Mister Spy Say ="Hello Kids ... :D"
___ ____ _ _____
| \/ (_) | | / ___|
| . . |_ ___| |_ ___ _ __ \ `--. _ __ _ _
| |\/| | / __| __/ _ \ '__| `--. \ '_ \| | | |
| | | | \__ \ || __/ | /\__/ / |_) | |_| |
\_| |_/_|___/\__\___|_| \____/| .__/ \__, |
| | __/ |
|_| |___/
Bot Mister Spy V3
Mister Spy
Mister Spy
# !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!!
# This file is machine-generated by lib/unicore/mktables from the Unicode
# database, Version 13.0.0. Any changes made here will be lost!
# !!!!!!! INTERNAL PERL USE ONLY !!!!!!!
# This file is for internal use by core Perl only. The format and even the
# name or existence of this file are subject to change without notice. Don't
# use it directly. Use Unicode::UCD to access the Unicode character data
# base.
# The name this table is to be known by, with the format of the mappings in
# the main body of the table, and what all code points missing from this file
# map to.
$Unicode::UCD::SwashInfo{'ToJg'}{'format'} = 's'; # string
$Unicode::UCD::SwashInfo{'ToJg'}{'missing'} = 'No_Joining_Group';
return <<'END';
620 Yeh
622 623 Alef
624 Waw
625 Alef
626 Yeh
627 Alef
628 Beh
629 Teh_Marbuta
62A 62B Beh
62C 62E Hah
62F 630 Dal
631 632 Reh
633 634 Seen
635 636 Sad
637 638 Tah
639 63A Ain
63B 63C Gaf
63D 63F Farsi_Yeh
641 Feh
642 Qaf
643 Kaf
644 Lam
645 Meem
646 Noon
647 Heh
648 Waw
649 64A Yeh
66E Beh
66F Qaf
671 673 Alef
675 Alef
676 677 Waw
678 Yeh
679 680 Beh
681 687 Hah
688 690 Dal
691 699 Reh
69A 69C Seen
69D 69E Sad
69F Tah
6A0 Ain
6A1 6A6 Feh
6A7 6A8 Qaf
6A9 Gaf
6AA Swash_Kaf
6AB Gaf
6AC 6AE Kaf
6AF 6B4 Gaf
6B5 6B8 Lam
6B9 6BC Noon
6BD Nya
6BE Knotted_Heh
6BF Hah
6C0 Teh_Marbuta
6C1 6C2 Heh_Goal
6C3 Teh_Marbuta_Goal
6C4 6CB Waw
6CC Farsi_Yeh
6CD Yeh_With_Tail
6CE Farsi_Yeh
6CF Waw
6D0 6D1 Yeh
6D2 6D3 Yeh_Barree
6D5 Teh_Marbuta
6EE Dal
6EF Reh
6FA Seen
6FB Sad
6FC Ain
6FF Knotted_Heh
710 Alaph
712 Beth
713 714 Gamal
715 716 Dalath_Rish
717 He
718 Syriac_Waw
719 Zain
71A Heth
71B 71C Teth
71D Yudh
71E Yudh_He
71F Kaph
720 Lamadh
721 Mim
722 Nun
723 Semkath
724 Final_Semkath
725 E
726 Pe
727 Reversed_Pe
728 Sadhe
729 Qaph
72A Dalath_Rish
72B Shin
72C Taw
72D Beth
72E Gamal
72F Dalath_Rish
74D Zhain
74E Khaph
74F Fe
750 756 Beh
757 758 Hah
759 75A Dal
75B Reh
75C Seen
75D 75F Ain
760 761 Feh
762 764 Gaf
765 766 Meem
767 769 Noon
76A Lam
76B 76C Reh
76D Seen
76E 76F Hah
770 Seen
771 Reh
772 Hah
773 774 Alef
775 776 Farsi_Yeh
777 Yeh
778 779 Waw
77A 77B Burushaski_Yeh_Barree
77C Hah
77D 77E Seen
77F Kaf
860 Malayalam_Nga
861 Malayalam_Ja
862 Malayalam_Nya
863 Malayalam_Tta
864 Malayalam_Nna
865 Malayalam_Nnna
866 Malayalam_Bha
867 Malayalam_Ra
868 Malayalam_Lla
869 Malayalam_Llla
86A Malayalam_Ssa
8A0 8A1 Beh
8A2 Hah
8A3 Tah
8A4 Feh
8A5 Qaf
8A6 Lam
8A7 Meem
8A8 8A9 Yeh
8AA Reh
8AB Waw
8AC Rohingya_Yeh
8AE Dal
8AF Sad
8B0 Gaf
8B1 Straight_Waw
8B2 Reh
8B3 Ain
8B4 Kaf
8B6 8B8 Beh
8B9 Reh
8BA Yeh
8BB African_Feh
8BC African_Qaf
8BD African_Noon
8BE 8C0 Beh
8C1 Hah
8C2 Gaf
8C3 Ain
8C4 African_Qaf
8C5 8C6 Hah
8C7 Lam
10AC0 Manichaean_Aleph
10AC1 10AC2 Manichaean_Beth
10AC3 10AC4 Manichaean_Gimel
10AC5 Manichaean_Daleth
10AC7 Manichaean_Waw
10AC9 10ACA Manichaean_Zayin
10ACD Manichaean_Heth
10ACE Manichaean_Teth
10ACF Manichaean_Yodh
10AD0 10AD2 Manichaean_Kaph
10AD3 Manichaean_Lamedh
10AD4 Manichaean_Dhamedh
10AD5 Manichaean_Thamedh
10AD6 Manichaean_Mem
10AD7 Manichaean_Nun
10AD8 Manichaean_Samekh
10AD9 10ADA Manichaean_Ayin
10ADB 10ADC Manichaean_Pe
10ADD Manichaean_Sadhe
10ADE 10AE0 Manichaean_Qoph
10AE1 Manichaean_Resh
10AE4 Manichaean_Taw
10AEB Manichaean_One
10AEC Manichaean_Five
10AED Manichaean_Ten
10AEE Manichaean_Twenty
10AEF Manichaean_Hundred
10D02 Hanifi_Rohingya_Pa
10D09 Hanifi_Rohingya_Pa
10D19 Hanifi_Rohingya_Kinna_Ya
10D1C Hanifi_Rohingya_Pa
10D1E Hanifi_Rohingya_Kinna_Ya
10D20 Hanifi_Rohingya_Kinna_Ya
10D23 Hanifi_Rohingya_Kinna_Ya
Mr. DellatioNx196 GaLers xh3LL Backd00r 1.0, Coded By Mr. DellatioNx196 - Bogor BlackHat