Current File : //lib/python3.9/site-packages/sos/report/plugins/
# Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat, Inc. Neependra Khare <>
# Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat, Inc. Bryn M. Reeves <>
# This file is part of the sos project:
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
from import (Plugin, RedHatPlugin, DebianPlugin,
UbuntuPlugin, PluginOpt)
from fnmatch import translate
import re
class Kubernetes(Plugin):
short_desc = 'Kubernetes container orchestration platform'
plugin_name = "kubernetes"
profiles = ('container',)
option_list = [
PluginOpt('all', default=False,
desc='collect all namespace output separately'),
PluginOpt('describe', default=False,
desc='collect describe output of all resources'),
PluginOpt('podlogs', default=False,
desc='capture stdout/stderr logs from pods'),
PluginOpt('podlogs-filter', default='', val_type=str,
desc='only collect logs from pods matching this pattern')
kube_cmd = "kubectl"
def check_is_master(self):
return any([self.path_exists(f) for f in self.files])
def setup(self):
svcs = [
for svc in svcs:
# We can only grab kubectl output from the master
if not self.check_is_master():
kube_get_cmd = "get -o json "
for subcmd in ['version', 'config view']:
self.add_cmd_output('%s %s' % (self.kube_cmd, subcmd))
# get all namespaces in use
kn = self.collect_cmd_output('%s get namespaces' % self.kube_cmd)
# namespace is the 1st word on line, until the line has spaces only
kn_output = kn['output'].splitlines()[1:]
knsps = [n.split()[0] for n in kn_output if n and len(n.split())]
resources = [
# these are not namespaced, must pull separately.
global_resources = [
"%s get %s" % (self.kube_cmd, res) for res in global_resources
# Get detailed node information
nodes = self.collect_cmd_output("%s get nodes" % self.kube_cmd)
if nodes['status'] == 0:
for line in nodes['output'].splitlines()[1:]:
# find first word in the line and ignore empty+blank lines
words = line.split()
if not words:
node = words[0]
"%s describe node %s" % (self.kube_cmd, node),
# Also collect master metrics
self.add_cmd_output("%s get --raw /metrics" % self.kube_cmd)
# CNV is not part of the base installation, but can be added
if self.is_installed('kubevirt-virtctl'):
resources.extend(['vms', 'vmis'])
self.add_cmd_output('virtctl version')
for n in knsps:
knsp = '--namespace=%s' % n
if self.get_option('all'):
k_cmd = '%s %s %s' % (self.kube_cmd, kube_get_cmd, knsp)
self.add_cmd_output('%s events' % k_cmd)
for res in resources:
self.add_cmd_output('%s %s' % (k_cmd, res), subdir=res)
if self.get_option('describe'):
# need to drop json formatting for this
k_cmd = '%s %s' % (self.kube_cmd, knsp)
for res in resources:
r = self.exec_cmd('%s get %s' % (k_cmd, res))
if r['status'] == 0:
k_list = [k.split()[0] for k in
for k in k_list:
k_cmd = '%s %s' % (self.kube_cmd, knsp)
'%s describe %s %s' % (k_cmd, res, k),
if self.get_option('podlogs'):
k_cmd = '%s %s' % (self.kube_cmd, knsp)
r = self.exec_cmd('%s get pods' % k_cmd)
if r['status'] == 0:
pods = [p.split()[0] for p in
# allow shell-style regex
reg = (translate(self.get_option('podlogs-filter')) if
self.get_option('podlogs-filter') else None)
for pod in pods:
if reg and not re.match(reg, pod):
self.add_cmd_output('%s logs %s' % (k_cmd, pod),
if not self.get_option('all'):
k_cmd = '%s get --all-namespaces=true' % self.kube_cmd
for res in resources:
self.add_cmd_output('%s %s' % (k_cmd, res), subdir=res)
def postproc(self):
# First, clear sensitive data from the json output collected.
# This will mask values when the "name" looks susceptible of
# values worth obfuscating, i.e. if the name contains strings
# like "pass", "pwd", "key" or "token"
env_regexp = r'(?P<var>{\s*"name":\s*[^,]*' \
self.do_cmd_output_sub(self.kube_cmd, env_regexp,
r'\g<var> "********"')
# Next, we need to handle the private keys and certs in some
# output that is not hit by the previous iteration.
class RedHatKubernetes(Kubernetes, RedHatPlugin):
# OpenShift Container Platform uses the atomic-openshift-master package
# to provide kubernetes
packages = ('kubernetes', 'kubernetes-master', 'atomic-openshift-master')
files = (
kube_cmd = "kubectl"
def setup(self):
# Rather than loading the config file, use the OCP command directly
# that wraps kubectl, so we don't have to manually account for any
# other changes the `oc` binary may implement
if self.path_exists('/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig'):
self.kube_cmd = 'oc'
super(RedHatKubernetes, self).setup()
class UbuntuKubernetes(Kubernetes, UbuntuPlugin, DebianPlugin):
packages = ('kubernetes',)
files = (
services = (
def setup(self):
for _kconf in self.files:
if self.path_exists(_kconf):
self.kube_cmd += " --kubeconfig=%s" % _kconf
for svc in
if self.is_installed('microk8s'):
self.kube_cmd = 'microk8s kubectl'
super(UbuntuKubernetes, self).setup()
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Mr. DellatioNx196 GaLers xh3LL Backd00r 1.0, Coded By Mr. DellatioNx196 - Bogor BlackHat