Mister Spy Say ="Hello Kids ... :D"
___ ____ _ _____
| \/ (_) | | / ___|
| . . |_ ___| |_ ___ _ __ \ `--. _ __ _ _
| |\/| | / __| __/ _ \ '__| `--. \ '_ \| | | |
| | | | \__ \ || __/ | /\__/ / |_) | |_| |
\_| |_/_|___/\__\___|_| \____/| .__/ \__, |
| | __/ |
|_| |___/
Bot Mister Spy V3
Mister Spy
Mister Spy
# !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!!
# This file is machine-generated by lib/unicore/mktables from the Unicode
# database, Version 13.0.0. Any changes made here will be lost!
# !!!!!!! INTERNAL PERL USE ONLY !!!!!!!
# This file is for internal use by core Perl only. The format and even the
# name or existence of this file are subject to change without notice. Don't
# use it directly. Use Unicode::UCD to access the Unicode character data
# base.
# The name this table is to be known by, with the format of the mappings in
# the main body of the table, and what all code points missing from this file
# map to.
$Unicode::UCD::SwashInfo{'ToInSC'}{'format'} = 's'; # string
$Unicode::UCD::SwashInfo{'ToInSC'}{'missing'} = 'Other';
return <<'END';
2D Consonant_Placeholder
30 39 Number
A0 Consonant_Placeholder
B2 B3 Syllable_Modifier
D7 Consonant_Placeholder
900 902 Bindu
903 Visarga
904 914 Vowel_Independent
915 939 Consonant
93A 93B Vowel_Dependent
93C Nukta
93D Avagraha
93E 94C Vowel_Dependent
94D Virama
94E 94F Vowel_Dependent
951 952 Cantillation_Mark
955 957 Vowel_Dependent
958 95F Consonant
960 961 Vowel_Independent
962 963 Vowel_Dependent
966 96F Number
972 977 Vowel_Independent
978 97F Consonant
980 Consonant_Placeholder
981 982 Bindu
983 Visarga
985 98C Vowel_Independent
98F 990 Vowel_Independent
993 994 Vowel_Independent
995 9A8 Consonant
9AA 9B0 Consonant
9B2 Consonant
9B6 9B9 Consonant
9BC Nukta
9BD Avagraha
9BE 9C4 Vowel_Dependent
9C7 9C8 Vowel_Dependent
9CB 9CC Vowel_Dependent
9CD Virama
9CE Consonant_Dead
9D7 Vowel_Dependent
9DC 9DD Consonant
9DF Consonant
9E0 9E1 Vowel_Independent
9E2 9E3 Vowel_Dependent
9E6 9EF Number
9F0 9F1 Consonant
9FC Bindu
9FE Syllable_Modifier
A01 A02 Bindu
A03 Visarga
A05 A0A Vowel_Independent
A0F A10 Vowel_Independent
A13 A14 Vowel_Independent
A15 A28 Consonant
A2A A30 Consonant
A32 A33 Consonant
A35 A36 Consonant
A38 A39 Consonant
A3C Nukta
A3E A42 Vowel_Dependent
A47 A48 Vowel_Dependent
A4B A4C Vowel_Dependent
A4D Virama
A51 Cantillation_Mark
A59 A5C Consonant
A5E Consonant
A66 A6F Number
A70 Bindu
A71 Gemination_Mark
A72 A73 Consonant_Placeholder
A75 Consonant_Medial
A81 A82 Bindu
A83 Visarga
A85 A8D Vowel_Independent
A8F A91 Vowel_Independent
A93 A94 Vowel_Independent
A95 AA8 Consonant
AAA AB0 Consonant
AB2 AB3 Consonant
AB5 AB9 Consonant
ABC Nukta
ABD Avagraha
ABE AC5 Vowel_Dependent
AC7 AC9 Vowel_Dependent
ACB ACC Vowel_Dependent
ACD Virama
AE0 AE1 Vowel_Independent
AE2 AE3 Vowel_Dependent
AE6 AEF Number
AF9 Consonant
AFA AFC Cantillation_Mark
B01 B02 Bindu
B03 Visarga
B05 B0C Vowel_Independent
B0F B10 Vowel_Independent
B13 B14 Vowel_Independent
B15 B28 Consonant
B2A B30 Consonant
B32 B33 Consonant
B35 B39 Consonant
B3C Nukta
B3D Avagraha
B3E B44 Vowel_Dependent
B47 B48 Vowel_Dependent
B4B B4C Vowel_Dependent
B4D Virama
B55 B57 Vowel_Dependent
B5C B5D Consonant
B5F Consonant
B60 B61 Vowel_Independent
B62 B63 Vowel_Dependent
B66 B6F Number
B71 Consonant
B82 Bindu
B83 Modifying_Letter
B85 B8A Vowel_Independent
B8E B90 Vowel_Independent
B92 B94 Vowel_Independent
B95 Consonant
B99 B9A Consonant
B9C Consonant
B9E B9F Consonant
BA3 BA4 Consonant
BA8 BAA Consonant
BAE BB9 Consonant
BBE BC2 Vowel_Dependent
BC6 BC8 Vowel_Dependent
BCA BCC Vowel_Dependent
BCD Virama
BD7 Vowel_Dependent
BE6 BEF Number
C00 C02 Bindu
C03 Visarga
C04 Bindu
C05 C0C Vowel_Independent
C0E C10 Vowel_Independent
C12 C14 Vowel_Independent
C15 C28 Consonant
C2A C39 Consonant
C3D Avagraha
C3E C44 Vowel_Dependent
C46 C48 Vowel_Dependent
C4A C4C Vowel_Dependent
C4D Virama
C55 C56 Vowel_Dependent
C58 C5A Consonant
C60 C61 Vowel_Independent
C62 C63 Vowel_Dependent
C66 C6F Number
C80 C82 Bindu
C83 Visarga
C85 C8C Vowel_Independent
C8E C90 Vowel_Independent
C92 C94 Vowel_Independent
C95 CA8 Consonant
CAA CB3 Consonant
CB5 CB9 Consonant
CBC Nukta
CBD Avagraha
CBE CC4 Vowel_Dependent
CC6 CC8 Vowel_Dependent
CCA CCC Vowel_Dependent
CCD Virama
CD5 CD6 Vowel_Dependent
CDE Consonant
CE0 CE1 Vowel_Independent
CE2 CE3 Vowel_Dependent
CE6 CEF Number
CF1 CF2 Consonant_With_Stacker
D00 D02 Bindu
D03 Visarga
D04 Bindu
D05 D0C Vowel_Independent
D0E D10 Vowel_Independent
D12 D14 Vowel_Independent
D15 D3A Consonant
D3B D3C Pure_Killer
D3D Avagraha
D3E D44 Vowel_Dependent
D46 D48 Vowel_Dependent
D4A D4C Vowel_Dependent
D4D Virama
D4E Consonant_Preceding_Repha
D54 D56 Consonant_Dead
D57 Vowel_Dependent
D5F D61 Vowel_Independent
D62 D63 Vowel_Dependent
D66 D6F Number
D7A D7F Consonant_Dead
D81 D82 Bindu
D83 Visarga
D85 D96 Vowel_Independent
D9A DB1 Consonant
DB3 DBB Consonant
DBD Consonant
DC0 DC6 Consonant
DCA Virama
DCF DD4 Vowel_Dependent
DD6 Vowel_Dependent
DD8 DDF Vowel_Dependent
DE6 DEF Number
DF2 DF3 Vowel_Dependent
E01 E2E Consonant
E30 E39 Vowel_Dependent
E3A Pure_Killer
E40 E45 Vowel_Dependent
E47 Vowel_Dependent
E48 E4B Tone_Mark
E4C Consonant_Killer
E4D Bindu
E4E Pure_Killer
E50 E59 Number
E81 E82 Consonant
E84 Consonant
E86 E8A Consonant
E8C EA3 Consonant
EA5 Consonant
EA7 EAE Consonant
EB0 EB9 Vowel_Dependent
EBA Pure_Killer
EBB Vowel_Dependent
EBC EBD Consonant_Medial
EC0 EC4 Vowel_Dependent
EC8 ECB Tone_Mark
ECD Bindu
ED0 ED9 Number
EDC EDF Consonant
F20 F33 Number
F35 Syllable_Modifier
F37 Syllable_Modifier
F39 Nukta
F40 F47 Consonant
F49 F6C Consonant
F71 F7D Vowel_Dependent
F7E Bindu
F7F Visarga
F80 F81 Vowel_Dependent
F82 F83 Bindu
F84 Pure_Killer
F85 Avagraha
F88 F8C Consonant_Head_Letter
F8D F97 Consonant_Subjoined
F99 FBC Consonant_Subjoined
FC6 Syllable_Modifier
1000 1020 Consonant
1021 102A Vowel_Independent
102B 1035 Vowel_Dependent
1036 Bindu
1037 Tone_Mark
1038 Visarga
1039 Invisible_Stacker
103A Pure_Killer
103B 103E Consonant_Medial
103F Consonant
1040 1049 Number
104B Consonant_Placeholder
104E Consonant_Placeholder
1050 1051 Consonant
1052 1055 Vowel_Independent
1056 1059 Vowel_Dependent
105A 105D Consonant
105E 1060 Consonant_Medial
1061 Consonant
1062 Vowel_Dependent
1063 1064 Tone_Mark
1065 1066 Consonant
1067 1068 Vowel_Dependent
1069 106D Tone_Mark
106E 1070 Consonant
1071 1074 Vowel_Dependent
1075 1081 Consonant
1082 Consonant_Medial
1083 1086 Vowel_Dependent
1087 108D Tone_Mark
108E Consonant
108F Tone_Mark
1090 1099 Number
109A 109B Tone_Mark
109C 109D Vowel_Dependent
1700 1702 Vowel_Independent
1703 170C Consonant
170E 1711 Consonant
1712 1713 Vowel_Dependent
1714 Pure_Killer
1720 1722 Vowel_Independent
1723 1731 Consonant
1732 1733 Vowel_Dependent
1734 Pure_Killer
1740 1742 Vowel_Independent
1743 1751 Consonant
1752 1753 Vowel_Dependent
1760 1762 Vowel_Independent
1763 176C Consonant
176E 1770 Consonant
1772 1773 Vowel_Dependent
1780 17A2 Consonant
17A3 17B3 Vowel_Independent
17B6 17C5 Vowel_Dependent
17C6 Bindu
17C7 Visarga
17C8 Vowel_Dependent
17C9 17CA Register_Shifter
17CB Syllable_Modifier
17CC Consonant_Succeeding_Repha
17CD Consonant_Killer
17CE 17D0 Syllable_Modifier
17D1 Pure_Killer
17D2 Invisible_Stacker
17D3 Syllable_Modifier
17DC Avagraha
17DD Syllable_Modifier
17E0 17E9 Number
1900 Consonant_Placeholder
1901 191E Consonant
1920 1928 Vowel_Dependent
1929 192B Consonant_Subjoined
1930 1931 Consonant_Final
1932 Bindu
1933 1939 Consonant_Final
193A Vowel_Dependent
193B Syllable_Modifier
1946 194F Number
1950 1962 Consonant
1963 196D Vowel
1970 1974 Tone_Letter
1980 19AB Consonant
19B0 19C0 Vowel_Dependent
19C1 19C7 Consonant_Final
19C8 19C9 Tone_Mark
19D0 19DA Number
1A00 1A16 Consonant
1A17 1A1B Vowel_Dependent
1A20 1A4C Consonant
1A4D 1A52 Vowel_Independent
1A53 1A54 Consonant
1A55 1A56 Consonant_Medial
1A57 Consonant_Subjoined
1A58 1A59 Consonant_Final
1A5A Consonant_Initial_Postfixed
1A5B 1A5E Consonant_Subjoined
1A60 Invisible_Stacker
1A61 1A73 Vowel_Dependent
1A74 Bindu
1A75 1A79 Tone_Mark
1A7A Pure_Killer
1A7B 1A7C Syllable_Modifier
1A7F Syllable_Modifier
1A80 1A89 Number
1A90 1A99 Number
1B00 1B02 Bindu
1B03 Consonant_Succeeding_Repha
1B04 Visarga
1B05 1B12 Vowel_Independent
1B13 1B33 Consonant
1B34 Nukta
1B35 1B43 Vowel_Dependent
1B44 Virama
1B45 1B4B Consonant
1B50 1B59 Number
1B80 Bindu
1B81 Consonant_Succeeding_Repha
1B82 Visarga
1B83 1B89 Vowel_Independent
1B8A 1BA0 Consonant
1BA1 1BA3 Consonant_Subjoined
1BA4 1BA9 Vowel_Dependent
1BAA Pure_Killer
1BAB Invisible_Stacker
1BAC 1BAD Consonant_Subjoined
1BAE 1BAF Consonant
1BB0 1BB9 Number
1BBA Avagraha
1BBB 1BBD Consonant
1BBE 1BBF Consonant_Final
1BC0 1BE3 Consonant
1BE4 1BE5 Vowel_Independent
1BE6 Nukta
1BE7 1BEF Vowel_Dependent
1BF0 1BF1 Consonant_Final
1BF2 1BF3 Pure_Killer
1C00 1C23 Consonant
1C24 1C25 Consonant_Subjoined
1C26 1C2C Vowel_Dependent
1C2D 1C33 Consonant_Final
1C34 1C35 Bindu
1C36 Syllable_Modifier
1C37 Nukta
1C40 1C49 Number
1C4D 1C4F Consonant
1CD0 1CD2 Cantillation_Mark
1CD4 1CE1 Cantillation_Mark
1CF2 1CF3 Consonant_Dead
1CF4 Cantillation_Mark
1CF5 1CF6 Consonant_With_Stacker
1CF7 1CF9 Cantillation_Mark
1CFA Consonant_Placeholder
1DFB Syllable_Modifier
200C Non_Joiner
200D Joiner
2010 2014 Consonant_Placeholder
2074 Syllable_Modifier
2082 2084 Syllable_Modifier
20F0 Cantillation_Mark
25CC Consonant_Placeholder
A800 A801 Vowel_Independent
A802 Vowel_Dependent
A803 A805 Vowel_Independent
A806 Virama
A807 A80A Consonant
A80B Bindu
A80C A822 Consonant
A823 A827 Vowel_Dependent
A82C Pure_Killer
A840 A85D Consonant
A85E A861 Vowel
A862 A865 Consonant
A866 Vowel
A867 A868 Consonant_Subjoined
A869 A870 Consonant
A871 Consonant_Subjoined
A872 Consonant
A873 Bindu
A880 Bindu
A881 Visarga
A882 A891 Vowel_Independent
A892 A8B3 Consonant
A8B4 Consonant_Medial
A8B5 A8C3 Vowel_Dependent
A8C4 Virama
A8C5 Bindu
A8D0 A8D9 Number
A8E0 A8F1 Cantillation_Mark
A8F2 A8F3 Bindu
A8FE Vowel_Independent
A8FF Vowel_Dependent
A900 A909 Number
A90A A921 Consonant
A922 A92A Vowel
A92B A92D Tone_Mark
A930 A946 Consonant
A947 A94E Vowel_Dependent
A94F A952 Consonant_Final
A953 Pure_Killer
A980 A981 Bindu
A982 Consonant_Succeeding_Repha
A983 Visarga
A984 A988 Vowel_Independent
A989 A98B Consonant
A98C A98E Vowel_Independent
A98F A9B2 Consonant
A9B3 Nukta
A9B4 A9BC Vowel_Dependent
A9BD A9BF Consonant_Medial
A9C0 Virama
A9D0 A9D9 Number
A9E0 A9E4 Consonant
A9E5 Vowel_Dependent
A9E7 A9EF Consonant
A9F0 A9F9 Number
A9FA A9FE Consonant
AA00 AA05 Vowel_Independent
AA06 AA28 Consonant
AA29 AA32 Vowel_Dependent
AA33 AA36 Consonant_Medial
AA40 AA4D Consonant_Final
AA50 AA59 Number
AA60 AA6F Consonant
AA71 AA73 Consonant
AA74 AA76 Consonant_Placeholder
AA7A Consonant
AA7B AA7D Tone_Mark
AA7E AAAF Consonant
AAB0 AABE Vowel_Dependent
AABF Tone_Mark
AAC0 Tone_Letter
AAC1 Tone_Mark
AAC2 Tone_Letter
AAE0 AAE1 Vowel_Independent
AAE2 AAEA Consonant
AAEB AAEF Vowel_Dependent
AAF5 Visarga
AAF6 Invisible_Stacker
ABC0 ABCD Consonant
ABCE ABCF Vowel_Independent
ABD0 Consonant
ABD1 Vowel_Independent
ABD2 ABDA Consonant
ABDB ABE2 Consonant_Final
ABE3 ABEA Vowel_Dependent
ABEC Tone_Mark
ABED Pure_Killer
ABF0 ABF9 Number
10A00 Consonant
10A01 10A03 Vowel_Dependent
10A05 10A06 Vowel_Dependent
10A0C 10A0D Vowel_Dependent
10A0E Bindu
10A0F Visarga
10A10 10A13 Consonant
10A15 10A17 Consonant
10A19 10A35 Consonant
10A38 10A3A Nukta
10A3F Invisible_Stacker
10A40 10A48 Number
11000 11001 Bindu
11002 Visarga
11003 11004 Consonant_With_Stacker
11005 11012 Vowel_Independent
11013 11037 Consonant
11038 11045 Vowel_Dependent
11046 Virama
11052 11065 Brahmi_Joining_Number
11066 1106F Number
1107F Number_Joiner
11080 11081 Bindu
11082 Visarga
11083 1108C Vowel_Independent
1108D 110AF Consonant
110B0 110B8 Vowel_Dependent
110B9 Virama
110BA Nukta
11100 11101 Bindu
11102 Visarga
11103 11106 Vowel_Independent
11107 11126 Consonant
11127 11132 Vowel_Dependent
11133 Invisible_Stacker
11134 Pure_Killer
11136 1113F Number
11144 Consonant
11145 11146 Vowel_Dependent
11147 Consonant
11150 11154 Vowel
11155 11172 Consonant
11173 Nukta
11180 11181 Bindu
11182 Visarga
11183 11190 Vowel_Independent
11191 111B2 Consonant
111B3 111BF Vowel_Dependent
111C0 Virama
111C1 Avagraha
111C2 111C3 Consonant_Prefixed
111C9 Syllable_Modifier
111CA Nukta
111CB 111CC Vowel_Dependent
111CE Vowel_Dependent
111CF Bindu
111D0 111D9 Number
111E1 111F4 Number
11200 11207 Vowel_Independent
11208 11211 Consonant
11213 1122B Consonant
1122C 11233 Vowel_Dependent
11234 Bindu
11235 Virama
11236 Nukta
11237 Gemination_Mark
1123E Cantillation_Mark
11280 11283 Vowel_Independent
11284 11286 Consonant
11288 Consonant
1128A 1128D Consonant
1128F 1129D Consonant
1129F 112A8 Consonant
112B0 112B9 Vowel_Independent
112BA 112DE Consonant
112DF Bindu
112E0 112E8 Vowel_Dependent
112E9 Nukta
112EA Pure_Killer
112F0 112F9 Number
11300 11302 Bindu
11303 Visarga
11305 1130C Vowel_Independent
1130F 11310 Vowel_Independent
11313 11314 Vowel_Independent
11315 11328 Consonant
1132A 11330 Consonant
11332 11333 Consonant
11335 11339 Consonant
1133B 1133C Nukta
1133D Avagraha
1133E 11344 Vowel_Dependent
11347 11348 Vowel_Dependent
1134B 1134C Vowel_Dependent
1134D Virama
11357 Vowel_Dependent
1135E 1135F Bindu
11360 11361 Vowel_Independent
11362 11363 Vowel_Dependent
11366 1136C Cantillation_Mark
11370 11374 Cantillation_Mark
11400 1140D Vowel_Independent
1140E 11434 Consonant
11435 11441 Vowel_Dependent
11442 Virama
11443 11444 Bindu
11445 Visarga
11446 Nukta
11447 Avagraha
11450 11459 Number
1145E Syllable_Modifier
1145F Bindu
11460 11461 Consonant_With_Stacker
11481 1148E Vowel_Independent
1148F 114AF Consonant
114B0 114BE Vowel_Dependent
114BF 114C0 Bindu
114C1 Visarga
114C2 Virama
114C3 Nukta
114C4 Avagraha
114D0 114D9 Number
11580 1158D Vowel_Independent
1158E 115AE Consonant
115AF 115B5 Vowel_Dependent
115B8 115BB Vowel_Dependent
115BC 115BD Bindu
115BE Visarga
115BF Virama
115C0 Nukta
115D8 115DB Vowel_Independent
115DC 115DD Vowel_Dependent
11600 1160D Vowel_Independent
1160E 1162F Consonant
11630 1163C Vowel_Dependent
1163D Bindu
1163E Visarga
1163F Virama
11640 Vowel_Dependent
11650 11659 Number
11680 11689 Vowel_Independent
1168A 116AA Consonant
116AB Bindu
116AC Visarga
116AD 116B5 Vowel_Dependent
116B6 Virama
116B7 Nukta
116B8 Consonant
116C0 116C9 Number
11700 1171A Consonant
1171D 1171F Consonant_Medial
11720 1172A Vowel_Dependent
1172B Pure_Killer
11730 1173B Number
11800 11809 Vowel_Independent
1180A 1182B Consonant
1182C 11836 Vowel_Dependent
11837 Bindu
11838 Visarga
11839 Virama
1183A Nukta
11900 11906 Vowel_Independent
11909 Vowel_Independent
1190C 11913 Consonant
11915 11916 Consonant
11918 1192F Consonant
11930 11935 Vowel_Dependent
11937 11938 Vowel_Dependent
1193B 1193C Bindu
1193D Pure_Killer
1193E Invisible_Stacker
1193F Consonant_Prefixed
11940 Consonant_Medial
11941 Consonant_Preceding_Repha
11942 Consonant_Medial
11943 Nukta
11950 11959 Number
119A0 119A7 Vowel_Independent
119AA 119AD Vowel_Independent
119AE 119D0 Consonant
119D1 119D7 Vowel_Dependent
119DA 119DD Vowel_Dependent
119DE Bindu
119DF Visarga
119E0 Virama
119E1 Avagraha
119E4 Vowel_Dependent
11A00 Vowel_Independent
11A01 11A0A Vowel_Dependent
11A0B 11A32 Consonant
11A33 Syllable_Modifier
11A34 Pure_Killer
11A35 11A38 Bindu
11A39 Visarga
11A3A Consonant_Prefixed
11A3B 11A3E Consonant_Medial
11A3F Consonant_Placeholder
11A45 Consonant_Placeholder
11A47 Invisible_Stacker
11A50 Vowel_Independent
11A51 11A5B Vowel_Dependent
11A5C 11A83 Consonant
11A84 11A89 Consonant_Prefixed
11A8A 11A95 Consonant_Final
11A96 Bindu
11A97 Visarga
11A98 Gemination_Mark
11A99 Invisible_Stacker
11A9D Avagraha
11C00 11C08 Vowel_Independent
11C0A 11C0D Vowel_Independent
11C0E 11C2E Consonant
11C2F 11C36 Vowel_Dependent
11C38 11C3B Vowel_Dependent
11C3C 11C3D Bindu
11C3E Visarga
11C3F Virama
11C40 Avagraha
11C50 11C6C Number
11C72 11C8F Consonant
11C92 11CA7 Consonant_Subjoined
11CA9 11CAF Consonant_Subjoined
11CB0 11CB4 Vowel_Dependent
11CB5 11CB6 Bindu
11D00 11D06 Vowel_Independent
11D08 11D09 Vowel_Independent
11D0B Vowel_Independent
11D0C 11D30 Consonant
11D31 11D36 Vowel_Dependent
11D3A Vowel_Dependent
11D3C 11D3D Vowel_Dependent
11D3F Vowel_Dependent
11D40 Bindu
11D41 Visarga
11D42 Nukta
11D43 Vowel_Dependent
11D44 Pure_Killer
11D45 Invisible_Stacker
11D46 Consonant_Preceding_Repha
11D47 Consonant_Medial
11D50 11D59 Number
11D60 11D65 Vowel_Independent
11D67 11D68 Vowel_Independent
11D6A 11D6B Vowel_Independent
11D6C 11D89 Consonant
11D8A 11D8E Vowel_Dependent
11D90 11D91 Vowel_Dependent
11D93 11D94 Vowel_Dependent
11D95 Bindu
11D96 Visarga
11D97 Invisible_Stacker
11DA0 11DA9 Number
11EE0 11EF1 Consonant
11EF2 Consonant_Placeholder
11EF3 11EF6 Vowel_Dependent
Mr. DellatioNx196 GaLers xh3LL Backd00r 1.0, Coded By Mr. DellatioNx196 - Bogor BlackHat