Mister Spy Say ="Hello Kids ... :D"
___ ____ _ _____
| \/ (_) | | / ___|
| . . |_ ___| |_ ___ _ __ \ `--. _ __ _ _
| |\/| | / __| __/ _ \ '__| `--. \ '_ \| | | |
| | | | \__ \ || __/ | /\__/ / |_) | |_| |
\_| |_/_|___/\__\___|_| \____/| .__/ \__, |
| | __/ |
|_| |___/
Bot Mister Spy V3
Mister Spy
Mister Spy
Current Path : /bin/ |
Current File : //bin/zipdetails |
# zipdetails
# Display info on the contents of a Zip file
BEGIN { pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.' }
use strict;
use warnings ;
use IO::File;
use Encode;
use Getopt::Long;
# Compression types
use constant ZIP_CM_STORE => 0 ;
use constant ZIP_CM_IMPLODE => 6 ;
use constant ZIP_CM_DEFLATE => 8 ;
use constant ZIP_CM_BZIP2 => 12 ;
use constant ZIP_CM_LZMA => 14 ;
use constant ZIP_CM_PPMD => 98 ;
# General Purpose Flag
use constant ZIP_GP_FLAG_ENCRYPTED_MASK => (1 << 0) ;
use constant ZIP_GP_FLAG_STREAMING_MASK => (1 << 3) ;
use constant ZIP_GP_FLAG_PATCHED_MASK => (1 << 5) ;
use constant ZIP_GP_FLAG_STRONG_ENCRYPTED_MASK => (1 << 6) ;
use constant ZIP_GP_FLAG_LZMA_EOS_PRESENT => (1 << 1) ;
use constant ZIP_GP_FLAG_LANGUAGE_ENCODING => (1 << 11) ;
# Internal File Attributes
use constant ZIP_IFA_TEXT_MASK => 1;
# Signatures for each of the headers
use constant ZIP_LOCAL_HDR_SIG => 0x04034b50;
use constant ZIP_DATA_HDR_SIG => 0x08074b50;
use constant ZIP_CENTRAL_HDR_SIG => 0x02014b50;
use constant ZIP_END_CENTRAL_HDR_SIG => 0x06054b50;
use constant ZIP64_END_CENTRAL_REC_HDR_SIG => 0x06064b50;
use constant ZIP64_END_CENTRAL_LOC_HDR_SIG => 0x07064b50;
use constant ZIP_ARCHIVE_EXTRA_DATA_SIG => 0x08064b50;
use constant ZIP_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_SIG => 0x05054b50;
use constant ZIP_ARCHIVE_EXTRA_DATA_RECORD_SIG => 0x08064b50;
# Extra sizes
use constant ZIP_EXTRA_HEADER_SIZE => 2 ;
use constant ZIP_EXTRA_MAX_SIZE => 0xFFFF ;
use constant ZIP_EXTRA_SUBFIELD_ID_SIZE => 2 ;
use constant ZIP_EXTRA_SUBFIELD_LEN_SIZE => 2 ;
my %ZIP_CompressionMethods =
0 => 'Stored',
1 => 'Shrunk',
2 => 'Reduced compression factor 1',
3 => 'Reduced compression factor 2',
4 => 'Reduced compression factor 3',
5 => 'Reduced compression factor 4',
6 => 'Imploded',
7 => 'Reserved for Tokenizing compression algorithm',
8 => 'Deflated',
9 => 'Enhanced Deflating using Deflate64(tm)',
10 => 'PKWARE Data Compression Library Imploding',
11 => 'Reserved by PKWARE',
12 => 'BZIP2 ',
13 => 'Reserved by PKWARE',
14 => 'LZMA',
15 => 'Reserved by PKWARE',
16 => 'IBM z/OS CMPSC Compression',
17 => 'Reserved by PKWARE',
18 => 'File is compressed using IBM TERSE (new)',
19 => 'IBM LZ77 z Architecture (PFS)',
93 => 'Zstandard',
94 => 'MP3',
95 => 'XZ',
96 => 'WinZip JPEG Compression',
97 => 'WavPack compressed data',
98 => 'PPMd version I, Rev 1',
99 => 'AES Encryption',
my %OS_Lookup = (
0 => "MS-DOS",
1 => "Amiga",
2 => "OpenVMS",
3 => "Unix",
4 => "VM/CMS",
5 => "Atari ST",
6 => "HPFS (OS/2, NT 3.x)",
7 => "Macintosh",
8 => "Z-System",
9 => "CP/M",
10 => "Windoxs NTFS or TOPS-20",
11 => "MVS or NTFS",
12 => "VSE or SMS/QDOS",
13 => "Acorn RISC OS",
14 => "VFAT",
15 => "alternate MVS",
16 => "BeOS",
17 => "Tandem",
18 => "OS/400",
19 => "OS/X (Darwin)",
30 => "AtheOS/Syllable",
my %Lookup = (
ZIP_LOCAL_HDR_SIG, \&LocalHeader,
ZIP_DATA_HDR_SIG, \&DataHeader,
ZIP_CENTRAL_HDR_SIG, \&CentralHeader,
ZIP_END_CENTRAL_HDR_SIG, \&EndCentralHeader,
ZIP64_END_CENTRAL_REC_HDR_SIG, \&Zip64EndCentralHeader,
ZIP64_END_CENTRAL_LOC_HDR_SIG, \&Zip64EndCentralLocator,
# TODO - Archive Encryption Headers & digital signature
my %Extras = (
0x0001, ['ZIP64', \&decode_Zip64],
0x0007, ['AV Info', undef],
0x0008, ['Extended Language Encoding', undef],
0x0009, ['OS/2 extended attributes', undef],
0x000a, ['NTFS FileTimes', \&decode_NTFS_Filetimes],
0x000c, ['OpenVMS', undef],
0x000d, ['Unix', undef],
0x000e, ['Stream & Fork Descriptors', undef],
0x000f, ['Patch Descriptor', undef],
0x0014, ['PKCS#7 Store for X.509 Certificates', undef],
0x0015, ['X.509 Certificate ID and Signature for individual file', undef],
0x0016, ['X.509 Certificate ID for Central Directory', undef],
0x0017, ['Strong Encryption Header', undef],
0x0018, ['Record Management Controls', undef],
0x0019, ['PKCS#7 Encryption Recipient Certificate List', undef],
0x0020, ['Reserved for Timestamp record', undef],
0x0021, ['Policy Decryption Key Record', undef],
0x0022, ['Smartcrypt Key Provider Record', undef],
0x0023, ['Smartcrypt Policy Key Data Record', undef],
# The Header ID mappings defined by Info-ZIP and third parties are:
0x0065, ['IBM S/390 attributes - uncompressed', \&decodeMVS],
0x0066, ['IBM S/390 attributes - compressed', undef],
0x07c8, ['Info-ZIP Macintosh (old, J. Lee)', undef],
0x2605, ['ZipIt Macintosh (first version)', undef],
0x2705, ['ZipIt Macintosh v 1.3.5 and newer (w/o full filename)', undef],
0x2805, ['ZipIt Macintosh v 1.3.5 and newer ', undef],
0x334d, ["Info-ZIP Macintosh (new, D. Haase's 'Mac3' field)", undef],
0x4154, ['Tandem NSK', undef],
0x4341, ['Acorn/SparkFS (David Pilling)', undef],
0x4453, ['Windows NT security descriptor', \&decode_NT_security],
0x4690, ['POSZIP 4690', undef],
0x4704, ['VM/CMS', undef],
0x470f, ['MVS', undef],
0x4854, ['Theos, old inofficial port', undef],
0x4b46, ['FWKCS MD5 (see below)', undef],
0x4c41, ['OS/2 access control list (text ACL)', undef],
0x4d49, ['Info-ZIP OpenVMS (obsolete)', undef],
0x4d63, ['Macintosh SmartZIP, by Macro Bambini', undef],
0x4f4c, ['Xceed original location extra field', undef],
0x5356, ['AOS/VS (binary ACL)', undef],
0x5455, ['Extended Timestamp', \&decode_UT],
0x554e, ['Xceed unicode extra field', \&decode_Xceed_unicode],
0x5855, ['Info-ZIP Unix (original; also OS/2, NT, etc.)', \&decode_UX],
0x5a4c, ['ZipArchive Unicode Filename', undef],
0x5a4d, ['ZipArchive Offsets Array', undef],
0x6375, ['Info-ZIP Unicode Comment', \&decode_up ],
0x6542, ['BeOS (BeBox, PowerMac, etc.)', undef],
0x6854, ['Theos', undef],
0x7075, ['Info-ZIP Unicode Path', \&decode_up ],
0x756e, ['ASi Unix', undef],
0x7441, ['AtheOS (AtheOS/Syllable attributes)', undef],
0x7855, ['Unix Extra type 2', \&decode_Ux],
0x7875, ['Unix Extra Type 3', \&decode_ux],
0x9901, ['AES Encryption', \&decode_AES],
0xa11e, ['Data Stream Alignment', undef],
0xA220, ['Open Packaging Growth Hint', \&decode_GrowthHint ],
0xCAFE, ['Java Executable', \&decode_Java_exe],
0xfb4a, ['SMS/QDOS', undef],
my $VERSION = "2.02" ;
my $FH;
my $ZIP64 = 0 ;
my $NIBBLES = 8;
my $LocalHeaderCount = 0;
my $CentralHeaderCount = 0;
my $START;
my $OFFSET = U64->new( 0 );
my $TRAILING = 0 ;
my $PAYLOADLIMIT = 256; # U64->new( 256 );
my $ZERO = U64->new( 0 );
my $SEEN = Seen->new();
sub prOff
my $offset = shift;
my $s = offset($OFFSET);
return $s;
sub offset
my $v = shift ;
if (ref $v eq 'U64') {
my $hi = $v->getHigh();
my $lo = $v->getLow();
if ($hi)
my $hiNib = $NIBBLES - 8 ;
sprintf("%0${hiNib}X", $hi) .
sprintf("%08X", $lo);
sprintf("%0${NIBBLES}X", $lo);
else {
sprintf("%0${NIBBLES}X", $v);
my $FMT1 ;
my $FMT2 ;
sub setupFormat
my $wantVerbose = shift ;
my $nibbles = shift;
my $width = '@' . ('>' x ($nibbles -1));
my $space = " " x length($width);
my $fmt ;
if ($wantVerbose) {
$FMT1 = "
format STDOUT =
$width $width ^<<<<<<<<<<<^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$space $space ^<<<<<<<<<<<^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~~
$FMT2 = "
format STDOUT =
$width $width ^<<<<<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$space $space ^<<<<<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~~
. " ;
else {
$FMT1 = "
format STDOUT =
$width ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$space ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~~
$FMT2 = "
format STDOUT =
$width ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$space ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~~
" ;
eval "$FMT1";
$| = 1;
sub mySpr
my $format = shift ;
return "" if ! defined $format;
return $format unless @_ ;
return sprintf $format, @_ ;
sub out0
my $size = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $format = shift;
$OFF = prOff($size);
$LENGTH = offset($size) ;
$CONTENT = '...';
$TEXT = $text;
$VALUE = mySpr $format, @_;
skip($FH, $size);
sub xDump
my $input = shift;
$input =~ tr/\0-\37\177-\377/./;
return $input;
sub hexDump
my $input = shift;
my $out = unpack('H*', $input) ;
$out =~ s#(..)# $1#g ;
$out =~ s/^ //;
$out = uc $out;
return $out;
sub out
my $data = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $format = shift;
my $size = length($data) ;
$OFF = prOff($size);
$LENGTH = offset($size) ;
$CONTENT = hexDump($data);
$TEXT = $text;
$VALUE = mySpr $format, @_;
no warnings;
sub out1
my $text = shift;
my $format = shift;
$OFF = '';
$LENGTH = '' ;
$CONTENT = '';
$TEXT = $text;
$VALUE = mySpr $format, @_;
sub out2
my $data = shift ;
my $text = shift ;
my $format = shift;
my $size = length($data) ;
$OFF = prOff($size);
$LENGTH = offset($size);
$CONTENT = hexDump($data);
$TEXT = $text;
$VALUE = mySpr $format, @_;
no warnings;
eval "$FMT2";
write ;
eval "$FMT1";
sub Value
my $letter = shift;
my @value = @_;
if ($letter eq 'C')
{ return Value_C(@value) }
elsif ($letter eq 'v')
{ return Value_v(@value) }
elsif ($letter eq 'V')
{ return Value_V(@value) }
elsif ($letter eq 'VV')
{ return Value_VV(@value) }
sub outer
my $name = shift ;
my $unpack = shift ;
my $size = shift ;
my $cb1 = shift ;
my $cb2 = shift ;
myRead(my $buff, $size);
my (@value) = unpack $unpack, $buff;
my $hex = Value($unpack, @value);
if (defined $cb1) {
my $v ;
if (ref $cb1 eq 'CODE') {
$v = $cb1->(@value) ;
else {
$v = $cb1 ;
$v = "'" . $v unless $v =~ /^'/;
$v .= "'" unless $v =~ /'$/;
$hex .= " $v" ;
out $buff, $name, $hex ;
if defined $cb2 ;
return $value[0];
sub out_C
my $name = shift ;
my $cb1 = shift ;
my $cb2 = shift ;
outer($name, 'C', 1, $cb1, $cb2);
sub out_v
my $name = shift ;
my $cb1 = shift ;
my $cb2 = shift ;
outer($name, 'v', 2, $cb1, $cb2);
sub out_V
my $name = shift ;
my $cb1 = shift ;
my $cb2 = shift ;
outer($name, 'V', 4, $cb1, $cb2);
sub out_VV
my $name = shift ;
my $cb1 = shift ;
my $cb2 = shift ;
outer($name, 'VV', 8, $cb1, $cb2);
# sub outSomeData
# {
# my $size = shift;
# my $message = shift;
# my $size64 = U64::mkU64($size);
# if ($size64->gt($ZERO)) {
# my $size32 = $size64->getLow();
# if ($size64->gt($PAYLOADLIMIT) ) {
# out0 $size32, $message;
# } else {
# myRead(my $buffer, $size32 );
# out $buffer, $message, xDump $buffer ;
# }
# }
# }
sub outSomeData
my $size = shift;
my $message = shift;
if ($size > 0) {
if ($size > $PAYLOADLIMIT) {
my $before = $FH->tell();
out0 $size, $message;
# printf "outSomeData %X %X $size %X\n", $before, $FH->tell(), $size;
} else {
myRead(my $buffer, $size );
out $buffer, $message, xDump $buffer ;
sub unpackValue_C
Value_v(unpack "C", $_[0]);
sub Value_C
sprintf "%02X", $_[0];
sub unpackValue_v
Value_v(unpack "v", $_[0]);
sub Value_v
sprintf "%04X", $_[0];
sub unpackValue_V
Value_V(unpack "V", $_[0]);
sub Value_V
my $v = defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;
sprintf "%08X", $v;
sub unpackValue_VV
my ($lo, $hi) = unpack ("V V", $_[0]);
Value_VV($lo, $hi);
sub Value_U64
my $u64 = shift ;
Value_VV($u64->getLow(), $u64->getHigh());
sub Value_VV
my $lo = defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;
my $hi = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : 0;
if ($hi == 0)
sprintf "%016X", $lo;
sprintf("%08X", $hi) .
sprintf "%08X", $lo;
sub Value_VV64
my $buffer = shift;
# This needs perl 5.10
# return unpack "Q<", $buffer;
my ($lo, $hi) = unpack ("V V" , $buffer);
no warnings 'uninitialized';
return $hi * (0xFFFFFFFF+1) + $lo;
sub read_U64
my $b ;
myRead($b, 8);
my ($lo, $hi) = unpack ("V V" , $b);
no warnings 'uninitialized';
return ($b, U64->new( $hi, $lo) );
sub read_VV
my $b ;
myRead($b, 8);
my ($lo, $hi) = unpack ("V V" , $b);
no warnings 'uninitialized';
return ($b, $hi * (0xFFFFFFFF+1) + $lo);
sub read_V
my $b ;
myRead($b, 4);
return ($b, unpack ("V", $b));
sub read_v
my $b ;
myRead($b, 2);
return ($b, unpack "v", $b);
sub read_C
my $b ;
myRead($b, 1);
return ($b, unpack "C", $b);
sub seekTo
my $offset = shift ;
my $loc = shift ;
$loc = SEEK_SET
if ! defined $loc ;
$FH->seek($offset, $loc);
$OFFSET = new U64($offset);
sub scanForSignature
my %sigs =
map { $_ => 1 }
map { substr $_, 2, 2 } # don't want the initial "PK"
map { pack "V", $_ }
my $start = $FH->tell();
my $last = '';
my $buffer ;
while ($FH->read($buffer, 1024 * 1000))
my $combine = substr($last, -4) . $buffer ;
$last = $buffer;
my $ix = index($combine, "PK") ;
if $ix == -1;
my $rest = substr($combine, $ix+2, 2);
unless length $rest == 2 && $sigs{$rest} ;
my $v = unpack("v", $rest) ;
# possible match
my $here = $FH->tell();
seekTo($here - length($combine) + $ix);
return 1;
return 0;
my $is64In32 = 0;
my $opt_verbose = 0;
my $opt_scan = 0;
$Getopt::Long::bundling = 1 ;
GetOptions("h" => \&Usage,
"v" => \$opt_verbose,
"scan" => \$opt_scan,
"version" => sub { print "$VERSION\n"; exit },
or Usage("Invalid command line option\n");
Usage("No zipfile") unless @ARGV == 1;
my $filename = shift @ARGV;
die "$filename does not exist\n"
unless -e $filename ;
die "$filename not a standard file\n"
unless -f $filename ;
$FH = IO::File->new( "<$filename" )
or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n";
my $FILELEN = -s $filename ;
$TRAILING = -s $filename ;
$NIBBLES = U64::nibbles(-s $filename) ;
#$NIBBLES = int ($NIBBLES / 4) + ( ($NIBBLES % 4) ? 1 : 0 );
# Minimum of 4 nibbles
$NIBBLES = 4 if $NIBBLES < 4 ;
die "$filename too short to be a zip file\n"
if $FILELEN < 22 ;
setupFormat($opt_verbose, $NIBBLES);
# Sanity check that this is a Zip file
my ($buffer, $signature) = read_V();
warn "$filename doesn't look like a zip file\n"
if $signature != ZIP_LOCAL_HDR_SIG ;
$FH->seek(0, SEEK_SET) ;
my @Messages = ();
if ($opt_scan)
my $here = $FH->tell();
my ($buffer, $signature) = read_V();
my $handler = $Lookup{$signature};
$handler->($signature, $buffer);
seekTo($here + 4) ;
our ($CdExists, $CdOffset, @CentralDirectory) = scanCentralDirectory($FH);
die "No Central Directory records found\n"
if ! $CdExists ;
$FH->seek(0, SEEK_SET) ;
outSomeData($START, "PREFIX DATA")
if defined $START && $START > 0 ;
my $skippedFrom = 0 ;
my $skippedContent = 0 ;
while (1)
last if $FH->eof();
my $here = $FH->tell();
if ($here >= $TRAILING) {
print "\n" ;
my ($buffer, $signature) = read_V();
my $handler = $Lookup{$signature};
if (!defined $handler)
if (@CentralDirectory) {
# Should be at offset that central directory says
my $locOffset = $CentralDirectory[0][0];
my $delta = $locOffset - $here ;
if ($here + 4 == $locOffset ) {
for (0 .. 3) {
$FH->ungetc(ord(substr($buffer, $_, 1)))
outSomeData($delta, "UNEXPECTED PADDING");
if ($here < $CdOffset)
# next
# if scanForSignature() ;
$skippedFrom = $FH->tell() ;
$skippedContent = $CdOffset - $skippedFrom ;
print "\nWARNING!\nZip local header not found.\n";
printf "Skipping 0x%x bytes to Central Directory...\n", $skippedContent;
push @Messages,
sprintf("Expected Zip header not found at offset 0x%X, ", $skippedFrom) .
sprintf("skipped 0x%X bytes\n", $skippedContent);
printf "\n\nUnexpected END at offset %08X, value %s\n", $here, Value_V($signature);
$ZIP64 = 0 if $signature != ZIP_DATA_HDR_SIG ;
$handler->($signature, $buffer);
exit ;
sub dislayMessages
if (@Messages)
my $count = scalar @Messages ;
print "\nWARNINGS\n\n";
print "* $_\n" for @Messages ;
print "Done\n";
sub compressionMethod
my $id = shift ;
Value_v($id) . " '" . ($ZIP_CompressionMethods{$id} || "Unknown Method") . "'" ;
sub LocalHeader
my $signature = shift ;
my $data = shift ;
my $from_offset = $FH->tell() - 4;
print "\n";
++ $LocalHeaderCount;
out $data, "LOCAL HEADER #" . sprintf("%X", $LocalHeaderCount) , Value_V($signature);
my $buffer;
my ($loc, $CDcompressedLength) ;
($loc, $CDcompressedLength) = @{ shift @CentralDirectory }
if ! $opt_scan ;
out_C "Extract Zip Spec", \&decodeZipVer;
out_C "Extract OS", \&decodeOS;
my ($bgp, $gpFlag) = read_v();
my ($bcm, $compressedMethod) = read_v();
out $bgp, "General Purpose Flag", Value_v($gpFlag) ;
GeneralPurposeBits($compressedMethod, $gpFlag);
out $bcm, "Compression Method", compressionMethod($compressedMethod) ;
out_V "Last Mod Time", sub { scalar getTime(_dosToUnixTime($_[0])) };
my $crc = out_V "CRC";
my $compressedLength = out_V "Compressed Length";
my $uncompressedLength = out_V "Uncompressed Length";
my $filenameLength = out_v "Filename Length";
my $extraLength = out_v "Extra Length";
my $filename ;
myRead($filename, $filenameLength);
my $cl64 = U64->new( $compressedLength );
my %ExtraContext = ();
if ($extraLength)
my @z64 = ($uncompressedLength, $compressedLength, 1, 1);
$ExtraContext{Zip64} = \@z64 ;
$ExtraContext{InCentralDir} = 0;
walkExtra($extraLength, \%ExtraContext);
my $size = 0;
$size = printAes(\%ExtraContext)
if $compressedMethod == 99 ;
$size += printLzmaProperties()
if $compressedMethod == ZIP_CM_LZMA ;
$CDcompressedLength = $compressedLength
if $opt_scan ;
# $CDcompressedLength->subtract($size)
# if $size ;
$CDcompressedLength -= $size;
# if ($CDcompressedLength->getHigh() || $CDcompressedLength->getLow()) {
if ($CDcompressedLength) {
outSomeData($CDcompressedLength, "PAYLOAD") ;
if ($compressedMethod == 99) {
my $auth ;
myRead($auth, 10);
out $auth, "AES Auth", hexDump($auth);
# $SEEN->save("LOCAL HEADER #" . sprintf("%X", $LocalHeaderCount), $filename, $from_offset, $from_offset + $CDcompressedLength)
sub outputFilename
my $filename = shift;
if (length $filename > 256)
my $f = substr($filename, 0, 256) ;
out $f, "Filename", "'". $f . "' ...";
out $filename, "Filename", "'". $filename . "'";
sub CentralHeader
my $signature = shift ;
my $data = shift ;
my $from_offset = $FH->tell() - 4;
++ $CentralHeaderCount;
print "\n";
out $data, "CENTRAL HEADER #" . sprintf("%X", $CentralHeaderCount) . "", Value_V($signature);
my $buffer;
out_C "Created Zip Spec", \&decodeZipVer;
out_C "Created OS", \&decodeOS;
out_C "Extract Zip Spec", \&decodeZipVer;
out_C "Extract OS", \&decodeOS;
my ($bgp, $gpFlag) = read_v();
my ($bcm, $compressedMethod) = read_v();
out $bgp, "General Purpose Flag", Value_v($gpFlag) ;
GeneralPurposeBits($compressedMethod, $gpFlag);
out $bcm, "Compression Method", compressionMethod($compressedMethod) ;
out_V "Last Mod Time", sub { scalar getTime(_dosToUnixTime($_[0])) };
my $crc = out_V "CRC";
my $compressedLength = out_V "Compressed Length";
my $uncompressedLength = out_V "Uncompressed Length";
my $filenameLength = out_v "Filename Length";
my $extraLength = out_v "Extra Length";
my $comment_length = out_v "Comment Length";
my $disk_start = out_v "Disk Start";
my $int_file_attrib = out_v "Int File Attributes";
out1 "[Bit 0]", $int_file_attrib & 1 ? "1 Text Data" : "0 'Binary Data'";
my $ext_file_attrib = out_V "Ext File Attributes";
out1 "[Bit 0]", "Read-Only"
if $ext_file_attrib & 0x01 ;
out1 "[Bit 1]", "Hidden"
if $ext_file_attrib & 0x02 ;
out1 "[Bit 2]", "System"
if $ext_file_attrib & 0x04 ;
out1 "[Bit 3]", "Label"
if $ext_file_attrib & 0x08 ;
out1 "[Bit 4]", "Directory"
if $ext_file_attrib & 0x10 ;
out1 "[Bit 5]", "Archive"
if $ext_file_attrib & 0x20 ;
my $lcl_hdr_offset = out_V "Local Header Offset";
my $filename ;
myRead($filename, $filenameLength);
my %ExtraContext = ();
if ($extraLength)
my @z64 = ($uncompressedLength, $compressedLength, $lcl_hdr_offset, $disk_start);
$ExtraContext{Zip64} = \@z64 ;
$ExtraContext{InCentralDir} = 1;
walkExtra($extraLength, \%ExtraContext);
if ($comment_length)
my $comment ;
myRead($comment, $comment_length);
out $comment, "Comment", "'". $comment . "'";
$SEEN->save("CENTRAL HEADER ref Local #" . sprintf("%X", $CentralHeaderCount), $filename, $lcl_hdr_offset, $lcl_hdr_offset + $compressedLength) ;
# $SEEN->save("CENTRAL HEADER #" . sprintf("%X", $CentralHeaderCount), $filename, $from_offset, $FH-tell());
sub decodeZipVer
my $ver = shift ;
my $sHi = int($ver /10) ;
my $sLo = $ver % 10 ;
#out1 "Zip Spec", "$sHi.$sLo";
sub decodeOS
my $ver = shift ;
$OS_Lookup{$ver} || "Unknown" ;
sub Zip64EndCentralHeader
my $signature = shift ;
my $data = shift ;
print "\n";
out $data, "ZIP64 END CENTRAL DIR RECORD", Value_V($signature);
my $buff;
myRead($buff, 8);
out $buff, "Size of record", unpackValue_VV($buff);
my $size = Value_VV64($buff);
out_C "Created Zip Spec", \&decodeZipVer;
out_C "Created OS", \&decodeOS;
out_C "Extract Zip Spec", \&decodeZipVer;
out_C "Extract OS", \&decodeOS;
out_V "Number of this disk";
out_V "Central Dir Disk no";
out_VV "Entries in this disk";
out_VV "Total Entries";
out_VV "Size of Central Dir";
out_VV "Offset to Central dir";
# TODO -
if ($size != 44)
push @Messages, "Unsupported Size field in Zip64EndCentralHeader: should be 44, got $size\n"
sub Zip64EndCentralLocator
my $signature = shift ;
my $data = shift ;
print "\n";
out $data, "ZIP64 END CENTRAL DIR LOCATOR", Value_V($signature);
out_V "Central Dir Disk no";
out_VV "Offset to Central dir";
out_V "Total no of Disks";
sub EndCentralHeader
my $signature = shift ;
my $data = shift ;
print "\n";
out $data, "END CENTRAL HEADER", Value_V($signature);
out_v "Number of this disk";
out_v "Central Dir Disk no";
out_v "Entries in this disk";
out_v "Total Entries";
out_V "Size of Central Dir";
out_V "Offset to Central Dir";
my $comment_length = out_v "Comment Length";
if ($comment_length)
my $comment ;
myRead($comment, $comment_length);
out $comment, "Comment", "'$comment'";
sub DataHeader
my $signature = shift ;
my $data = shift ;
print "\n";
out $data, "STREAMING DATA HEADER", Value_V($signature);
out_V "CRC";
if ($ZIP64)
out_VV "Compressed Length" ;
out_VV "Uncompressed Length" ;
out_V "Compressed Length" ;
out_V "Uncompressed Length" ;
sub GeneralPurposeBits
my $method = shift;
my $gp = shift;
out1 "[Bit 0]", "1 'Encryption'" if $gp & ZIP_GP_FLAG_ENCRYPTED_MASK;
my %lookup = (
0 => "Normal Compression",
1 => "Maximum Compression",
2 => "Fast Compression",
3 => "Super Fast Compression");
if ($method == ZIP_CM_DEFLATE)
my $mid = ($gp >> 1) & 0x03 ;
out1 "[Bits 1-2]", "$mid '$lookup{$mid}'";
if ($method == ZIP_CM_LZMA)
out1 "[Bit 1]", "1 'LZMA EOS Marker Present'" ;
else {
out1 "[Bit 1]", "0 'LZMA EOS Marker Not Present'" ;
if ($method == ZIP_CM_IMPLODE) # Imploding
out1 "[Bit 1]", ($gp & (1 << 1) ? "1 '8k" : "0 '4k") . " Sliding Dictionary'" ;
out1 "[Bit 2]", ($gp & (2 << 1) ? "1 '3" : "0 '2" ) . " Shannon-Fano Trees'" ;
out1 "[Bit 3]", "1 'Streamed'" if $gp & ZIP_GP_FLAG_STREAMING_MASK;
out1 "[Bit 4]", "1 'Enhanced Deflating'" if $gp & 1 << 4;
out1 "[Bit 5]", "1 'Compressed Patched'" if $gp & 1 << 5 ;
out1 "[Bit 6]", "1 'Strong Encryption'" if $gp & ZIP_GP_FLAG_STRONG_ENCRYPTED_MASK;
out1 "[Bit 11]", "1 'Language Encoding'" if $gp & ZIP_GP_FLAG_LANGUAGE_ENCODING;
out1 "[Bit 12]", "1 'Pkware Enhanced Compression'" if $gp & 1 <<12 ;
out1 "[Bit 13]", "1 'Encrypted Central Dir'" if $gp & 1 <<13 ;
return ();
sub seekSet
my $fh = $_[0] ;
my $size = $_[1];
use Fcntl qw(SEEK_SET);
if (ref $size eq 'U64') {
seek($fh, $size->get64bit(), SEEK_SET);
else {
seek($fh, $size, SEEK_SET);
sub skip
my $fh = $_[0] ;
my $size = $_[1];
use Fcntl qw(SEEK_CUR);
if (ref $size eq 'U64') {
seek($fh, $size->get64bit(), SEEK_CUR);
else {
seek($fh, $size, SEEK_CUR);
sub myRead
my $got = \$_[0] ;
my $size = $_[1];
my $wantSize = $size;
$$got = '';
if ($size == 0)
return ;
if ($size > 0)
my $buff ;
my $status = $FH->read($buff, $size);
return $status
if $status < 0;
$$got .= $buff ;
my $len = length $$got;
die "Truncated file (got $len, wanted $wantSize): $!\n"
if length $$got != $wantSize;
sub walkExtra
my $XLEN = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $buff ;
my $offset = 0 ;
my $id;
my $subLen;
my $payload ;
my $count = 0 ;
while ($offset < $XLEN) {
++ $count;
# Detect if there is not enough data for an extra ID and length.
# Android zipalign and zipflinger are prime candidates for these
# non-standard extra sub-fields.
my $remaining = $XLEN - $offset;
# There is not enough. Consume whatever is there and return so parsing
# can continue.
myRead($payload, $remaining);
my $data = hexDump($payload);
out $payload, "Malformed Extra Data", $data;
return undef;
my $lookID = unpack "v", $id ;
my ($who, $decoder) = @{ defined $Extras{$lookID} ? $Extras{$lookID} : ['', undef] };
#my ($who, $decoder) = @{ $Extras{unpack "v", $id} || ['', undef] };
$who = "$id: $who"
if $id =~ /\w\w/ ;
$who = "'$who'";
out $id, "Extra ID #" . Value_v($count), unpackValue_v($id) . " $who" ;
$subLen = unpack("v", $buff);
out2 $buff, "Length", Value_v($subLen) ;
return undef
if $offset + $subLen > $XLEN ;
if (! defined $decoder)
if ($subLen)
myRead($payload, $subLen);
my $data = hexDump($payload);
out2 $payload, "Extra Payload", $data;
$decoder->($subLen, $context) ;
$offset += $subLen ;
return undef ;
sub full32
return $_[0] == 0xFFFFFFFF ;
sub decode_Zip64
my $len = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $z64Data = $context->{Zip64};
$ZIP64 = 1;
if (full32 $z64Data->[0] ) {
out_VV " Uncompressed Size";
if (full32 $z64Data->[1] ) {
out_VV " Compressed Size";
if (full32 $z64Data->[2] ) {
out_VV " Offset to Local Dir";
if ($z64Data->[3] == 0xFFFF ) {
out_V " Disk Number";
sub Ntfs2Unix
my $v = shift;
my $u64 = shift;
# NTFS offset is 19DB1DED53E8000
my $hex = Value_U64($u64) ;
my $NTFS_OFFSET = U64->new( 0x19DB1DE, 0xD53E8000 );
my $elapse = $u64->get64bit();
my $ns = ($elapse % 10000000) * 100;
$elapse = int ($elapse/10000000);
return "$hex '" . localtime($elapse) .
" " . sprintf("%0dns'", $ns);
sub decode_NTFS_Filetimes
my $len = shift;
my $context = shift;
out_V " Reserved";
out_v " Tag1";
out_v " Size1" ;
my ($m, $s1) = read_U64;
out $m, " Mtime", Ntfs2Unix($m, $s1);
my ($c, $s2) = read_U64;
out $c, " Ctime", Ntfs2Unix($m, $s2);
my ($a, $s3) = read_U64;
out $m, " Atime", Ntfs2Unix($m, $s3);
sub getTime
my $time = shift ;
return "'" . localtime($time) . "'" ;
sub decode_UT
my $len = shift;
my $context = shift;
my ($data, $flags) = read_C();
my $f = Value_C $flags;
$f .= " mod" if $flags & 1;
$f .= " access" if $flags & 2;
$f .= " change" if $flags & 4;
out $data, " Flags", "'$f'";
-- $len;
if ($flags & 1)
my ($data, $time) = read_V();
out2 $data, "Mod Time", Value_V($time) . " " . getTime($time) ;
$len -= 4 ;
if ($flags & 2 && $len > 0 )
my ($data, $time) = read_V();
out2 $data, "Access Time", Value_V($time) . " " . getTime($time) ;
$len -= 4 ;
if ($flags & 4 && $len > 0)
my ($data, $time) = read_V();
out2 $data, "Change Time", Value_V($time) . " " . getTime($time) ;
sub decode_AES
my $len = shift;
my $context = shift;
return if $len == 0 ;
my %lookup = ( 1 => "AE-1", 2 => "AE-2");
out_v " Vendor Version", sub { $lookup{$_[0]} || "Unknown" } ;
my $id ;
myRead($id, 2);
out $id, " Vendor ID", unpackValue_v($id) . " '$id'";
my %strengths = (1 => "128-bit encryption key",
2 => "192-bit encryption key",
3 => "256-bit encryption key",
my $strength = out_C " Encryption Strength", sub {$strengths{$_[0]} || "Unknown" } ;
my ($bmethod, $method) = read_v();
out $bmethod, " Compression Method", compressionMethod($method) ;
$context->{AesStrength} = $strength ;
sub decode_GrowthHint
my $len = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $inCentralHdr = $context->{InCentralDir} ;
return if $len == 0 ;
out_v " Signature" ;
out_v " Initial Value";
my $padding;
myRead($padding, $len - 4);
my $data = hexDump($padding);
out2 $padding, "Padding", $data;
sub decode_UX
my $len = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $inCentralHdr = $context->{InCentralDir} ;
return if $len == 0 ;
my ($data, $time) = read_V();
out2 $data, "Access Time", Value_V($time) . " " . getTime($time) ;
($data, $time) = read_V();
out2 $data, "Mod Time", Value_V($time) . " " . getTime($time) ;
if (! $inCentralHdr ) {
out_v " UID" ;
out_v " GID";
sub decode_Ux
my $len = shift;
my $context = shift;
return if $len == 0 ;
out_v " UID" ;
out_v " GID";
sub decodeLitteEndian
my $value = shift ;
if (length $value == 4)
return Value_V unpack ("V", $value)
else {
# TODO - fix this
die "unsupported\n";
my $got = 0 ;
my $shift = 0;
#my @a =unpack "C*", $value;
#@a = reverse @a;
for (reverse unpack "C*", $value)
$got = ($got << 8) + $_ ;
return $got ;
sub decode_ux
my $len = shift;
my $context = shift;
return if $len == 0 ;
out_C " Version" ;
my $uidSize = out_C " UID Size";
myRead(my $data, $uidSize);
out2 $data, "UID", decodeLitteEndian($data);
my $gidSize = out_C " GID Size";
myRead($data, $gidSize);
out2 $data, "GID", decodeLitteEndian($data);
sub decode_Java_exe
my $len = shift;
my $context = shift;
sub decode_up
my $len = shift;
my $context = shift;
out_C " Version";
out_V " NameCRC32";
myRead(my $data, $len - 5);
out $data, " UnicodeName", $data;
sub decode_Xceed_unicode
my $len = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $data ;
# guess the fields used for this one
myRead($data, 4);
out $data, " ID", $data;
out_v " Length";
out_v " Null";
myRead($data, $len - 8);
out $data, " UTF16LE Name", decode("UTF16LE", $data);
sub decode_NT_security
my $len = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $inCentralHdr = $context->{InCentralDir} ;
out_V " Uncompressed Size" ;
if (! $inCentralHdr) {
out_C " Version" ;
out_v " Type";
out_V " NameCRC32" ;
my $plen = $len - 4 - 1 - 2 - 4;
myRead(my $payload, $plen);
out $plen, " Extra Payload", hexDump($payload);
sub decodeMVS
my $len = shift;
my $context = shift;
# data in Big-Endian
myRead(my $data, $len);
my $ID = unpack("N", $data);
if ($ID == 0xE9F3F9F0)
out($data, " ID", "'Z390'");
substr($data, 0, 4) = '';
out($data, " Extra Payload", hexDump($data));
sub printAes
my $context = shift ;
my %saltSize = (
1 => 8,
2 => 12,
3 => 16,
myRead(my $salt, $saltSize{$context->{AesStrength} });
out $salt, "AES Salt", hexDump($salt);
myRead(my $pwv, 2);
out $pwv, "AES Pwd Ver", hexDump($pwv);
return $saltSize{$context->{AesStrength}} + 2 + 10;
sub printLzmaProperties
my $len = 0;
my $b1;
my $b2;
my $buffer;
myRead($b1, 2);
my ($verHi, $verLow) = unpack ("CC", $b1);
out $b1, "LZMA Version", sprintf("%02X%02X", $verHi, $verLow) . " '$verHi.$verLow'";
my $LzmaPropertiesSize = out_v "LZMA Properties Size";
$len += 4;
my $LzmaInfo = out_C "LZMA Info", sub { $_[0] == 93 ? "(Default)" : ""};
my $PosStateBits = 0;
my $LiteralPosStateBits = 0;
my $LiteralContextBits = 0;
$PosStateBits = int($LzmaInfo / (9 * 5));
$LzmaInfo -= $PosStateBits * 9 * 5;
$LiteralPosStateBits = int($LzmaInfo / 9);
$LiteralContextBits = $LzmaInfo - $LiteralPosStateBits * 9;
out1 " PosStateBits", $PosStateBits;
out1 " LiteralPosStateBits", $LiteralPosStateBits;
out1 " LiteralContextBits", $LiteralContextBits;
out_V "LZMA Dictionary Size";
# TODO - assumption that this is 5
$len += $LzmaPropertiesSize;
skip($FH, $LzmaPropertiesSize - 5)
if $LzmaPropertiesSize != 5 ;
return $len;
sub scanCentralDirectory
my $fh = shift;
my $here = $fh->tell();
# Use cases
# 1 32-bit CD
# 2 64-bit CD
my @CD = ();
my $offset = findCentralDirectoryOffset($fh);
return ()
if ! defined $offset;
$fh->seek($offset, SEEK_SET) ;
# Now walk the Central Directory Records
my $buffer ;
while ($fh->read($buffer, 46) == 46 &&
unpack("V", $buffer) == ZIP_CENTRAL_HDR_SIG) {
my $compressedLength = unpack("V", substr($buffer, 20, 4));
my $uncompressedLength = unpack("V", substr($buffer, 24, 4));
my $filename_length = unpack("v", substr($buffer, 28, 2));
my $extra_length = unpack("v", substr($buffer, 30, 2));
my $comment_length = unpack("v", substr($buffer, 32, 2));
my $locHeaderOffset = unpack("V", substr($buffer, 42, 4));
skip($fh, $filename_length ) ;
if ($extra_length)
$fh->read(my $extraField, $extra_length) ;
# $self->smartReadExact(\$extraField, $extra_length);
# Check for Zip64
# my $zip64Extended = findID("\x01\x00", $extraField);
my $zip64Extended = findID(0x0001, $extraField);
if ($zip64Extended)
if ($uncompressedLength == 0xFFFFFFFF)
$uncompressedLength = Value_VV64 substr($zip64Extended, 0, 8, "");
# $uncompressedLength = unpack "Q<", substr($zip64Extended, 0, 8, "");
if ($compressedLength == 0xFFFFFFFF)
$compressedLength = Value_VV64 substr($zip64Extended, 0, 8, "");
# $compressedLength = unpack "Q<", substr($zip64Extended, 0, 8, "");
if ($locHeaderOffset == 0xFFFFFFFF)
$locHeaderOffset = Value_VV64 substr($zip64Extended, 0, 8, "");
# $locHeaderOffset = unpack "Q<", substr($zip64Extended, 0, 8, "");
my $got = [$locHeaderOffset, $compressedLength] ;
# my $v64 = U64->new( $compressedLength );
# my $loc64 = U64->new( $locHeaderOffset );
# my $got = [$loc64, $v64] ;
# if (full32 $compressedLength || full32 $locHeaderOffset) {
# $fh->read($buffer, $extra_length) ;
# # TODO - fix this
# die "xxx $offset $comment_length $filename_length $extra_length" . length($buffer)
# if length($buffer) != $extra_length;
# $got = get64Extra($buffer, full32($uncompressedLength),
# $v64,
# $loc64);
# # If not Zip64 extra field, assume size is 0xFFFFFFFF
# #$v64 = $got if defined $got;
# }
# else {
# skip($fh, $extra_length) ;
# }
skip($fh, $comment_length ) ;
push @CD, $got ;
$fh->seek($here, SEEK_SET) ;
# @CD = sort { $a->[0]->cmp($b->[0]) } @CD ;
@CD = sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @CD ;
# Set the first Local File Header offset.
$START = $CD[0]->[0]
if @CD ;
return (1, $offset, @CD);
sub offsetFromZip64
my $fh = shift ;
my $here = shift;
$fh->seek($here - 20, SEEK_SET)
# TODO - fix this
or die "xx $!" ;
my $buffer;
my $got = 0;
($got = $fh->read($buffer, 20)) == 20
# TODO - fix this
or die "xxx
$here $got $!" ;
if ( unpack("V", $buffer) == ZIP64_END_CENTRAL_LOC_HDR_SIG ) {
my $cd64 = Value_VV64 substr($buffer, 8, 8);
$fh->seek($cd64, SEEK_SET) ;
$fh->read($buffer, 4) == 4
# TODO - fix this
or die "xxx" ;
if ( unpack("V", $buffer) == ZIP64_END_CENTRAL_REC_HDR_SIG ) {
$fh->read($buffer, 8) == 8
# TODO - fix this
or die "xxx" ;
my $size = Value_VV64($buffer);
$fh->read($buffer, $size) == $size
# TODO - fix this
or die "xxx" ;
my $cd64 = Value_VV64 substr($buffer, 36, 8);
return $cd64 ;
die "Cannot find 'Zip64 end of central directory record': 0x06054b50\nTry running with --scan option.\n" ;
die "Cannot find signature for 'Zip64 end of central directory locator': 0x07064b50 \nTry running with --scan option.\n" ;
use constant Pack_ZIP_END_CENTRAL_HDR_SIG => pack("V", ZIP_END_CENTRAL_HDR_SIG);
sub findCentralDirectoryOffset
my $fh = shift ;
# Most common use-case is where there is no comment, so
# know exactly where the end of central directory record
# should be.
$fh->seek(-22, SEEK_END) ;
my $here = $fh->tell();
my $is64bit = $here > 0xFFFFFFFF;
my $over64bit = $here & (~ 0xFFFFFFFF);
my $buffer;
$fh->read($buffer, 22) == 22
# TODO - fix this
or die "xxx" ;
my $zip64 = 0;
my $centralDirOffset ;
if ( unpack("V", $buffer) == ZIP_END_CENTRAL_HDR_SIG ) {
$centralDirOffset = unpack("V", substr($buffer, 16, 4));
else {
$fh->seek(0, SEEK_END) ;
my $fileLen = $fh->tell();
my $want = 0 ;
while(1) {
$want += 1024 * 32;
my $seekTo = $fileLen - $want;
if ($seekTo < 0 ) {
$seekTo = 0;
$want = $fileLen ;
$fh->seek( $seekTo, SEEK_SET)
# TODO - fix this
or die "xxx $!" ;
my $got;
($got = $fh->read($buffer, $want)) == $want
# TODO - fix this
or die "xxx $got $!" ;
my $pos = rindex( $buffer, Pack_ZIP_END_CENTRAL_HDR_SIG);
if ($pos >= 0 && $want - $pos > 22) {
$here = $seekTo + $pos ;
$centralDirOffset = unpack("V", substr($buffer, $pos + 16, 4));
my $commentLength = unpack("V", substr($buffer, $pos + 20, 2));
$commentLength = 0 if ! defined $commentLength ;
my $expectedEof = $fileLen - $want + $pos + 22 + $commentLength ;
# check for trailing data after end of zip
if ($expectedEof < $fileLen ) {
$TRAILING = $expectedEof ;
last ;
return undef
if $want == $fileLen;
if (full32 $centralDirOffset)
$centralDirOffset = offsetFromZip64($fh, $here)
elsif ($is64bit)
# use-case is where a 64-bit zip file doesn't use the 64-bit
# extensions.
print "EOCD not 64-bit $centralDirOffset ($here)\n" ;
push @Messages,
sprintf "Zip file > 4Gig. Expected 'Offset to Central Dir' to be 0xFFFFFFFF, got 0x%X\n", $centralDirOffset;
$centralDirOffset += $over64bit;
$is64In32 = 1;
return $centralDirOffset ;
sub findID
my $id_want = shift ;
my $data = shift;
my $XLEN = length $data ;
my $offset = 0 ;
while ($offset < $XLEN) {
return undef
my $id = substr($data, $offset, ZIP_EXTRA_SUBFIELD_ID_SIZE);
$id = unpack("v", $id);
my $subLen = unpack("v", substr($data, $offset,
return undef
if $offset + $subLen > $XLEN ;
return substr($data, $offset, $subLen)
if $id eq $id_want ;
$offset += $subLen ;
return undef ;
sub _dosToUnixTime
my $dt = shift;
my $year = ( ( $dt >> 25 ) & 0x7f ) + 80;
my $mon = ( ( $dt >> 21 ) & 0x0f ) - 1;
my $mday = ( ( $dt >> 16 ) & 0x1f );
my $hour = ( ( $dt >> 11 ) & 0x1f );
my $min = ( ( $dt >> 5 ) & 0x3f );
my $sec = ( ( $dt << 1 ) & 0x3e );
use POSIX 'mktime';
my $time_t = mktime( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, 0, 0, -1 );
return 0 if ! defined $time_t;
return $time_t;
package U64;
use constant MAX32 => 0xFFFFFFFF ;
use constant HI_1 => MAX32 + 1 ;
use constant LOW => 0 ;
use constant HIGH => 1;
sub new
my $class = shift ;
my $high = 0 ;
my $low = 0 ;
if (@_ == 2) {
$high = shift ;
$low = shift ;
elsif (@_ == 1) {
my $value = shift ;
if ($value > MAX32)
$high = $value >> 32 ;
$low = $value & MAX32;
$low = $value ;
bless [$low, $high], $class;
sub newUnpack_V64
my $string = shift;
my ($low, $hi) = unpack "V V", $string ;
bless [ $low, $hi ], "U64";
sub newUnpack_V32
my $string = shift;
my $low = unpack "V", $string ;
bless [ $low, 0 ], "U64";
sub reset
my $self = shift;
$self->[HIGH] = $self->[LOW] = 0;
sub clone
my $self = shift;
bless [ @$self ], ref $self ;
sub mkU64
my $value = shift;
return $value
if ref $value eq 'U64';
bless [ $value, 0 ], "U64" ;
sub getHigh
my $self = shift;
return $self->[HIGH];
sub getLow
my $self = shift;
return $self->[LOW];
sub get32bit
my $self = shift;
return $self->[LOW];
sub get64bit
my $self = shift;
# Not using << here because the result will still be
# a 32-bit value on systems where int size is 32-bits
return $self->[HIGH] * HI_1 + $self->[LOW];
sub add
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
if (ref $value eq 'U64') {
$self->[HIGH] += $value->[HIGH] ;
$value = $value->[LOW];
my $available = MAX32 - $self->[LOW] ;
if ($value > $available) {
++ $self->[HIGH] ;
$self->[LOW] = $value - $available - 1;
else {
$self->[LOW] += $value ;
sub subtract
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
if (ref $value eq 'U64') {
if ($value->[HIGH]) {
die "unsupport subtract option"
if $self->[HIGH] == 0 ||
$value->[HIGH] > $self->[HIGH] ;
$self->[HIGH] -= $value->[HIGH] ;
$value = $value->[LOW] ;
if ($value > $self->[LOW]) {
-- $self->[HIGH] ;
$self->[LOW] = MAX32 - $value + $self->[LOW] + 1;
else {
$self->[LOW] -= $value;
sub rshift
my $self = shift;
my $count = shift;
for (1 .. $count)
$self->[LOW] >>= 1;
$self->[LOW] |= 0x80000000
if $self->[HIGH] & 1 ;
$self->[HIGH] >>= 1;
sub is64bit
my $self = shift;
return $self->[HIGH] > 0 ;
sub getPacked_V64
my $self = shift;
return pack "V V", @$self ;
sub getPacked_V32
my $self = shift;
return pack "V", $self->[LOW] ;
sub pack_V64
my $low = shift;
return pack "V V", $low, 0;
sub max32
my $self = shift;
return $self->[HIGH] == 0 && $self->[LOW] == MAX32;
sub stringify
my $self = shift;
return "High [$self->[HIGH]], Low [$self->[LOW]]";
sub equal
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
return $self->[LOW] == $other->[LOW] &&
$self->[HIGH] == $other->[HIGH] ;
sub gt
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
return $self->cmp($other) > 0 ;
sub cmp
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift ;
if ($self->[LOW] == $other->[LOW]) {
return $self->[HIGH] - $other->[HIGH] ;
else {
return $self->[LOW] - $other->[LOW] ;
sub nibbles
my @nibbles = (
[ 16 => HI_1 * 0x10000000 ],
[ 15 => HI_1 * 0x1000000 ],
[ 14 => HI_1 * 0x100000 ],
[ 13 => HI_1 * 0x10000 ],
[ 12 => HI_1 * 0x1000 ],
[ 11 => HI_1 * 0x100 ],
[ 10 => HI_1 * 0x10 ],
[ 9 => HI_1 * 0x1 ],
[ 8 => 0x10000000 ],
[ 7 => 0x1000000 ],
[ 6 => 0x100000 ],
[ 5 => 0x10000 ],
[ 4 => 0x1000 ],
[ 3 => 0x100 ],
[ 2 => 0x10 ],
[ 1 => 0x1 ],
my $value = shift ;
for my $pair (@nibbles)
my ($count, $limit) = @{ $pair };
return $count
if $value >= $limit ;
package Seen;
sub new
my $class = shift ;
my %object = ( overlaps => [],
detail => [],
) ;
bless \%object, $class;
sub save
my $self = shift ;
my $hdrId = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $from_offset = shift;
my $to_offset = shift ;
for my $entry ( @{ $self->{detail} } )
if ( $from_offset == $entry->{from} && $to_offset == $entry->{to} )
warn "$hdrId: '$name' matches with $entry->{str}\n"
elsif ( ($from_offset >= $entry->{from} && $from_offset <= $entry->{to} ) ||
($to_offset >= $entry->{from} && $to_offset <= $entry->{to} )
# die "overlap!"
# push @{ $self->{overlap} },
die "$hdrId: '$name' overlaps with $entry->{str}\n"
warn "ADD $from_offset $to_offset $hdrId: $name\n";
push @{ $self->{detail} },
from => $from_offset,
to => $to_offset,
id => $hdrId,
name => $name,
str => "$hdrId: '$name'",
} ;
sub summary
my $self = shift ;
for my $outer ( sort { $a->{from} <=> $b->{from} } @{ $self->{detail} } )
my $from_offset = $outer->{from};
my $to_offset = $outer->{to};
my $hdrId = $outer->{id};
my $name = $outer->{name};
for my $entry ( sort { $a->{from} <=> $b->{from} } @{ $self->{detail} } )
# next if
if ( ($from_offset >= $entry->{from} && $from_offset <= $entry->{to} ) ||
($to_offset >= $entry->{from} && $to_offset <= $entry->{to} )
# die "overlap!"
die $entry->{str} . " overlaps with $hdrId: '$name'\n"
sub Usage
if (@_)
warn "$_\n"
for @_ ;
warn "\n";
die <<EOM;
zipdetails [OPTIONS] file
Display details about the internal structure of a Zip file.
This is zipdetails version $VERSION
-h display help
--scan enable scannng mode.
Blindly scan the file looking for zip headers
Expect false-positives.
-v Verbose - output more stuff
--version Print version number
Copyright (c) 2011-2021 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 NAME
zipdetails - display the internal structure of zip files
zipdetails [-v][--scan] zipfile.zip
zipdetails -h
zipdetails --version
Zipdetails displays information about the internal record structure of zip
files. It is not concerned with displaying any details of the compressed
data stored in the zip file.
The program assumes prior understanding of the internal structure of a Zip
file. You should have a copy of the Zip APPNOTE file at hand to help
understand the output from this program (L<SEE ALSO> for details).
=head2 Default Behaviour
By default the program expects to be given a well-formed zip file. It will
navigate the Zip file by first parsing the zip central directory at the end
of the file. If that is found, it will then walk through the zip records
starting at the beginning of the file. Any badly formed zip data structures
encountered are likely to terminate the program.
If the program finds any structural problems with the zip file it will
print a summary at the end of the output report. The set of error cases
reported is very much a work in progress, so don't rely on this feature to
find all the possible errors in a zip file. If you have suggestions for
use-cases where this could be enhanced please consider creating an
enhancement request (see L<"SUPPORT">).
=head2 Scan-Mode
If you do have a potentially corrupt zip file, particulatly where the
central directory at the end of the file is absent/incomplete, you can try
usng the C<--scan> option to search for zip records that are still present.
When Scan-mode is enabled, the program will walk the zip file from the
start blindly looking for the 4-byte signatures that preceed each of the
zip data structures. If it finds any of the recognised signatures it will
attempt to dump the associated zip record. For very large zip files, this
operation can take a long time to run.
Note that the 4-byte signatures used in zip files can sometimes match with
random data stored in the zip file, so care is needed interpreting the
=head2 OPTIONS
=over 5
=item -h
Display help
=item --scan
Walk the zip file loking for possible zip records. Can be error-prone.
See L<"Scan-Mode">
=item -v
Enable Verbose mode. See L<"Verbose Output">.
=item --version
Display version number of the program and exit.
=head2 Default Output
By default zipdetails will output the details of the zip file in three
=over 5
=item Column 1
This contains the offset from the start of the file in hex.
=item Column 2
This contains a textual description of the field.
=item Column 3
If the field contains a numeric value it will be displayed in hex. Zip
stores most numbers in little-endian format - the value displayed will have
the little-endian encoding removed.
Next, is an optional description of what the value means.
=head2 Verbose Output
If the C<-v> option is present, column 1 is expanded to include
=over 5
=item *
The offset from the start of the file in hex.
=item *
The length of the field in hex.
=item *
A hex dump of the bytes in field in the order they are stored in the zip
The following zip file features are not supported by this program:
=over 5
=item *
Multi-part archives.
=item *
The strong encryption features defined in the "APPNOTE" document.
=head1 TODO
Error handling is a work in progress. If the program encounters a problem
reading a zip file it is likely to terminate with an unhelpful error
=head1 SUPPORT
General feedback/questions/bug reports should be sent to
L<https://github.com/pmqs/IO-Compress/issues> (preferred) or
=head1 SEE ALSO
The primary reference for Zip files is the "APPNOTE" document available at
An alternative reference is the Info-Zip appnote. This is available from
The C<zipinfo> program that comes with the info-zip distribution
(L<http://www.info-zip.org/>) can also display details of the structure of
a zip file.
See also L<Archive::Zip::SimpleZip>, L<IO::Compress::Zip>,
=head1 AUTHOR
Paul Marquess F<pmqs@cpan.org>.
Copyright (c) 2011-2021 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
Mr. DellatioNx196 GaLers xh3LL Backd00r 1.0, Coded By Mr. DellatioNx196 - Bogor BlackHat