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<h2><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="pagetitle" -->
FusionCharts DOM Overview<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></h2>
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<p>FusionCharts DOM provides an elegant way to include charts in your web pages. Instead of writing standard JavaScript code or OBJECT/EMBED tags to embed charts, FusionCharts DOM lets you create a chart by just including <span class="code-inline"><fusioncharts> ... </fusioncharts></span> tags in your HTML code. Configuration of the charts is as simple as providing attributes to this HTML element.</p>
<p>Essentially, FusionCharts DOM is a JavaScript file that you include in your HTML page. For the time being forget everything about JavaScript. Whenever you need to create a chart, you just use the tag in your HTML code. As such, even your designers can create and manage charts in your web applications.</p>
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<h3>The advantages of using FusionCharts DOM</h3>
<p>The advantages of using FusionCharts DOM over the standard chart embedding code are multi-fold, as listed below: </p>
<li>Provides an easy and consistent way to include charts in your web pages.</li>
<li>Helps you do away with complex JavaScript snippets and OBJECT/EMBED tags.</li>
<li>Easy to understand codes make it more maintainable.</li>
<li>Runs seamlessly on all major browsers like IE, FF, Opera and Safari. It also runs on older FF2 and IE6.</li>
<li>Still provides native integration with JavaScript, retaining all the features provided by FusionCharts.</li>
<li>Does not require any server-side script and can run on pure HTML documents.</li>
<li>Easily integrates with other JavaScript libraries and frameworks.</li>
<p>FusionCharts DOM JavaScript code is highly efficient, compact, object-oriented and localized. The only drawback is: it will not pass W3C validation. But failing W3C validation does not impact your web pages in any other way. We choose to call it a trade-off between ease of use and standards.</p>
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