Current File : /home/caballoscriollos/www/espanol/encuesta/graphs/code/dom/advanced_application.html
<TITLE>FusionCharts - Client Side Chart Plotting</TITLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="js/FusionChartsDom.js"></SCRIPT>
//In this example, we'll show you how to plot and update charts on the
//client side. Here, we first store our data (to be plotted) in client side
//JavaScript arrays. This data is hard-coded in this example. However,
//in your applications, you can build this JavaScript arrays with live
//data using server side scripting languages. Or, you can make AJAX calls
//to get this data live.
//We store all our data in an array data. It contains data for three Products
//for 3 quarters. The first column of each array contains the product Name.
//Thereafter 4 columns contain data for 4 quarters.
var data = new Array();
//Data for each product
data[0] = new Array("Product A",659400,465400,764500,650500);
data[1] = new Array("Product B",546300,436500,546500,332500);
data[2] = new Array("Product C",657600,564600,348600,436600);
data[3] = new Array("Product D",436500,765700,453900,326400);
//the array of colors contains 4 unique Hex coded colours (without #) for the 4 products
var colors=new Array("AFD8F8", "F6BD0F", "8BBA00", "FF8E46");
* updateChart method is called, when user changes any of the checkboxes.
* Here, we generate the XML data again and build the chart.
* @param domId domId of the Chart
function updateChart(domId){
//Update it's XML - set animate Flag from AnimateChart checkbox in form
//using updateChartXML method defined in FusionCharts JavaScript class
* generateXML method returns the XML data for the chart based on the
* checkboxes which the user has checked.
* @param animate Boolean value indicating to animate the chart.
* @return XML Data for the entire chart.
function generateXML(animate){
//Variable to store XML
var strXML;
//<graph> element
//Added animation parameter based on animate parameter
//Added value related attributes if show value is selected by the user
strXML = "<graph numberPrefix='$' decimalPrecision='0' animation='" + ((animate==true)?"1":"0") + "' " + ((this.document.productSelector.ShowValues.checked==true) ? ("showValues='1' rotateValues='1'"):(" showValues='0' ")) + "yaxismaxvalue='800000'>";
//Store <categories> and child <category> elements
strXML = strXML + "<categories><category name='Quarter 1' /><category name='Quarter 2' /><category name='Quarter 3' /><category name='Quarter 4' /></categories>";
//Based on the products for which we've to generate data, generate XML
strXML = (this.document.productSelector.ProductA.checked==true)?(strXML + getProductXML(0)):(strXML);
strXML = (this.document.productSelector.ProductB.checked==true)?(strXML + getProductXML(1)):(strXML);
strXML = (this.document.productSelector.ProductC.checked==true)?(strXML + getProductXML(2)):(strXML);
strXML = (this.document.productSelector.ProductD.checked==true)?(strXML + getProductXML(3)):(strXML);
//Close <graph> element;
strXML = strXML + "</graph>";
//Return data
return strXML;
* getProductXML method returns the <dataset> and <set> elements XML for
* a particular product index (in data array).
* @param productIndex Product index (in data array)
* @return XML Data for the product.
function getProductXML(productIndex){
var productXML;
//Create <dataset> element from 'data' array
//and color vaules from 'colors' array defined above
productXML = "<dataset seriesName='" + data[productIndex][0] + "' color='"+ colors[productIndex] +"' >";
//Create set elements
for (var i=1; i<=4; i++){
productXML = productXML + "<set value='" + data[productIndex][i] + "' />";
//Close <dataset> element
productXML = productXML + "</dataset>";
return productXML;
<!-- Embed a chart -->
<!-- Create the form for selecting products. -->
<FORM NAME='productSelector' Id='productSelector' action='Chart.html' method='POST' >
<h4>Please select the products for which you want to plot the chart:</h4>
<INPUT TYPE='Checkbox' name='ProductA' onClick="JavaScript:updateChart('chart1Id');" checked> Product A
<INPUT TYPE='Checkbox' name='ProductB' onClick="JavaScript:updateChart('chart1Id');" checked> Product B
<INPUT TYPE='Checkbox' name='ProductC' onClick="JavaScript:updateChart('chart1Id');" checked> Product C
<INPUT TYPE='Checkbox' name='ProductD' onClick="JavaScript:updateChart('chart1Id');" checked> Product D
<B>Chart Configuration:</B>
<INPUT TYPE='Checkbox' name='AnimateChart'>Animate chart while changing data?
<INPUT TYPE='Checkbox' name='ShowValues' onClick="JavaScript:updateChart('chart1Id');" checked>Show Data Values?
<!--Initialize chart with empty data. We'll feed it data on the chart's FC_Rendered event.-->
<fusioncharts chartType="MSColumn3D" width="600" height="400" ChartID="chart1Id" SWFPath="../FusionCharts/" >
<data><!--[CDATA[<graph decimalPrecision='0'>
<category name='Quarter 1' />
<category name='Quarter 2' />
<category name='Quarter 3' />
<category name='Quarter 4' />
<dataset seriesName='Product A' color='AFD8F8' >
<set value='659400' />
<set value='465400' />
<set value='764500' />
<set value='650500' />
<dataset seriesName='Product B' color='F6BD0F' >
<set value='546300' />
<set value='436500' />
<set value='546500' />
<set value='332500' />
<dataset seriesName='Product C' color='8BBA00' >
<set value='657600' />
<set value='564600' />
<set value='348600' />
<set value='436600' />
<dataset seriesName='Product D' color='FF8E46' >
<set value='436500' />
<set value='765700' />
<set value='453900' />
<set value='326400' />
Mr. DellatioNx196 GaLers xh3LL Backd00r 1.0, Coded By Mr. DellatioNx196 - Bogor BlackHat