Current File : //lib/python3.9/site-packages/sos/report/plugins/
# This file is part of the sos project:
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
import json
import re
from import Plugin, IndependentPlugin, PluginOpt
class Process(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
short_desc = 'process information'
plugin_name = 'process'
profiles = ('system',)
option_list = [
PluginOpt('lsof', default=True, desc='collect info on all open files'),
PluginOpt('lsof-threads', default=False,
desc='collect threads\' open file info if supported'),
PluginOpt('smaps', default=False, desc='collect /proc/*/smaps files'),
PluginOpt('samples', default=20, val_type=int,
desc='number of iotop samples to collect'),
PluginOpt('numprocs', default=2048, val_type=int,
desc='number of process to collect /proc data of')
def setup(self):
ps_axo = "ps axo"
# process group and thread options
ps_group_opts = "pid,ppid,user,group,lwp,nlwp,start_time,comm,cgroup"
ps_sched_opts = "flags,state,uid,pid,ppid,pgid,sid,cls,pri,addr,sz,"
ps_sched_opts += "wchan:20,lstart,tty,time,cmd"
procs = [p for p in self.listdir("/proc") if re.match("[0-9]", p)]
if self.get_option("numprocs"):
procs = procs[:self.get_option("numprocs")]
for proc in procs:
"/proc/%s/status" % proc,
"/proc/%s/cpuset" % proc,
"/proc/%s/oom_*" % proc,
"/proc/%s/stack" % proc,
"/proc/%s/limits" % proc
if self.get_option("smaps"):
self.add_cmd_output("ps auxwwwm", root_symlink="ps",
tags=['ps_aux', 'ps_auxww', 'ps_auxwww',
'ps_auxwwwm', 'ps_auxcww'],
self.add_cmd_output("pstree -lp", root_symlink="pstree")
if self.get_option("lsof"):
self.add_cmd_output("lsof +M -n -l -c ''", root_symlink="lsof",
timeout=15, priority=50, tags="lsof")
if self.get_option("lsof-threads"):
self.add_cmd_output("lsof +M -n -l", timeout=15, priority=50)
"ps alxwww",
"ps -elfL"
], cmd_as_tag=True)
"%s %s" % (ps_axo, ps_group_opts),
"%s %s" % (ps_axo, ps_sched_opts)
if self.get_option("samples"):
self.add_cmd_output("iotop -b -o -d 0.5 -t -n %s"
% self.get_option("samples"), priority=100)
"pidstat -p ALL -rudvwsRU --human -h",
"pidstat -tl"
def collect(self):
with self.collection_file('pids_to_packages.json') as pfile:
if not self.policy.package_manager.query_path_command:
pfile.write('Package manager not configured for path queries')
_ps = self.exec_cmd('ps --no-headers aex')
pidpkg = {}
paths = {}
if not _ps['status'] == 0:
pfile.write(f"Unable to get process list: {_ps['output']}")
for proc in _ps['output'].splitlines():
proc = proc.strip().split()
pid = proc[0]
path = proc[4]
if not self.path_exists(path):
if path not in paths:
paths[path] = self.policy.package_manager.pkg_by_path(path)
pidpkg[pid] = {'path': path, 'package': paths[path]}
pfile.write(json.dumps(pidpkg, indent=4))
# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
Mr. DellatioNx196 GaLers xh3LL Backd00r 1.0, Coded By Mr. DellatioNx196 - Bogor BlackHat