Current File : //lib/python3.9/site-packages/sos/report/plugins/
# Copyright (C) 2023 Canonical Ltd., Nikhil Kshirsagar <>
# This file is part of the sos project:
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
import os
from import Plugin, RedHatPlugin, UbuntuPlugin
class CephMGR(Plugin, RedHatPlugin, UbuntuPlugin):
This plugin is for capturing information from Ceph mgr nodes. While the
majority of this plugin should be version-agnostic, several collections are
dependent upon the version of Ceph installed. Versions that correlate to
RHCS 4 or RHCS 5 are explicitly handled for differences such as those
pertaining to log locations on the host filesystem.
Note that while this plugin will activate based on the presence of Ceph
containers, commands are run directly on the host as those containers are
often not configured to successfully run the `ceph` commands collected by
this plugin. These commands are majorily `ceph daemon` commands that will
reference discovered admin sockets under /var/run/ceph.
Users may expect to see several collections twice - once in standard output
from the `ceph` command, and again in JSON format. The latter of which will
be placed in the `json_output/` subdirectory within this plugin's directory
in the report archive. These JSON formatted collections are intended to
aid in automated analysis.
short_desc = 'CEPH mgr'
plugin_name = 'ceph_mgr'
profiles = ('storage', 'virt', 'container', 'ceph')
files = ('/var/lib/ceph/mgr/*', '/var/lib/ceph/*/mgr*',
containers = ('ceph-(.*-)?mgr.*',)
def setup(self):
microceph_pkg = self.policy.package_manager.pkg_by_name('microceph')
ceph_mgr_cmds = ([
"balancer status",
"healthcheck history ls",
"log last cephadm",
"mgr dump",
"mgr metadata",
"mgr module ls",
"mgr stat",
"mgr versions"
# if orchestrator is configured
orch_configured = self.exec_cmd('ceph orch status')
if orch_configured['status'] == 0:
ceph_mgr_cmds += ([
"orch host ls",
"orch device ls",
"orch ls",
"orch ls --export",
"orch ps",
"orch status --detail",
"orch upgrade status"
cmds = [
"config diff",
"config show",
"counter dump",
"counter schema",
"perf dump",
"perf histogram dump",
"perf histogram schema",
"perf schema",
directory = ''
if not microceph_pkg:
directory = '/var/run/ceph'
'/var/log/ceph/(.*/)?ceph-mgr.*.log': 'ceph_mgr_log',
# Excludes temporary ceph-osd mount location like
# /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.XXXX from sos collection.
directory = '/var/snap/microceph'
[f"ceph {cmd}" for cmd in ceph_mgr_cmds])
# get ceph_cmds again as json for easier automation parsing
[f"ceph {cmd} --format json-pretty" for cmd in ceph_mgr_cmds],
f"ceph daemon {m} {cmd}" for m in self.get_socks(directory)
for cmd in cmds]
def get_socks(self, directory):
Find any available admin sockets under /var/run/ceph (or subdirs for
later versions of Ceph) which can be used for ceph daemon commands
ceph_sockets = []
for rdir, _, files in os.walk(directory):
for file in files:
if file.startswith('ceph-mgr') and file.endswith('.asok'):
ceph_sockets.append(self.path_join(rdir, file))
return ceph_sockets
# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
Mr. DellatioNx196 GaLers xh3LL Backd00r 1.0, Coded By Mr. DellatioNx196 - Bogor BlackHat