Mister Spy Say ="Hello Kids ... :D"
___ ____ _ _____
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Bot Mister Spy V3
Mister Spy
Mister Spy
package URI::_idna;
# This module implements the RFCs 3490 (IDNA) and 3491 (Nameprep)
# based on Python-2.6.4/Lib/encodings/idna.py
use strict;
use warnings;
use URI::_punycode qw(decode_punycode encode_punycode);
use Carp qw(croak);
our $VERSION = '5.09';
*URI::_idna::_ENV_::JOIN_LEAKS_UTF8_FLAGS = "$]" < 5.008_003
? sub () { 1 }
: sub () { 0 }
my $ASCII = qr/^[\x00-\x7F]*\z/;
sub encode {
my $idomain = shift;
my @labels = split(/\./, $idomain, -1);
my @last_empty;
push(@last_empty, pop @labels) if @labels > 1 && $labels[-1] eq "";
for (@labels) {
$_ = ToASCII($_);
return eval 'join(".", @labels, @last_empty)' if URI::_idna::_ENV_::JOIN_LEAKS_UTF8_FLAGS;
return join(".", @labels, @last_empty);
sub decode {
my $domain = shift;
return join(".", map ToUnicode($_), split(/\./, $domain, -1))
sub nameprep { # XXX real implementation missing
my $label = shift;
$label = lc($label);
return $label;
sub check_size {
my $label = shift;
croak "Label empty" if $label eq "";
croak "Label too long" if length($label) > 63;
return $label;
sub ToASCII {
my $label = shift;
return check_size($label) if $label =~ $ASCII;
# Step 2: nameprep
$label = nameprep($label);
# Step 3: UseSTD3ASCIIRules is false
# Step 4: try ASCII again
return check_size($label) if $label =~ $ASCII;
# Step 5: Check ACE prefix
if ($label =~ /^xn--/) {
croak "Label starts with ACE prefix";
# Step 6: Encode with PUNYCODE
$label = encode_punycode($label);
# Step 7: Prepend ACE prefix
$label = "xn--$label";
# Step 8: Check size
return check_size($label);
sub ToUnicode {
my $label = shift;
$label = nameprep($label) unless $label =~ $ASCII;
return $label unless $label =~ /^xn--/;
my $result = decode_punycode(substr($label, 4));
my $label2 = ToASCII($result);
if (lc($label) ne $label2) {
croak "IDNA does not round-trip: '\L$label\E' vs '$label2'";
return $result;
Mr. DellatioNx196 GaLers xh3LL Backd00r 1.0, Coded By Mr. DellatioNx196 - Bogor BlackHat