Mister Spy Say ="Hello Kids ... :D"
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Bot Mister Spy V3
Mister Spy
Mister Spy
Title: The PCI Utilities
Version: 3.7.0
Entered-date: 200531
Description: This package contains various utilities for inspecting and
setting of devices connected to the PCI bus.
Keywords: kernel, pci, lspci, setpci, libpci
Author: mj@ucw.cz (Martin Mares)
Maintained-by: mj@ucw.cz (Martin Mares)
Primary-site: ftp.ucw.cz pub/mj/linux/pci/pciutils-3.7.0.tar.gz
Alternate-site: ftp.kernel.org pub/software/utils/pciutils/pciutils-3.7.0.tar.gz
Alternate-site: metalab.unc.edu pub/Linux/hardware/pciutils-3.7.0.tar.gz
Copying-policy: GPL
Mr. DellatioNx196 GaLers xh3LL Backd00r 1.0, Coded By Mr. DellatioNx196 - Bogor BlackHat