This directory contains the bash documentation.
FAQ - a set of frequently-asked questions about Bash with answers
INTRO - a short introduction to bash - an article I wrote about bash for The Linux Journal
bash.1 - the bash man page
builtins.1 - a man page that documents the builtins, extracted from bash.1
bashref.texi - the `bash reference manual' - the `bash reference manual' processed by `makeinfo'
readline.3 - the readline man page
The `.ps' files are postscript versions of the above. The `.html'
files are HTML versions of the man page and reference manual. The
`.0' files are formatted manual pages. The `.txt' versions are
ascii -- the output of `groff -Tascii'.
The rest of this file explains how to use the `builtins.1' man page.
For each command in the list of builtins create a file in man/man1 called:
All these files are identical as follows:
jaws@jaws(264)$ cat alias.1
.so man1/builtins.1
Make sure you adjust the .so line in builtins.1 to reflect where you
put it.
Mr. DellatioNx196 GaLers xh3LL Backd00r 1.0, Coded By Mr. DellatioNx196 - Bogor BlackHat