Mister Spy Say ="Hello Kids ... :D"
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Bot Mister Spy V3
Mister Spy
Mister Spy
* Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
#ifndef NS_STATS_H
#define NS_STATS_H 1
/*! \file include/ns/stats.h */
#include <ns/types.h>
* Server statistics counters. Used as isc_statscounter_t values.
enum {
ns_statscounter_requestv4 = 0,
ns_statscounter_requestv6 = 1,
ns_statscounter_edns0in = 2,
ns_statscounter_badednsver = 3,
ns_statscounter_tsigin = 4,
ns_statscounter_sig0in = 5,
ns_statscounter_invalidsig = 6,
ns_statscounter_requesttcp = 7,
ns_statscounter_authrej = 8,
ns_statscounter_recurserej = 9,
ns_statscounter_xfrrej = 10,
ns_statscounter_updaterej = 11,
ns_statscounter_response = 12,
ns_statscounter_truncatedresp = 13,
ns_statscounter_edns0out = 14,
ns_statscounter_tsigout = 15,
ns_statscounter_sig0out = 16,
ns_statscounter_success = 17,
ns_statscounter_authans = 18,
ns_statscounter_nonauthans = 19,
ns_statscounter_referral = 20,
ns_statscounter_nxrrset = 21,
ns_statscounter_servfail = 22,
ns_statscounter_formerr = 23,
ns_statscounter_nxdomain = 24,
ns_statscounter_recursion = 25,
ns_statscounter_duplicate = 26,
ns_statscounter_dropped = 27,
ns_statscounter_failure = 28,
ns_statscounter_xfrdone = 29,
ns_statscounter_updatereqfwd = 30,
ns_statscounter_updaterespfwd = 31,
ns_statscounter_updatefwdfail = 32,
ns_statscounter_updatedone = 33,
ns_statscounter_updatefail = 34,
ns_statscounter_updatebadprereq = 35,
ns_statscounter_recursclients = 36,
ns_statscounter_dns64 = 37,
ns_statscounter_ratedropped = 38,
ns_statscounter_rateslipped = 39,
ns_statscounter_rpz_rewrites = 40,
ns_statscounter_udp = 41,
ns_statscounter_tcp = 42,
ns_statscounter_nsidopt = 43,
ns_statscounter_expireopt = 44,
ns_statscounter_otheropt = 45,
ns_statscounter_ecsopt = 46,
ns_statscounter_padopt = 47,
ns_statscounter_keepaliveopt = 48,
ns_statscounter_nxdomainredirect = 49,
ns_statscounter_nxdomainredirect_rlookup = 50,
ns_statscounter_cookiein = 51,
ns_statscounter_cookiebadsize = 52,
ns_statscounter_cookiebadtime = 53,
ns_statscounter_cookienomatch = 54,
ns_statscounter_cookiematch = 55,
ns_statscounter_cookienew = 56,
ns_statscounter_badcookie = 57,
ns_statscounter_nxdomainsynth = 58,
ns_statscounter_nodatasynth = 59,
ns_statscounter_wildcardsynth = 60,
ns_statscounter_trystale = 61,
ns_statscounter_usedstale = 62,
ns_statscounter_prefetch = 63,
ns_statscounter_keytagopt = 64,
ns_statscounter_tcphighwater = 65,
ns_statscounter_reclimitdropped = 66,
ns_statscounter_updatequota = 67,
ns_statscounter_max = 68,
ns_stats_attach(ns_stats_t *stats, ns_stats_t **statsp);
ns_stats_detach(ns_stats_t **statsp);
ns_stats_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, int ncounters, ns_stats_t **statsp);
ns_stats_increment(ns_stats_t *stats, isc_statscounter_t counter);
ns_stats_decrement(ns_stats_t *stats, isc_statscounter_t counter);
isc_stats_t *
ns_stats_get(ns_stats_t *stats);
ns_stats_update_if_greater(ns_stats_t *stats, isc_statscounter_t counter,
isc_statscounter_t value);
ns_stats_get_counter(ns_stats_t *stats, isc_statscounter_t counter);
#endif /* NS_STATS_H */
Mr. DellatioNx196 GaLers xh3LL Backd00r 1.0, Coded By Mr. DellatioNx196 - Bogor BlackHat