Mister Spy Say ="Hello Kids ... :D"
___ ____ _ _____
| \/ (_) | | / ___|
| . . |_ ___| |_ ___ _ __ \ `--. _ __ _ _
| |\/| | / __| __/ _ \ '__| `--. \ '_ \| | | |
| | | | \__ \ || __/ | /\__/ / |_) | |_| |
\_| |_/_|___/\__\___|_| \____/| .__/ \__, |
| | __/ |
|_| |___/
Bot Mister Spy V3
Mister Spy
Mister Spy
type incol2 > /dev/null 2>&1 || . /lib/dracut-lib.sh
[ -f /tmp/nfs.rpc_pipefs_path ] && rpcpipefspath=$(cat /tmp/nfs.rpc_pipefs_path)
[ -z "$rpcpipefspath" ] && rpcpipefspath=var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs
pid=$(pidof rpc.statd)
[ -n "$pid" ] && kill "$pid"
pid=$(pidof rpc.idmapd)
[ -n "$pid" ] && kill "$pid"
pid=$(pidof rpcbind)
[ -n "$pid" ] && kill "$pid"
if incol2 /proc/mounts /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs; then
# try to create the destination directory
[ -d "$NEWROOT"/$rpcpipefspath ] \
|| mkdir -m 0755 -p "$NEWROOT"/$rpcpipefspath 2> /dev/null
if [ -d "$NEWROOT"/$rpcpipefspath ]; then
# mount --move does not seem to work???
mount --bind /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs "$NEWROOT"/$rpcpipefspath
umount /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs 2> /dev/null
umount /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs 2> /dev/null
Mr. DellatioNx196 GaLers xh3LL Backd00r 1.0, Coded By Mr. DellatioNx196 - Bogor BlackHat