.5 - 17/10/2008:
* Added processing of chart querystrings
* 0.4.1 - 16/10/2008:
* Changed "attributes" in <scripts> tag to "parameters"
* 0.4 - 01/10/2008:
* Made attributes case insensitive
* 0.3 - 30/09/2008:
* Final release candidate with global settings
* 0.2 - 26/09/2008:
* Had to change the entire process for JS due to IE incapabilities!
* 0.1 - 23/09/2008:
* First Build. Pray it works!
/* Check whether FusionCharts main object is already declared or not.
* Debug Info: In case you get an error, make sure -
* 1. FusionChartsDOM.js (this file) is included AFTER the main FusionCharts.js
* file is included.
* 2. If the parent script has any modifications or errors, the main object may
* be defined
if(typeof infosoftglobal == 'undefined' ||
typeof infosoftglobal.FusionCharts == 'undefined')
// this string is in variable so that repeatations are not caused
var ErrorMsg = "FusionChart Object was not found. Verify script inclusions.";
alert(ErrorMsg); throw ErrorMsg;
// =============================================================================
// == Global Objects ===========================================================
// =============================================================================
// Create FusionDOM class and map an easy to use variable to this as this is too
// long of a name to be used as a workset
infosoftglobal.FusionChartsDOM = {};
var FusionChartsDOM = infosoftglobal.FusionChartsDOM; // henceforth FD becomes the ref object
var _FCD = infosoftglobal.FusionChartsDOM; // internal coding variable
* Version of this JS [major, minor, revision, build]
_FCD.version = [1, 1, 0, 41];
* Store and retrieve settings that are used by the FusionCharts DOM object
* User can modify this section for their use.
_FCD.Settings =
// errors can be enabled/suppressed if required
debugmode: false,
// the attributes supported in chart <tag> with their default values in
// specific order of passing on to the fusioncharts wrapper
// method twice
parameters : {
chartid: '', // programmatically generated ()no-value needed)
charttype: 'Column2D',
width: '400',
height: '300',
debugmode: '0',
registerwithjs: '0', // v3 only
backgroundcolor: '',
scalemode: 'noScale',
lang: '',
detectflashversion: '',
autoinstallredirect: '',
chartversion: 'free', // free or v3
swfpath: 'FusionCharts/',
dataurl: '',
swfuri: '' // final swf path thats generated (do not change)
}, xparameters: {},
// enable FD to attach itself to window.onload to render all graphs on load
renderonload: true,
// the message displayed before the charts are rendered
loadingmessage: 'Chart not loaded.',
// class applied to every container dom division created
containerclassname: 'fusioncharts_container',
// when set to false, if no chartId is specified, the object will raise
// error
autochartid: true
//DEBUG: _FCD.xSettings = { };
* String resources; Separated from JS for language localization and js
* compression.
_FCD.R = { };
* Common runtime/library snippet functions that will be repeatedly and
* extensively used in this script. All cross-browser functions should be
* implemented here, so that debugging is faster.
_FCD.L = { };
// =============================================================================
// == Public Functions and Variables ===========================================
// =============================================================================
// Users are recommended NOT to perform any editing beyond this point.
/* Array that holds global Node objects
* It should cointain the properties: (as per release 0.1)
* id, parameters, chartObject, swfObject, container, renderState, sourceNode
_FCD.Nodes = Array();
* The initialization function that is called upon page load
* Client-constructor
_FCD.Constructor = function()
// Parse all the default settings passed via the script tag
// The work of this constructor is very simple:
// It calls the parseDOM method that parses all the <tags> and adds them
// to the _FCD.Nodes array.
// In case "renderOnLoad" is enabled in settings, then call the RenderCharts
// method with forcedUpdate marked as true
var $1 = _FCD.Settings.renderonload.toString();
if($1 == 'true' || $1 == '1') _FCD.RenderAllCharts(true);
* this property is updated upon chart population. This helps to get the index
* of a node from its char id
* @param: key integer
_FCD.indexOf = function(key)
return _FCD._indexOf[key];
* Renders charts within the <graph> tag that are in the FCD.Nodes array
* @param: force boolean "force already rendered charts to re-render"
_FCD.RenderAllCharts = function(force)
for(var i=0; i<_FCD.Nodes.length; i++)
// check whether the link is marked as already rendered
// if not, then only proceed
if( (_FCD.Nodes[i].renderState == true)
&& !force ) continue;
_FCD.RenderChart(i); // call the updater function to replace proper html
* Update the HTML / re-render the chart-item specified by the arrayIndex
* It simply replaces the innerHTML of the container with the html returned by
* the chartObject
* @param index int
_FCD.RenderChart = function(index)
_FCD.Nodes[index] = ''; // unhide
_FCD.Nodes[index].container.innerHTML =
// call fusionchartsutil to get access to chart object
_FCD.Nodes[index].swfObject =
_FCD.Nodes[index].renderState = true; // mark rendered
// ============================================================================
// == Private Functions and Variables =========================================
// ============================================================================
// Users are NOT to perform any editing at this point.
* This is an internal private propert, that holds a list of index w.r.t chartId
_FCD._indexOf = {};
var watch1;
* This function parses the DOM tree and correspindingly populates the
* _FCD.Nodes array.
* During the process, it does the required modifications w.r.t. IE.
* It converts the custom tags into xmlIslands and adds all these data to
* the Nodes array.
_FCD.parseDOM = function()
// deletes the charts from objects completely.
// this is risky in case the creations fail
_FCD.Nodes = Array();
// get all <tags> and calls the 'process' to perform modifications
var tagItems = _FCD.L.tags( _FCD.R.fcTag );
var i; // initialize counter (separate init so that this var can be reused)
var newNode;
for(i=0; i<tagItems.length; i++)
newNode = _FCD.processTag(tagItems[i]);
_FCD.Nodes.push( newNode );
_FCD._indexOf[] = i; // store keys in an array
// perform process on source nodes and set corresponding dataxml
var sourceNodes = _FCD.processSourceNodes();
for(i=0; i<sourceNodes.length; i++)
// adding reference to source node
_FCD.Nodes[i].sourceNode = sourceNodes[i];
// load data from source
var xmlString = _FCD.loadEmbeddedData(
_FCD.Nodes[i].sourceNode );
// error/alert not raised in case the charttype is not a chart
// no need to throw error here. just notify
// DEVNOTE: IN CASE OF Internet Explorer the container links are lost upon
// processing of source nodes. hence they are updated.
_FCD.Nodes[i].container =
* This function processes each custom chart tag and creates a FD Node out of it.
* @param: tagObj object "HTML node received from getElementsByTagName"
* @return property
_FCD.processTag = function(tagObj)
// create the list of attributes. the probeAttributes method returns
// all the specified attributes or the default value
var newAttributes = _FCD.probeAttributes(tagObj); // read all required attributes
// create a unique chart id in case id is not specified
var $1 = _FCD.Settings.autochartid.toString();
if( $1 == 'true' || $1 == '1')
newAttributes.chartid = _FCD.R.idPrefix + _FCD.L.uniqueId();
else // in case autochartid is off, throw an error
throw _FCD.R.errorNoChartId;
// compute full swf uri in case not provided
if(newAttributes.swfuri=='') {
newAttributes.swfuri = newAttributes.swfpath +
_FCD.getSWFName(newAttributes.charttype, newAttributes.chartversion);
// create a division and append it to the required place
var containerNode = _FCD.L.getNew(_FCD.R.containerTagName,
'style=display:none', // hidden (to avoid layout errors before load)
containerNode.className = _FCD.Settings.containerclassname;
containerNode.innerHTML = _FCD.Settings.loadingmessage;
tagObj.parentNode.insertBefore(containerNode, tagObj); // append to DOM
// create the chart object from the FCJS wrapper
var newChart = _FCD.createChart(newAttributes);
// get all chartparams and add to newchart
var chartParams = _FCD.probeParameters(tagObj);
for(var aParam in chartParams)
newChart.addParam(aParam, chartParams[aParam]);
// also add that param to attributes list for easy access
newAttributes[aParam] = chartParams[aParam];
// get all chartvariables and add to newchart
var chartVars = _FCD.probeVariables(tagObj);
for(var aVar in chartVars)
newChart.addVariable(aVar, chartVars[aVar]);
// also add that vars to attributes list for easy access
newAttributes[aVar] = chartVars[aVar];
// add fusionchartsdom version
newChart.addVariable('FusionChartsDOM', _FCD.version.toString());
return {
id: newAttributes.chartid,
parameters: newAttributes,
chartObject: newChart,
swfObject: null,
container: containerNode,
renderState: false,
sourceNode: null
* This function reads the arguments from DOM node and creates a chart
* @param: $1 property "list of attributes for the new chart"
* @return: FusionChart
_FCD.createChart = function($1)
// put it in try block to trap externel errors from fcjs wrapper
// create a chart from node attributeListute values that we just excavated
return new FusionCharts(
$1.autoinstallredirect );
catch (er)
_FCD.notify(_FCD.R.errorUnexpected + er.toString());
throw _FCD.R.errorUnexpected + er.toString();
* This function returns an array of sourceNodes from <tags> after doing browser-specific
* conversions. In case if IE, it converts to xmlIslands
* @return: object "In case any browser specific modifications are rewuired it
* sends the modified node(xmlIsland) else nodeList"
_FCD.processSourceNodes = function()
// do common initial routines
var allTags = _FCD.L.tags( _FCD.R.fcTag );
// loop through all fusioncharts
for(var c=0; c<allTags.length; c++)
// set display style as none, to hide elements for
// some browsers
// reduce this function with lighterones depending upon the browser used
// append a dummy xmlisland so that all fc tags can be appended here
var xmlIsland = _FCD.L.getNew('xml', 'style=display:none');
// a common regex to pick up fc tags from a string
var fcRegEx = new RegExp('<'+_FCD.R.fcTag+'[\\s\\S]+?<\/'+_FCD.R.fcTag+'>', 'ig');
// TODO: Parse fusioncharts using single regex
// extract all FCD Tags
// not to extract tags within HTML comments / SCRIPT / Style
// not to remove comments / anything within FCD tags
// best of luck
// alternatively doing the above in three pass
// pass one: remove script/style
var xmlString = document.body.innerHTML
.replace(/<script[\s\S]+?<\/script>|<style[\s\S]+?<\/style>/ig, '');
// pass two: get all comments and remove those comments that have
// fusioncharts tag in them
var $1 = xmlString.match(/<!--[\s\S]+?-->/g);
if($1) // check if any tag was returned at all
for(var i=0; i<$1.length; i++)
if($1[i].search(fcRegEx) > 0) {
xmlString = xmlString = xmlString.replace($1[i], '');
} else {
xmlString = xmlString.replace($1[i],
// pass three: pick the final fusioncharts tags from xmlString
xmlString = xmlString.match(fcRegEx);
// in case no xml is matched, returns nullstring
xmlString = xmlString ? xmlString.join('') : '';
allTags = xmlIsland.firstChild.childNodes;
} else {
// notify that inline data not loaded
// self-redefinition helps to reduce browser load!
allTags = _FCD.L.tags( _FCD.R.fcTag );
// self-redefinition helps to reduce browser load!
_FCD.processSourceNodes = function()
return allTags;
return allTags;
* This function fetches chart data when embedded as CDATA
* @param: sourceNode object "The node from where to load data"
_FCD.loadEmbeddedData = function(sourceNode)
try {
return ( (_FCD.L.isIE) ? sourceNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].xml :
_FCD.L.tags('data', sourceNode)[0].innerHTML)
catch (e)
return '';
* Looks for the required list of attributes in the DOM object and when not
* found, returns a default value
* @param: obj object "Node whose attributes needs be probed"
* @return object
_FCD.probeAttributes = function(obj)
var returnObj = {};
for(var $1 in _FCD.Settings.parameters)
returnObj[$1] =
_FCD.L.getAttribute(obj, $1) ||
return returnObj;
* Looks for the required list of swf variables in the DOM object.
* @param: obj object "Node whose attributes needs be probed"
* @return object
_FCD.probeVariables = function(obj)
// @since 1.1 ChartVariables also includes parameters marked as
// chart variables
var returnObj = {};
var $1 = _FCD.R.chartVariables;
var $2, $3;
for(var c=0; c<$1.length; c++)
// make the attribute name case-safe
$3 = $1[c].toLowerCase();
$2 = _FCD.L.getAttribute(obj, $3);
// check whether extra parameters are defined somewhere
if($2==null) {
$2 = _FCD.Settings.xparameters[$3];
if($2 != null) returnObj[$1[c]] = $2;
return returnObj;
* Looks for the required list of parameters for chart and also makes sure
* that values from parameters and reservedAttributes are not added
* @param: obj object "Node whose attributes needs be probed"
* @return array "new object parameters"
_FCD.probeParameters = function(obj)
// it is a three stage process.
// iterate through attributes, exclude constructor attributes, exclude
// reserved keywords and then add the remaining to array
var returnObj = {};
var c; // counter
// DEVNOTE: Our great IE returns dead parameters, so create an array of
// valid parameters
for(c=0; c < obj.attributes.length; c++)
// do not parse invalid attributes
if(!obj.attributes[c].specified) continue;
// append valid values to proplist
returnObj[obj.attributes[c].nodeName.toLowerCase()] =
// FF is case-insenstitive for xhtml (which is w3c correct), so indivdually parse
// reserved array and parameters
var $1;
for($1 in _FCD.Settings.parameters)
$1 = $1.toLowerCase();
if(typeof returnObj[$1] == 'undefined') continue;
delete returnObj[$1];
// remove reserved attributes
var $2 = _FCD.R.reservedAttributes;
for(c=0; c<$2.length; c++)
if(typeof returnObj[$2[c]] == 'undefined') continue;
delete returnObj[$2[c]];
// remove flashvars
$2 = _FCD.R.chartVariables;
for(c=0; c<$2.length; c++)
if(typeof returnObj[$2[c]] == 'undefined') continue;
delete returnObj[$2[c]];
return returnObj;
* This method parses the settings provided at the fcSettings
_FCD.parseSettings = function()
// locate all scripts and then find out which is the FCD script
var scriptTags = _FCD.L.tags('script');
var thisScript, $2=false; // tmpVar2 = file found flag
for(var j=0; j<_FCD.R.jsFileName.length; j++)
for(var i=0; i<scriptTags.length; i++)
if(scriptTags[i].src.length - (_FCD.R.jsFileName[j]).length
- scriptTags[i].src.toLowerCase().indexOf(_FCD.R.jsFileName[j])
== 0)
thisScript = scriptTags[i];
$2 = true;
break; // when script is found, skip searching
if($2 == true) {
// in case parsing failed, simply exit
if(!thisScript) return;
// convert the user settings into properties and sync each of them
// the process is simple: eval the attributes from json to js properties
// and then sync matching items with existing properties
eval('var tm=null;'); // store parsed properties here
+ (thisScript.getAttribute(_FCD.R.userSettingsTagPrefix
+ 'settings')||'')+'};');
_FCD.Settings =
_FCD.syncProperties(_FCD.Settings, tm,
+ (thisScript.getAttribute(_FCD.R.userSettingsTagPrefix
+ 'parameters')||'')+'};');
_FCD.Settings.parameters =
_FCD.syncProperties(_FCD.Settings.parameters, tm,
tm = null; // clean memory
catch (e)
_FCD.notify(_FCD.R.errorParseSettings +
"\nDebug Info: " +e);
* This method synchronises properties from source to target
* @param: target property "the property whose data is to be updated"
* @param: source property "the property from which to take data"
* @param: extra property "extra data from source is dumped here"
* @return: property "updated target property"
_FCD.syncProperties = function(target, source, extra)
var $1;
// in case there is an extra defined, then the routine changes to
// incorporate extra items
for($1 in source)
if(typeof target[$1.toLowerCase()] != 'undefined') {
target[$1.toLowerCase()] = source[$1];
else {
extra[$1.toLowerCase()] = source[$1];
return target;
* Returns appropriate filename for respective chartType aliases
_FCD.getSWFName = function(cTyp, cVer)
cTyp = cTyp.toLowerCase(); cVer = cVer.toLowerCase();
// validate at attribute level
if(!_FCD.R.chartAliasMeta[cVer]) {
+ "\nDebug Info: Invalid parameter: ChartVersion", true);
if(!_FCD.R.chartAlias[cTyp]) {
+ "\nDebug Info: Invalid parameter: ChartType", true);
// get file name w.r.t. alias and as well as validate wrt version
var luVal = _FCD.R.chartAlias[cTyp][ _FCD.R.chartAliasMeta[cVer][0] ];
if( typeof(luVal)=='number' )
if(luVal == -1) {
_FCD.notify(_FCD.R.errorAlias + "\nDebug Info: ChartType \""
+ cTyp + "\" is not supported in ChartVersion \""
+ cVer + "\"", true);
luVal = _FCD.R.chartAlias[cTyp][ luVal ];
return _FCD.R.chartAliasMeta[cVer][1] + luVal +
_FCD.R.chartAliasMeta[cVer][2]; // return after adding prefix and suffix
* This function calls "alert" only if it is enabled in settings
* @param: msg string "Alert message"
* @param: thrw bool "Whether to throw error or not"
_FCD.notify = function(msg, thrw)
var $1 = _FCD.Settings.debugmode.toString(),
$2 = _FCD.Settings.parameters.debugmode;
if($2) $2=_FCD.Settings.parameters.debugmode.toString();
if( $1 == 'true' || $1 == '1' || $2 == 'true' || $2 == '1') alert(msg);
if(thrw) throw msg;
// =============================================================================
// == Library and Resources ====================================================
// =============================================================================
/* String resources; Separated from JS for language localization and js
* compression.
_FCD.R =
// tagName for <tag> support
fcTag : 'fusioncharts',
// message to show in case of unexpected error
errorUnexpected: 'FusionCharts Error: An unexpected error had occured '+
'while creating chart.\nDebug Information: ',
// error message when there is an error with charttype alias
errorAlias: 'FusionCharts Error: There was an error processing Chart Alias',
// error message when no valid datasource is found
errorNoValidData: 'FusionCharts Error: Could not parse a valid data source.',
// error raised when settings could not be parsed due to user error
errorParseSettings: 'FusionCharts Error: Could not parse script settings.',
errorNoChartId: 'FusionCharts Parameter Error: Absence of ChartId invalidates '+
'"autoChartId=true" settings.',
errorInline: 'FusionCharts: Unable to parse inline data. All charts with' +
'inline data will fail to render.',
// the element type in which new charts will be rendered
containerTagName: 'span',
// prefix for every new chartid (in acse auto id is enabled)
idPrefix: 'fusioncharts_',
// file name array of this script
jsFileName: ['fusionchartsdom.js', 'fusionchartsdom.debug.js'],
// the prefix to be used in settings and other attributes
userSettingsTagPrefix: '',
// these attributes will not be parsed and added to the swfobjects addparam
// method (regexp)
reservedAttributes: ['style', 'class', 'id', 'name', 'title', 'on.+',
'value', 'src', 'runat', 'spry:.+'],
// other values: 'href', 'rel', 'dir', 'lang', 'align' , 'font', 'color', 'border', 'type',
// 'size', 'alt', 'valign'
chartVariables: ['XMLLoadingText',
// meta information for chart alias table
// product_name: [acess index for Alias, prefix, suffix]
chartAliasMeta: {
v3: [0, '', '.swf'],
free: [1, 'FCF_', '.swf']
// charttypes that are not charts
chartExclusionMeta: {
exportcomponent: true
// Chart Alias MATRIX. This method is preferred over a more efficient heuristics deviation table
// because of keeping the lookup tables 'simpler to maintain' for developers unable to understand the
// more complex (though more easier to compile] table.
// some reference: 0 (any number above 0) stands for refering to the corresponding index for names
// -1 means not available in current version
chartAlias: {
dragcolumn2d: ['DragColumn2D', -1],
dragline: ['DragLine', -1],
dragarea: ['DragArea', -1],
errorbar2D: ['ErrorBar2D', -1],
selectscatter: ['SelectScatter', -1],
dragnode: ['DragNode', -1],
kagi: ['Kagi', - 1],
logcolumn2d: ['LogMSColumn2D', -1],
logline2d: ['LogMSLine', -1],
multilevelpie: ['MultiLevelPie' -1],
multiaxisline: ['MultiAxisLine', -1],
radar: ['Radar', -1],
funnel: ['Funnel', 0],
candlestick: ['Candlestick', 0],
gantt: ['Gantt', 0],
spline2d: ['Spline', -1],
msspline2d: ['MSSpline', -1],
splinearea2d: ['SplineArea', -1],
mssplinearea2d: ['MSSplineArea', -1],
inversearea2d: ['InverseMSArea', -1],
inversecolumn2d: ['InverseMSColumn2D', -1],
inverseline2d: ['InverseMSLine', -1],
waterfall: ['Waterfall2D', -1],
scatter: ['Scatter', -1],
bubble: ['Bubble', -1],
column3d: ['Column3D', 0],
column2d: ['Column2D', 0],
mscolumn3d: ['MSColumn3D', 0],
mscolumn2d: ['MSColumn2D', 0],
stackedbar2d: ['StackedBar2D', 0],
stackedcolumn3d: ['StackedColumn3D', 0],
stackedcolumn2d: ['StackedColumn2D', 0],
stackedbar3d: ['StackedBar3D', -1],
stackedarea2d: ['StackedArea2D', 0],
stackedcolumn3dlinedy: ['StackedColumn3DLineDY', -1], // the alias name is an exception of not having suffix 3d
pie2d: ['Pie2D', 0],
pie3d: ['Pie3D', 0],
doughnut2d: ['Doughnut2D', 0],
donut2d: ['Doughnut2D', 0],
doughnut3d: ['Doughnut3D', -1],
donut3d: ['Doughnut3D', -1],
line2d: ['Line', 0],
msline2d: ['MSLine', 0],
bar2d: ['Bar2D', 0],
msbar2d: ['MSBar2D', 0],
msbar3d: ['MSBar3D', -1],
area2d: ['Area2D', 0],
msarea2d: ['MSArea', 'MSArea2D'],
mscombi2d: ['MSCombi2D', -1],
mscombi3d: ['MSCombi3D', -1],
mscombidy2d: ['MSCombiDY2D', 'MSColumn2DLineDY'],
msstackedcolumn2d: ['MSStackedColumn2D', -1],
msstackedcolumn2dlinedy:['MSStackedColumn2DLineDY', -1],
mscolumn3dlinedy: ['MSColumn3DLineDY', 0],
mscolumn3dline: ['MSColumnLine3D', -1],
scrollarea2d: ['ScrollArea2D', -1],
scrollcolumn2d: ['ScrollColumn2D', -1],
scrollline2d: ['ScrollLine2D', -1],
scrollcombi2d: ['ScrollCombi2D', -1],
scrollcombidy2d: ['ScrollCombiDY2D', -1],
scrollstackedcolumn2d: ['ScrollStackedColumn2D', -1],
realtimearea: ['RealTimeArea', -1],
realtimecolumn: ['RealTimeColumn', -1],
realtimeline: ['RealTimeLine', -1],
realtimestackedarea: ['RealTimeStackedArea', -1],
realtimestackedcolumn: ['RealTimeStackedColumn', -1],
realtimeangular: ['AngularGauge', -1],
realtimebulb: ['Bulb', -1],
realtimecylinder: ['Cylinder', -1],
realtimehorizontalled: ['HLED', -1],
realtimehorizontallinear: ['HLinearGauge', -1],
realtimethermometer: ['Thermometer', -1],
realtimeverticalled: ['VLED', -1],
sparkline: ['SparkLine', -1],
sparkcolumn: ['SparkColumn', -1],
sparkwinloss: ['SparkWinLoss', -1],
horizontalbullet: ['HBullet', -1],
verticalbullet: ['VBullet', -1],
pyramid: ['Pyramid', -1],
drawingpad: ['DrawingPad', -1],
exportcomponent: ['FCExporter', -1]
* Common runtime/library snippet functions that will be repeatedly and extensively
* used in this script. All cross-browser functions should be implemented hers,
* so that debugging is faster.
_FCD.L =
d: document,
w: window,
isIE: navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer",
isFF: document.getElementById && !document.all,
// attach an event to the window
attachEvent: function(obj, eventName, func)
return (_FCD.L.isIE) ? obj.attachEvent('on'+eventName, func) :
obj.addEventListener(eventName, func, false);
get: function(id, obj)
return (obj || _FCD.L.d).getElementById(id);
// implement getElementsByTagName
tags: function(nm, obj)
return (obj || _FCD.L.d).getElementsByTagName(nm);
// put getAttribute here as its not browser safe
getAttribute: function(obj, attr)
return obj.getAttribute(attr);
// put setAttribute here as its not browser safe
setAttribute: function(obj, attr, val)
return obj.setAttribute(attr, val);
// returns an unique id
luid: 0,
uniqueId: function()
return ++_FCD.L.luid;
// get new dom node
getNew: function(tag)
var el = _FCD.L.d.createElement(tag), arg;
for(var c=1; c<arguments.length; c++)
arg = arguments[c].split('=');
el.setAttribute(arg[0], arg[1]);
return el;
// fire the init() function upon page load
_FCD.L.attachEvent( _FCD.L.w, 'load', _FCD.Constructor);
Mr. DellatioNx196 GaLers xh3LL Backd00r 1.0, Coded By Mr. DellatioNx196 - Bogor BlackHat