Current File : //lib/python3.9/site-packages/sos/report/plugins/
# Copyright (C) 2023 Nvidia Corporation, Alin Serdean <>
# This file is part of the sos project:
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
from import Plugin, IndependentPlugin
import os
import time
class MellanoxFirmware(Plugin, IndependentPlugin):
short_desc = 'Nvidia(Mellanox) firmware tools output'
plugin_name = "mellanox_firmware"
profiles = ('hardware', 'system')
packages = ('mst', 'mstflint')
MLNX_STRING = "Mellanox Technologies"
def check_enabled(self):
Checks if this plugin should be executed at all.
We will only enable the plugin if there is a
Mellanox Technologies network adapter
lspci = self.exec_cmd("lspci -D -d 15b3::0200")
return lspci['status'] == 0 and self.MLNX_STRING in lspci['output']
def collect(self):
if not self.get_option('allow_system_changes'):
self._log_info("Skipping mst/mlx cable commands as system changes"
"would be made. Use --allow-system-changes to"
"enable this collection.")
Run only if mft package is installed.
flint is available from the mft package.
co = self.exec_cmd('flint --version')
if co['status'] != 0:
co = self.collect_cmd_output('mst start')
if co['status'] != 0:
self.collect_cmd_output('mst cable add')
self.collect_cmd_output("mst status -v", timeout=10)
self.collect_cmd_output("mlxcables", timeout=10)
co = os.listdir("/dev/mst")
mlxcables = []
for device in co:
if 'cable' in device:
for mlxcable in mlxcables:
self.collect_cmd_output(f"mlxcables -d {mlxcable} --DDM",
self.collect_cmd_output(f"mlxcables -d {mlxcable} --dump",
self.collect_cmd_output("mst stop", changes=True)
def setup(self):
# Get all devices which have the vendor Mellanox Technologies
devices = []
device_list = self.collect_cmd_output('lspci -D -d 15b3::0200')
Will return a string of the following format:
0000:08:00.0 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies MT2892
if device_list['status'] != 0:
# bail out if there no Mellanox PCI devices
for line in device_list["output"].splitlines():
Should return 0000:08:00.0
from the following string
0000:08:00.0 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies MT2892
devices = set(devices)
# Mft package is present if OFED is installed
# mstflint package is part of the distro and can be installed.
commands = []
# mft package is installed if flint command is available
co = self.exec_cmd('flint --version')
if co['status'] != 0:
mstflint package commands
the commands do not support position independent arguments
commands = [
["mstconfig -d ", " -e q"],
["mstflint -d ", " dc"],
["mstflint -d ", " q"],
["mstreg -d ", " --reg_name ROCE_ACCL --get"],
["mstlink -d ", ""],
mft package commands
the commands do not support position independent arguments
commands = [
["mlxdump -d ", " pcie_uc --all"],
["mstconfig -d ", " -e q"],
["flint -d ", " dc"],
["flint -d ", " q"],
["mlxreg -d ", " --reg_name ROCE_ACCL --get"],
["mlxlink -d ", ""],
["fwtrace -d ", " -i all --tracer_mode FIFO"],
for device in devices:
for command in commands:
self.add_cmd_output(f"{command[0]} {device} "
f"{command[1]}", timeout=30)
Dump the output of the mstdump command three times
waiting for one second. This output is useful to check
if certain registers changed
for i in range(3):
self.add_cmd_output(f"mstdump {device}")
# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
Mr. DellatioNx196 GaLers xh3LL Backd00r 1.0, Coded By Mr. DellatioNx196 - Bogor BlackHat