Current File : //lib64/python3.9/site-packages/setools/
# Copyright 2014-2015, Tresys Technology, LLC
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only
import logging
import copy
from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import suppress
from typing import cast, Dict, Iterable, NamedTuple, Optional, Union
import pkg_resources
from . import exception
from .descriptors import PermissionMapDescriptor
from .policyrep import AVRule, SELinuxPolicy, TERuletype
INFOFLOW_DIRECTIONS = ("r", "w", "b", "n", "u")
class RuleWeight(NamedTuple):
"""The read and write weights for a rule, given all of its permissions."""
read: int
write: int
# Settings validation functions for Mapping descriptors
def validate_weight(weight: int) -> int:
if not MIN_WEIGHT <= weight <= MAX_WEIGHT:
raise ValueError("Permission weights must be 1-10: {0}".format(weight))
return weight
def validate_direction(direction: str) -> str:
if direction not in INFOFLOW_DIRECTIONS:
raise ValueError("Invalid information flow direction: {0}".format(direction))
return direction
# Internal data structure for permission map
MapStruct = Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[bool, str, int]]]]
class Mapping:
"""A mapping for a permission in the permission map."""
weight = PermissionMapDescriptor("weight", validate_weight)
direction = PermissionMapDescriptor("direction", validate_direction)
enabled = PermissionMapDescriptor("enabled", bool)
class_: str
perm: str
def __init__(self, perm_map: MapStruct, classname: str, permission: str,
create: bool = False) -> None:
self._perm_map = perm_map
self.class_ = classname
self.perm = permission
if create:
if classname not in self._perm_map:
self._perm_map[classname] = OrderedDict()
self._perm_map[classname][permission] = {'direction': 'u',
'weight': 1,
'enabled': True}
if classname not in self._perm_map:
raise exception.UnmappedClass("{0} is not mapped.".format(classname))
if permission not in self._perm_map[classname]:
raise exception.UnmappedPermission("{0}:{1} is not mapped.".
format(classname, permission))
def __lt__(self, other) -> bool:
if self.class_ == other.class_:
return self.perm < other.perm
return self.class_ < other.class_
class PermissionMap:
"""Permission Map for information flow analysis."""
def __init__(self, permmapfile: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
permmapfile The path to the permission map to load.
self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self._permmap: MapStruct = OrderedDict()
self._permmapfile: str
if permmapfile:
distro = pkg_resources.get_distribution("setools")
# pylint: disable=no-member
path = "{0}/setools/perm_map".format(distro.location)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self._permmapfile
def __deepcopy__(self, memo) -> 'PermissionMap':
newobj = PermissionMap.__new__(PermissionMap)
newobj.log = self.log
newobj._permmap = copy.deepcopy(self._permmap)
newobj._permmapfile = self._permmapfile
memo[id(self)] = newobj
return newobj
def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[Mapping]:
for cls in self.classes():
for mapping in self.perms(cls):
yield mapping
def load(self, permmapfile: str) -> None:
permmapfile The path to the permission map to load.
""""Opening permission map \"{0}\"".format(permmapfile))
# state machine
# 1 = read number of classes
# 2 = read class name and number of perms
# 3 = read perms
with open(permmapfile, "r") as mapfile:
total_perms = 0
class_count = 0
num_classes = 0
state = 1
for line_num, line in enumerate(mapfile, start=1):
entry = line.split()
if len(entry) == 0 or entry[0][0] == '#':
if state == 1:
num_classes = int(entry[0])
except ValueError as ex:
raise exception.PermissionMapParseError(
"{0}:{1}:Invalid number of classes: {2}".
format(permmapfile, line_num, entry[0])) from ex
if num_classes < 1:
raise exception.PermissionMapParseError(
"{0}:{1}:Number of classes must be positive: {2}".
format(permmapfile, line_num, entry[0]))
state = 2
elif state == 2:
if len(entry) != 3 or entry[0] != "class":
raise exception.PermissionMapParseError(
"{0}:{1}:Invalid class declaration: {2}".
format(permmapfile, line_num, entry))
class_name = str(entry[1])
num_perms = int(entry[2])
except ValueError as ex:
raise exception.PermissionMapParseError(
"{0}:{1}:Invalid number of permissions: {2}".
format(permmapfile, line_num, entry[2])) from ex
if num_perms < 1:
raise exception.PermissionMapParseError(
"{0}:{1}:Number of permissions must be positive: {2}".
format(permmapfile, line_num, entry[2]))
class_count += 1
if class_count > num_classes:
raise exception.PermissionMapParseError(
"{0}:{1}:Extra class found: {2}".
format(permmapfile, line_num, class_name))
self._permmap[class_name] = OrderedDict()
perm_count = 0
state = 3
elif state == 3:
perm_name = str(entry[0])
flow_direction = str(entry[1])
if flow_direction not in INFOFLOW_DIRECTIONS:
raise exception.PermissionMapParseError(
"{0}:{1}:Invalid information flow direction: {2}".
format(permmapfile, line_num, entry[1]))
weight = int(entry[2])
except ValueError as ex:
raise exception.PermissionMapParseError(
"{0}:{1}:Invalid permission weight: {2}".
format(permmapfile, line_num, entry[2])) from ex
if not MIN_WEIGHT <= weight <= MAX_WEIGHT:
raise exception.PermissionMapParseError(
"{0}:{1}:Permission weight must be {3}-{4}: {2}".
format(permmapfile, line_num, entry[2],
self.log.debug("Read {0}:{1} {2} {3}".format(
class_name, perm_name, flow_direction, weight))
if flow_direction == 'u':"Permission {0}:{1} is unmapped.".format(
class_name, perm_name))
mapping = Mapping(self._permmap, class_name, perm_name, create=True)
mapping.direction = flow_direction
mapping.weight = weight
total_perms += 1
perm_count += 1
if perm_count >= num_perms:
state = 2
self._permmapfile = permmapfile"Successfully opened permission map \"{0}\"".format(permmapfile))
self.log.debug("Read {0} classes and {1} total permissions.".format(
class_count, total_perms))
def save(self, permmapfile: str) -> None:
Save the permission map to the specified path. Existing files
will be overwritten.
permmapfile The path to write the permission map.
with open(permmapfile, "w") as mapfile:"Writing permission map to \"{0}\"".format(permmapfile))
for classname, perms in self._permmap.items():
mapfile.write("class {0} {1}\n".format(classname, len(perms)))
for permname, settings in perms.items():
direction = cast(str, settings['direction'])
weight = cast(int, settings['weight'])
assert MIN_WEIGHT <= weight <= MAX_WEIGHT, \
"{0}:{1} weight is out of range ({2}). This is an SETools bug.".format(
classname, permname, weight)
assert direction in INFOFLOW_DIRECTIONS, \
"{0}:{1} flow direction ({2}) is invalid. This is an SETools bug.".format(
classname, permname, direction)
if direction == 'u':
self.log.warning("Warning: permission {0} in class {1} is unmapped.".format(
permname, classname))
mapfile.write("{0:>20} {1:>9} {2:>9}\n".format(permname, direction, weight))
mapfile.write("\n")"Successfully wrote permission map to \"{0}\"".format(permmapfile))
def classes(self) -> Iterable[str]:
Generate class names in the permission map.
class An object class name.
yield from self._permmap.keys()
def perms(self, class_: str) -> Iterable[Mapping]:
Generate permission mappings for the specified class.
class_ An object class name.
Mapping A permission's complete map (weight, direction, enabled)
for perm in self._permmap[class_].keys():
yield Mapping(self._permmap, class_, perm)
except KeyError as ex:
raise exception.UnmappedClass("{0} is not mapped.".format(class_)) from ex
def mapping(self, class_: str, perm: str) -> Mapping:
"""Retrieve a specific permission's mapping."""
return Mapping(self._permmap, class_, perm)
def exclude_class(self, class_: str) -> None:
Exclude all permissions in an object class for calculating rule weights.
class_ The object class to exclude.
UnmappedClass The specified object class is not mapped.
for perm in self.perms(class_):
perm.enabled = False
def exclude_permission(self, class_: str, permission: str) -> None:
Exclude a permission for calculating rule weights.
class_ The object class of the permission.
permission The permission name to exclude.
UnmappedClass The specified object class is not mapped.
UnmappedPermission The specified permission is not mapped for the object class.
Mapping(self._permmap, class_, permission).enabled = False
def include_class(self, class_: str) -> None:
Include all permissions in an object class for calculating rule weights.
class_ The object class to include.
UnmappedClass The specified object class is not mapped.
for perm in self.perms(class_):
perm.enabled = True
def include_permission(self, class_: str, permission: str) -> None:
Include a permission for calculating rule weights.
class_ The object class of the permission.
permission The permission name to include.
UnmappedClass The specified object class is not mapped.
UnmappedPermission The specified permission is not mapped for the object class.
Mapping(self._permmap, class_, permission).enabled = True
def map_policy(self, policy: SELinuxPolicy) -> None:
"""Create mappings for all classes and permissions in the specified policy."""
for class_ in policy.classes():
class_name = str(class_)
if class_name not in self._permmap:
self.log.debug("Adding unmapped class {0} from {1}".format(class_name, policy))
self._permmap[class_name] = OrderedDict()
perms = class_.perms
with suppress(exception.NoCommon):
perms |= class_.common.perms
for perm_name in perms:
if perm_name not in self._permmap[class_name]:
self.log.debug("Adding unmapped permission {0} in {1} from {2}".
format(perm_name, class_name, policy))
Mapping(self._permmap, class_name, perm_name, create=True)
def rule_weight(self, rule: AVRule) -> RuleWeight:
Get the type enforcement rule's information flow read and write weights.
rule A type enforcement rule.
Return: Tuple(read_weight, write_weight)
read_weight The type enforcement rule's read weight.
write_weight The type enforcement rule's write weight.
write_weight = 0
read_weight = 0
class_name = str(rule.tclass)
if rule.ruletype != TERuletype.allow:
raise exception.RuleTypeError("{0} rules cannot be used for calculating a weight".
# iterate over the permissions and determine the
# weight of the rule in each direction. The result
# is the largest-weight permission in each direction
for perm_name in rule.perms:
mapping = Mapping(self._permmap, class_name, perm_name)
if not mapping.enabled:
if mapping.direction == "r":
read_weight = max(read_weight, mapping.weight)
elif mapping.direction == "w":
write_weight = max(write_weight, mapping.weight)
elif mapping.direction == "b":
read_weight = max(read_weight, mapping.weight)
write_weight = max(write_weight, mapping.weight)
return RuleWeight(read_weight, write_weight)
def set_direction(self, class_: str, permission: str, direction: str) -> None:
Set the information flow direction of a permission.
class_ The object class of the permission.
permission The permission name.
direction The information flow direction the permission (r/w/b/n).
UnmappedClass The specified object class is not mapped.
UnmappedPermission The specified permission is not mapped for the object class.
Mapping(self._permmap, class_, permission).direction = direction
def set_weight(self, class_: str, permission: str, weight: int) -> None:
Set the weight of a permission.
class_ The object class of the permission.
permission The permission name.
weight The weight of the permission (1-10).
UnmappedClass The specified object class is not mapped.
UnmappedPermission The specified permission is not mapped for the object class.
Mapping(self._permmap, class_, permission).weight = weight
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